Friday, July 21, 2017

The Swooning Mind.

     Some things are so terrible... it gets my mind all swimming. I sometimes wonder about how the like attracts the like when I turn to alcohol to perform an operation called homeopathy. The only problem with that, is it leaves headaches behind, and I already have enough of those, so... what to do?
Strengthen the resolve to be firm whenever the flood hits the mind so that I can't even focus! oh my! very clearly on anything. There's a whole different world when that happens. You revert to the heart and strengthen that relationship. 'Heart, help me, where are you? I need to hide for a while.' You become closer to the whole Being within you. But it still hasn't helped in the matter of a floating swooning mind. Oh how to deal with that next? Where to delve and find a solution!? So that I may advance.

The chord connections! Ah! Maybe if you unplug this, and plug it into there... what an experiment. Hopefully I'm on the right track. Must be careful. Looking for a solution, not a breakdown.

That's right. Life here brings its puzzles and uncertainties, but we'll get through by being certain of whatever step we take is directed by the heart, that her footprints are what we are looking at when we look down in the sand before us, or up in the sweltering rays of the sun above, leading us on to wherever we are suppose to be and for whatever purpose. In the meantime, ohmygoodness, hide.

Here! A poem. To mess up the mind, to unravel then straighten it out again.

By Theodore Tilton

ONCE in Persia reigned a King,
Who upon his signet ring
Graved a maxim true and wise,
Which, if held before his eyes,
Gave him counsel, at a glance,
Fit for every change or chance:
Solemn words, and these are they:
"Even this shall pass away!"

Trains of camels through the sand 
Brought him gems from Samarcand;
Fleets of galleys through the seas
Brought him pearls to rival these.
But he counted little gain
Treasures of the mine or main.
"What is wealth?" the King would say;
"'Even this shall pass away.'"

In the revels of his court,
At the zenith of the sport,
When the palms of all his guests
Burned with clapping at his jests,
He, amid his figs and wine,
Cried, "O loving friends of mine!
Pleasure comes, but not to stay:
'Even this shall pass away.'"

Lady fairest ever seen
Was the bride he crowned his queen.
Pillowed on the marriage-bed,
Whispering to his soul, he said,
"Though a bridegroom never pressed
Dearer bosom to his breast,
Mortal flesh must come to clay:
'Even this shall pass away.'"

Fighting on a furious field,
Once a javelin pierced his shield.
Soldiers with a loud lament
Bore him bleeding to his tent.
Groaning from his tortured side,
"Pain is hard to bear," he cried,
"But with patience day by day,
'Even this shall pass away.'" 

Towering in the public square
Twenty cubits in the air,
Rose his statue carved in stone.
Then the King, disguised, unknown,
Gazing at his sculptured name,
Asked himself, "And what is fame?
Fame is but a slow decay:
'Even this shall pass away.'"

Struck with palsy, sere and old,
Waiting at the Gates of Gold,
Spake he with his dying breath,
"Life is done, but what is Death?"
Then, in answer to the King,
Fell a sunbeam on his ring,
Showing by a heavenly ray--
"Even this shall pass away."

by Theodore Tilton

Many shades of grey matter.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Death or Ascension.

From :  "Ramtha; The White Book"

     Chapter Seven; Death or Ascension.

   "Death is not a necessary rule in this kingdom. It is far easier to take the body with you. Then you never have to be born again through the birth canal and come into a consciousness which, regretfully, does not accept your memory."

So this body is a 'vehicle of expression' as Ramtha calls it. Page 103: "He comes here because he wants to live here and to be enterprising in emotional learning on this level, to obtain emotional understandings that he wants to fulfill within his being. That is the true treasure of your life experiences, whether here or on other planes or dimensions, for that is the only thing that remains with you throughout eternity."

Pg 104:
   Student: Do we always have to be born through the birth canal in order to come back here?
Ramtha: To answer your question, master, first I wish you to understand that this is the plane of three-dimensional perception. It is the plane where thought is visible in the three-dimensional form called matter. This plane is the density of matter because thought has been expanded into a vibratory frequency called light, which then has been slowed in its vibratory frequency to become electrum, and from electrum to become gross matter, and from gross matter to become the solidity of this plane. The matter of this plane is thus light that has been slowed in its vibratory frequency and taken to its densest form.
   In order for everything here to have the same density, everything has to vibrate at the same frequency. Thus your body is vibrating at the same frequency as the chair in which you are seated. This level exists to you because the senses of your embodiment have been designed to perceive the slowest frequencies of light called matter.
   Because you are in your essence a light energy that is of a greater vibratory frequency than the density of matter, if you did not possess an embodiment of matter you would pass through the matter of this plane. Thus the body is what allows you, through its density and sense organs, to perceive and experience and interact with the matter of this plane.
   So if you wish to be a part of this frequency, you must inhabit and be a part of a manifested body. One way to have an embodiment is to be born through the birth canal. The only other way to have a body in order to experience this plane is to be born through the birth canal, wholly maintain the integrity of self, and activate the entirety of the organ called the brain. Once you have opened your brain capacity to full use, you can at will command the body to raise its vibratory frequency to the point where it goes out of the frequency level of matter and into the vibratory frequency of light. That is called ascension.
   Ascension is simply the means of taking the entirety of your being into another dimension of your accepted consciousness. Death is certainly one way to get there, but that means allowing the structure of the embodiment to fall into age and decay and to be no longer. Then you are without the embodiment. Ascension is taking your embodiment with you.
   Those who have ascended this plane have mastered the ultimate, which is death. They have learned how to raise, through the power of their thought, the vibratory frequency of the body's molecular structures to the point where the body is taken with them into a light existence, thus forever bypassing death.
   When you take your body with you, the body can be raised and lowered upon any frequency level you choose. So if you choose to come back into this frequency, you never have to look for another body with another ego in order to exist in another life, with another family, in another country. You no longer have to be born again into this plane of limited thinking only to undergo the programming of social consciousness and have to fight for the expression of self in order to regain your knowingness. You do not have to learn all over again that the body can be restored to the purest light-form from which it came. You do not have to learn again that this is just an illusion and a game.
   Once you master ascension, you maintain your body forever and can come and go at will with your own embodiment. Then any moment you wish to be a part of this plane again, all you have to do is lower the bodily vibrations to where it vibrates at the same frequency as this plane, and here you are.
   All here are capable of ascending, for that which lurks behind the illusion of flesh is the creator of all universes. And at your own choosing, through UNLIMITED THINKING, can make this manifestation occur. When you learn to master judgment against your thoughts and allow yourself to RECEIVE ALL THOUGHT, you have the power and the ability to become any ideal that you envision. (hence the saying, be as children, since children entertain all thought). Then you can do or become anything through thought. You can take your thought, concentrate it on the body, and command the body to vibrate faster. The body will then elevate toward the ideal that the thought holds steadfast for it. The whole of the body will begin to vibrate at a greater rate of speed. As it does so, the temperature of the body will rise and the body will begin to take on a glow. As it continues to vibrate faster, the matter of the body will go into pure light and then into pure thought. Then that which was seen is seen no longer.

   Student: It would seem that ascension is a difficult thing to achieve because you don't hear much about people ascending.
   Ramtha: On the contrary, master, ascension is very easy to achieve. In truth, it is simpler than dying. What is difficult to achieve is mastering judgment against your thoughts. What is indeed difficult to achieve is mastering the illusion of time in order to allot yourself the patience to do it. But once you do, ascension is simply a thought away. Then you have retained your body for all times and can thus be a traveler upon any plane at any moment you choose.
   Student: And you never experience death?
   Ramtha: Never. How can you when you are beyond it? You know, death is a great illusion. Death is an accepted reality on this plane, which all think must be; thus it has become a reality. Entity, the only reality is life; everything else is an illusion. Illusions are thoughts, that are games, that become realities.
   Death is not a necessary rule in this kingdom. It is far easier to take the body with you. Then you never have to be born again through the birth canal and come into a consciousness which regretfully does not accept your memory.
   No one has to die. You will die only if you believe you will. But the body need not ever die. The Gods who designed it did not design it to last for only a fleeting moment in time. They designed the body to live off its glands, not its organs. And through a flow of hormones from the glands, the body was designed to live hundreds of thousands of years and never grow old. That was how it was programmed in its cellular structures. Only a short time ago in your history, entities lived to be thousands of years old.
   Death is only the ending of the body, not of the personality self. But it is through the attitudes of the personality self that the life force of the body is degraded and the body is evoked into what is termed death. Your body responds only to waht it is told to do. Your soul, which sits beside your heart, governs the entire body through its emotional structure. The soul is what causes hormones to be dispensed throughout the body in order to maintain life in the embodiment. The soul does not do this on its own but rather under the direction of your attitudes and thought processes. Because of your attitudes here, the hormones cease to be created in the body after puberty. When they are no longer created, a death hormone is activated in the body and the whole body begins to break down, to grow old, and to die. The death hormone is activated in the body because you live in guilt and self-judgment and the fear of death. And to you, beauty is based wholly on the appearance of youth, not on the character of one's being. You anticipate death by purchasing insurance to bury yourself. You purchase insurance to protect your treasury if you become ill or diseased. You are doing everything possible to hasten the aging and death of your embodiment because you wholly expect it.
   The body is only a servant, an instrument of collective thought. It is a magnificent creation, the most refined instrument there is. But it was not created to have a mind of its own. It was created specifically to be a servant, and it will live only as long as you allow it to live. If you accept thoughts of old age --expecting the body to wither away and die-- or deny yourself love and happiness and joy, your body will gradually descend itself into the corruption of death.
   You know, master, in this very moment you can cease time completely and live in the foreverness of this Now, if you so choose, for is time not an illusion? Who has seen it? A great hypocrisy exists here because you refuse to believe in the unseen, yet you wholly worship and are enslaved to time.
   You have the power right within you, right where you are, to reverse the age of your embodiment back into youth and to live on and on and on. How? Simply through your attitude. If you do not want the body to age and die, change your attitude. Let your attitude say that the body will live forever, and so it will. Remove all things from your life that acknowledge the ending of it, and it will never end. Never have the word "old" in your vocabulary understanding. Have "forever" in your understanding. Cease the celebration of your birthdays, for that only gives credence to the aging process. If it pleases you to acknowledge your birth, do so, but reverse the count of your years and become younger. When you do not expect your death, you will never know it.
   Always live in the present. Never acknowledge any future other than this Now. Your Now will be eternity if you permit it to be so. Never contemplate how long you are going to live, for you will always live. Contemplate the foreverness of your body, and so it will become. That is simply how it is.
   Love yourself, master. Bless your body. Speak to your soul, which is the lord of your being, and command it to bring forth the enzymes of youth, and it will. Know that the body can live forever. And how does it live forever? By telling it to.
   Immortality is achieved only when one does away with the understanding of mortality. This travesty called death could be eliminated by the whole of humanity if they lived not in the future or the past but in the ongoingness of this Now, and if the attitude of living was greater than the prospects of dying. This shall be eliminated here in the years to come, for time will be no longer and these understandings will have become a living reality in everyone upon your plane. Then death will have become a senseless no-thing.

   Student: Is ascension what Jesus did when he resurrected his body and then reappeared?
   Ramtha: That is indeed how Yeshua ben Joseph did it. That is what I did. That is what Buddha did. That is what Osiris, Om Akad, Yukad, and Rackabia did. And there have been thousands more that you are not even aware of.

   Student: Is ascension something you forsee many of us accomplishing in this lifetime?
   Ramtha: Very few will ascend in this life, for few will truly realize and appreciate what is being taught here. Most will die because they acknowledge age and deterioration, and they care for the splendid machine that carries them only to the extent that it looks good. Thus they will age and the body will fall into corruption, and it will die. Then the Spirit and soul shall be freed of their union with the body. However, in order to come back to this plane of density in matter, they will need a vehicle through which to express; thus is the rebirthing of masters.
    Most here will die. But that does not mean that that is all for them. It simply means that the mask of the embodiment is removed and they will have to take up another. But if they do choose to return here, they will be returning to a consciousness that will facilitate ascension, for soon it will be an understood and accepted reality."

Refer to:  Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, for inspiration. PDF Holographic Universe

Sunday, July 9, 2017

It's All In Your Mind.

 It's all inn yore Head.

Hey Rob!

Insane in the rememberain

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Mental Health Through Will-Training, by Abraham A. Low

Now this man knows his stuff. He says in the "Preface": "More recently, the psychoanalytic doctrine has taken the lead and all but crowded out its erstwhile rivals. It established its hegemony in universities and philanthropic foundations and gained unquestioned prominence (right there, not good) in the province of psychotherapy. The doctrine appears to be in firm control (by the illuminati? no kidding) in the official psychiatric organizations, in the mental hygiene activities of the national government (obviously), in the veterans administration, presumably also in the hospitals of the armed forces. Official psychotherapy, in the United States today, is essentially psychoanalysis.
     The author rejects the psychoanalytic doctrine both as philosophy and therapeutic technique. In point of philosophy, he cannot share the view that human conduct is the result of unconscious drives, sexual or otherwise. To his way of thinking, adult life is not driven by instincts but guided by Will."

In other words, you don't let your false personality take over and drive you around. You, the master, takes over and guides the entire structure that you are responsible for, by Will. By thoughtful Will. It takes thought. One must look at something, and then find the best solution for that aspect, and then gently guide the structure into where it is best benefitted, all the while observing carefully the process, making changes along the way while guiding. Like Tsarion says, it's a curvy path.

So anyway. The point here is, there is a need for awareness, consciousness. One can't be asleep on the job, such as this man from "Ramtha, The White Book." Ramtha starts by saying, "To experience those planes, they have to see God in all things and be as God is," which means take up your cross, you've been given an inheritance, take your responsibility and start doing what is required of you to earn your inheritance. Otherwise, you'll just pilfer it away. And that isn't character building. So, the illuminati are willfully pilfering their inheritance away. But you don't have to follow in their footsteps. You can firm up your chin and face the day the way you were meant to. With eyes open, ears open, and a ready gait.

But this guy that Ramtha tells us about in this specific story, is asleep, so that you could say his conduct is the result of unconscious drives...he wants to see God, but he has a false view of God, so he fears God, so he wants to shut out the terror which it causes in him to have, but all because of a false view which is utterly useless. Would he to remove that one view, it would no longer be an obstacle to him, and then he could see clearly that God is in him and all he has to do is allow himself to breath, to be, and he would be able to begin putting that whole persepective of himself to good use, and everything would make sense to him...but in this way that he is behaving... Look at it yourself:

   "To experience those planes, they have to see God in all things and be as God is. Though they have humbly expressed love, they have yet to understand their oneness with God and all life.
   After a short time upon the plane of paradise, this master began to ponder whether there was something more, and he called for help. And there is always help. Behold, there appeared before him a most wondrous entity, silken in light and arrayed in garments that are brilliant to the eye. And he said to the entity, "O master, I am troubled. In this paradise I have everything, I have the fishes from the sea that I always dreamed about catching and never did. I have the home I always dreamed about having and never did. And I have flowers that do not even need a gardener. A most wondrous place. And look at my garments. I never had clothes like this before, but I have them now. Yet I am still troubled. Though I have many friends here, the woman I love is not with me. And that is not all that troubles me. Where is God? I see all these wondrous things. I have all these wondrous things. But where is God?"
   The wise entity says unto him, "Blessed be you who have reveled in all things that are and yet question whether there is perhaps something more, who questions where the Father is who has adorned you so well."
   "Well, that is what I am mostly troubled about. I would like to thank God for giving me all of these wonderful things. Although I've always been a little afraid of God, I would like to pay homage to him, if that's acceptable."
   The entity says, "Master, come with me. There is a place I wish to take you to."
   In but a blink of the eye, they are at a pond, yet they have traveled nowhere. The wise entity says, "Master, do sit yourself beside me and look into the water."
   The man looks into the water, and what does he see? He sees before him his last expression upon this plane: from the time he was a babe suckling upon his mother's breast, to the changing of his sweet bottom, to youth and skinned knees and lost marbles, to young manhood and seducing some unwilling participant, to manhood, marriage, and love forever, to children and opportunities, labors and friends and finances.
   He is amazed, for he is seeing himself as he has never seen himself before. He had been a good man in that life, who believed that God existed. He had been a powerful man, and yet he never enslaved anyone with his power. And he had loved his wife and children earnestly and didn't mind telling a few about that either. So he had made himself known in that life by teaching and mastering and loving and becoming humble and pure in Spirit.
   As his life is revealed in the pond and he contemplates what he sees, the man looks at the entity and he says, "I have done well."
   The entity says, "You have done well. You have done very well indeed, save for this: You never sought to know who your Father is, and you always separated him from yourself and all life.
   "Your wife, let us look at her. The greatest part of your love for your wife was giving her the things that she adored so much. And in that regard you have done quite well, save for this: You never loved yourself enough to allow her to love you in spite of all the things you gave her. You never really appreciated how grand you truly are, the giver of all those things.
   "So to ease your troubles, let me suggest this to you: Go back. It is there that you have expressed, and it is there that you have gained. And this time, you will have for yourself the mastery of loving yourself, expressing the love within your being, and seeing God in the beauty of all things.
   "If you decide to return, let me suggest that you choose carefully who you shall be, so the role that is laid out before you will give you the opportunity to become who you are and to understand what you have yet to understand.
   "I will leave you alone for a while. Ponder these things. You may take all the time you need. And if you decide to return, let me know and I will show you how best to proceed."
   The man is sitting there, a little weary, and he ponders. He has everything that he never had before; if he goes back, he loses it. Yet he is troubled, for he is desirous to find this God who has blessed him with paradise. So he calls for the entity and says unto him, "Entity, I am desirous to see God. But I'm not sure how I am supposed to do this."
   The entity says, "All you need do, master, is decide when you would like to present yourself known. Any time period, any place would be appropriate, because what you are going to set into motion by your desires will provide the experiences you are needing, regardless of when or where you choose. But if you have a particular desire to be a part of your family again, I would suggest to you -- and it is only a suggestion -- that you stay with them, for with them you have accomplished the most learning to this point."
   The man ponders this for a moment and then he says, "O entity, I have one further question to ask you: How will I know this God when I see him?" The entity replies to him, "When you know yourself, you will know him."
   This lightens the man's heart greatly. For the first time in his existence he can relate to a God that is perhaps the same as he. So he says to the entity, "I am desirous to go back and to see God. And I wish to be part of my family again."
   The entity says to him, "Look into the pool. What do you see?" The man looks into the pool and, behold, the young son that he left is now a young man who has escorted and wooed some lovely enchantress. They have become enamored with one another, and the copulation processes have already begun.
   The entity says, "There is a good chance, master, that there is a way provided for you to return through the offspring of your son."
   "Through my son? I am going to be my son's son? I, the father, am going to be my son's son and he my father?"
   "Of course. When you lived once before, he was your father and you were his son. So, you see, we are only repeating this once again."

So you see, it will be repeated over and over until they clean up their thinking and get that feeling of who they really are, and get on with the show.

   The man ponders this and he looks at this entity and says, "But I love my wife. How am I going to be my wife's grandson?"
   "From the time you are a small boy, you will adore your grandmother. By the time you are a man, she will have passed from the plane. Thus what has helped you to speak the love that is in your heart will have done its bidding; then it will be time to bring in new issues of seeing God in its beauty."
   The man ponders this and he says, "Entity, who has helped me so much, when all has been made ready, I wish to become the child of my son."
   The entity says to him, "The seed comes soon. When you see it, make yourself a part of your son's light."
   "How do I do this?" And he looks around and, behold, to his amazement, the entity is gone. Instead he is looking at his son, for he has become a part of his son's light. Though his son knows not that he is there, feelings of his father have come more to mind recently. "If only my father could see me now," thinks his son. But of course his father does.
   There comes a point when the child is within the womb. The man is going to be a part of the designing of this child through his thoughts and according to what he wishes his life to be. He may choose to take possession of the body upon conception or he may wait even till a year after birth to become the child.
   The man is most anxious, for he is finding things most familiar to him. So he chooses quickly to become the child. Thus he thrusts forth himself and, in the twinkling of an eye, he has forgotten who he is. And the first thing he knows is the coughing in his throat and someone wiping his eyes and wrapping him in things that are ever so small."

Alright then.

"Adult life is not driven by instincts but guided by Will. In emphasizing the priority of Will over Drives he is merely echoing the principles and teachings of the late Professor Emil Kraepelin, founder of modern psychiatry, and those of the late Professor Wilhelm Wundt, father of modern psychology. Quite proudly he (the author) claims also to echo the voice of common experience and common sense. (Hahahaha. For sure.) Whatever may be meant by drives, be they instinctual cravings -the favorite psychoanalytic term- or emotional trends, desires, wishes, yearnings and leaning, they all eventuate in impulses, acting or ready for action." (And that my dear, is in the Will to decision, as to where it will be guided).

And exercising the whole rest of the planes, to action!

This man here, is an example of someone expressing their God self. They aren't afraid to show what's deep inside, outside. They finetuned to within,    and the beauty just keeps shining out. It's not about judgement. It's about finding yourself.

I wouldn't say this is for everyone. It's just an example of cutting loose from everyone, getting away from the blob, the collective, and concentrating on your individuality, in all the right places, and in all the right ways. You know! When everything just clicks.

Some nice dance music to get you in the zone...

Do You Like Drugs?

Ido too. U

The fuckin speed in me. I could be a plant. I could be a singular animal just waltzing around. I could be you....I could be me. I could be anything OU U waNt me,  to be. vut, I cannot be it for long. For, I have duties and responsibilites. But, I do appreciate the time away, whith you, when I get it. When you 'get it', let me know. Becaaaaaause, I am lifting the lever, higher. Narnia.

And for hire, as well.




Hahahahaa, after it~!

Monty Python, step aside. What we do in the shadows, is our business.

If you fed off human blood, and you couldn't take it forcefully, then you'd do like the vampires do in their transactions. Get them to agree. But you can't do that by wearing jeans and a t-shirt. You have to distract their attention from the cold skin of your body and the smell of rotting blood from your belly, wafting around you... so you dress in pretty white linen, cotton or silk shirts with frills that excite the imagination, and put a nice lace tablecloth on your kitchen table to entice and seduce them to stick around and fill themselves up with the ambiance and beauty that you offer. They usually do. Stick around, hahaha. Forever!

And far higher...