Monday, June 25, 2018

Alien & Extraterrestrial Hatred of Mankind.

They are here, they've been here a long time. Now it's time to free yourself from the grip of their hatred of you. They have an alien/animal way of thinking, so you have to become aware of certain things in order to stay sovereign and keep your freedom (or get your freedom back, because ignorance, which they force upon you through their cunning methods, may have allowed you to slip).

As you already know, they use human disguise in order to fool you into thinking they are your kind and therefore the tool they use, such as television, to control your mind through, will make you to relax and trust it. At the same time, by not being aware that they are not your friend, who are using these subtle weapons against you, may cause you to fall for the trap and into their grip, forgetting that you need to gain knowledge of your Spiritual Origins and develop that part of yourself instead of allowing the animal aspects to sink you lower and lower into their hands. Get Knowledge!

Today I got a message from the Ancient Origins site, and I decided to check it out. I saw a picture in it that reminded me of the picture of the alien spaceship in the artists rendition of it in the post below this one. [from: Candles in the Dark and Spice from the Orient: Mystery Cults, by Miranda Aldhous.]

"Mithraeum of the Baths of Mithras (Mitreo delle Terme del Mitra) viewed from the north (regio I, insula XVII). Ostia Antica, Italy."

Just thought I'd put that in, as you can see the resemblance through the symbolism of gods, and spaceships.

In other words, they'll try to keep your mind in Reptilian mode to hold your soul down to the matter of the planet and prevent you from advancing, evolving, and flying away free.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The MOON Symbolism & RABBIT hairs Hares Symbolism Compared.

This is going to freak you out! Finally, we're beginning to connect some of the more mysterious symbols of antiquity. I was watching a video of a guy who made the documentary movie "Moon Rising," after he told about it in this video below. Then today I'm watching Dark Journalists video and oh my goodness, these three hairs, hares, rabbits, are beginning to appear quite clearly to be the aliens that are found existing on the Moon. Artists had painted them in the background into their oil paintings with religious figures in the forefront of the pictures. Here's the video of the man talking about his discoveries of the moon being coloured.

And here's the video with Dark Journalist

Here's the entire video of the Moon Rising documentary.
Nope! Looks like they took down the video!

At 59:07 of this movie he says: "And the end result"... yea, and the end result is that they are friggin predators, leeches, alien/extraterrestrial creatures that are sucking on the life forms of this Planet Earth! Check out this video:

It's perty disgusting what type of image they have in the mercury project logo. It looks like the seven has a tongue sticking out, and underneath is a cross, which in occult language represents something they call 'untouchables' meaning that they are labelled as useless, therefore not immortal, and therefore, edible by monsters...hence the tongue that appears to stick out of the number seven. (U know, like that tongue from the Rolling Stones albums).

On the top left side of this picture you can see those three hair things flying up towards a golden coloured light or UFO and on the other side of the picture you see another UFO, on the right side where the man and his dog are looking up at the sky.

Link to this site (Madonna & Child with St John the Baptist by Domenico Ghirlandaio) and take a closer look through their magnifier at another picture which has those three hairs on the left side of the painting.

Oh, and look! They still hide in the clouds!

Here's another picture that has those three hairs flying up toward a UFO light. (this one here has a magnifier so you could look up close to see the detail)

Here's the picture they were talking about in the video.

Gives you something to really thing about, huh.

Here are pictures of rabbits from medieval manuscripts

Here are pictures from Pinterest with the key word "Rabbit."

Space ships? (link to pinterest)

Link to this blog to look at all kinds of three eared structures.
It's in French and it's called Trois-Lievres.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

You're So Beautiful, And You're Mine.

"I see a Vision limitless, all things turned into Light --sweet, joyous.
But in a little while Darkness came settling down on part of it --awesome and gloomy, coiling in sinuous folds so that methought it like unto a snake.
And then the Darkness changed into some sort of Moist Nature tossed about beyond all power of words, belching out smoke as from a fire and groaning a wailing-sound that beggars all description. (love-making). And after that, an outcry inarticulate came forth from it, as though it were a Voice of Fire.
Thereon, out of the Light, a Holy Word [Logos] descended on that Nature. And, upwards to the height, from the Moist Nature, leapt forth Pure Fire; Light was it, swift and active too.
The Air too, being light, followed after the Fire; from out of the Earth-and-Water, rising up to the Fire so that it seemed to hang therefrom.

But Earth-and-Water stayed so mingled with each other, that Earth from Water could no one discern. Yet, were they moved to hear, by reason of the Spirit-Word [Logos] pervading them."

Already you could see the Masculine - Feminine in the structure. The spirit and the body.

"Moist Nature which appeared from Darkness"... like from the womb of the Feminine.

"That Light, said He, am I, thy God -Mind- prior to Moist Nature which appeared from Darkness; the Light-Word [Logos] that appeared from Mind, is Son of God.
Know that what sees in thee, and hears, is the Lord's Word [Logos]; but Mind is Father--God. Not separate are they the one from the other; just in their union rather, is it that Life consists.
So, understand the Light, [He answered], and make friends with it.

And speaking thus He gazed for long into my eyes so that I trembled at the look of him. But when He raised His head, I saw in Mind the Light, but now, in Powers no man could number, and Cosmos grown beyond all bounds. And that Fire was compassed round about by a most mighty Power, and now subdued, had come unto a stand (still).

Cigarette break.

And the rest of it is an interesting complex composition of what went on:

"As I was in great astonishment, He said to me again: Thou didst behold in Mind the Archetypal Form, whose being is before beginning, without end. Thus spake to me Man-Shepherd.
And I say: Whence then have Nature's elements their being?
To this He answer gives: From Will of God. Nature received the Word [Logos], and gazing upon the Cosmos Beautiful, did copy it, making herself into a cosmos by means of her own elements and by the births of souls.
And God-the-Mind being both male and female, just as Light and Life subsisting together, brought forth another Mind to give things form to, who God, as he was of Fire and Spirit, formed Seven Rulers who enclose the cosmos that the senses perceive. Men call their ruling, Fate.

Straightaway from out of the downward elements, God's Reason [Logos] leapt up to Nature's pure formation, and was at-oned (together again) with the Formative Mind; for it was co-essential with it.
And Nature's downward elements were thus left reason-less, so as to be pure matter.

Then the Formative Mind (at-oned with Reason), he who surrounds the spheres and spins them with his whorl, set turning his formations and let them turn from a beginning boundless unto an endless end. For that, the circulation of these spheres begins where it doth end, as Mind doth will. (sort of like, the Oroboros!).

And from the downward elements, Nature brought forth lives, reason-less; for He did not extend the Reason [Logos] to them. The Air brought forth things winged; the Water, things that swam, and Earth-and-Water one from another parted, as Mind willed. And from her bosom, Earth produced what  lives she had, four-footed things and reptiles, beasts wild and tame.

But All-Father Mind, being Life and Light, did bring forth Man co-equal to Himself with whom He fell in love as being His own child; for he was beautiful beyond compare, the Image of his Sire. In very truth, God fell in love with his own Form; and on him did bestow all of His own formations.

And when he gazed upon what the EnFORMer had created in the Father, Man too wished to enform; and so, assent was given him by the Father.
Changing his state to the formative sphere, in that he was to have his whole authority, he gazed upon his Brother's creatures. They fell in love with him and gave him each a share of his own ordering.
And after that, he had well learned their essence and had become a sharer in their nature, he had a mind to break right through the Boundary of their spheres, and to subdue the might of that which pressed upon the Fire.

So he, who hath the whole authority over all the mortals in the cosmos and over its lives irrational, bent his face downwards, through the Harmony, breaking right through its strength, and showed to downward Nature, God's fair form.

And when she saw that Form of beauty which can never satiate, and him who now possessed within himself each single energy of all the seven Rulers as well as God's own Form, she smiled with love; for 'twas as though she'd seen the image of Man's fairest form upon her Water, his shadow on her Earth.
He, in turn, beholding the form like to himself, existing in her, in her Water, loved it and willed to live in it; and with the will came act, and so he vivified the form-devoid-of-reason.
And Nature took the object of her love and wound herself completely around him, and they were intermingled, for they were lovers. (spirit and body, as we are now.)

And this is why, beyond all creatures on the earth, man is two-fold; mortal because of his body, but because of the essential man, immortal.
Though deathless and possessed of sway over all, yet doth he suffer as a mortal does, subject to Fate.
Thus, though above the Harmony, within the Harmony he hath become a slave. Though male-female, as from a Father male-female, and though he's sleepless from a sleepless Sire, yet is he overcome by sleep.

Hahaha! Sound familiar?

Nature embraced by Man, brought forth a wonder. Oh so wonderful. For, as he had the nature of the Concord of the Seven, who as I said to thee, were made of Fire and Spirit, --Nature delayed not, but immediately brought forth seven "men," in correspondence with the natures of the Seven, male-female, and moving in the air.
In such wise then, as I have said, the generation of these seven came to pass. Earth was a woman, her Water filled with longing; ripeness she took from Fire, spirit from Aether. Nature thus brought forth frames to suit the form of Man. (what women doesn't want a beautiful home full of beautiful expressions?)
And Man from Light and Life, changed into soul and mind -- from Life to soul, from Light to mind.
And thus continued all the sense-world's parts, until the period of their end, and new beginnings.

The period being ended, the bond that bound them all was loosened by God's Will. For all the animals being male-female, at the same time with Man, were loosed apart; some became partly male, some in like fashion, partly female. And straightaway God spoke by His Holy Word [Logos]:

"Increase ye in increasing, and multiply in multitude ye creatures and creations all; and man, that hath Mind in him, let him learn to know that he himself is deathless, and that the cause of death is love, though Love is all."

When He said this, His Forethought did, by means of Fate and Harmony, effect their couplings, and their generations founded. And so, all things were multiplied according to their kind.
And he who thus, hath learned to know himself, hath reached that Good which doth transcend abundance; but he who through a love that leads astray, expends his love upon his body -- he stays in Darkness wandering and suffering through his senses, things of Death.

Extraterrestrial shares their knowledge.

So, where did they get that story you just read? From some religious fanatic that is trying to suck up your soul energy? I mean, in the beginning part they don't even mention a female. They call it some type of dark energy, but meanwhile back at the ranch, it takes male and female to tango and get children born here. So what type of arrogant being is selling that story to us? That MIND is the only thing and that it's male, and that the male has its own female inside itself, and that's why it created a son? Hahahaa. It just sounds so stupid. It's so unrealistic. There are so many pot holes in those stories. For example, the story in the PDF, the nutjob --to Asclepius-- has them condemning people who don't have children. Think about this incident. A young male and female are engaged to be married, no children yet, and the guy gets killed in a horse and buggy accident, or an automobile accident if you want to bring it to modern present day. He and she had no children. What if she doesn't find someone she's in love with afterwards and therefore never marries? So you see. They put more emphasis on animal things such as popping out babies rather than on Love, which is the most important thing ever. For, without love, there would be no place to go out to, to experiment and experience. Perhaps the 'reason' they want a bunch of babies being born is because they sacrifice them and some entity sucks the blood energy. Of course all the while, kept hidden, because as soon as you let them know what you're up to, then you don't look like the so-called 'light' you portray yourself to be, but instead you are the one who turns out to be that dark and nasty negative that you were trying to hand over onto someone else. One has to have MUCH discernment in order to know what is going on. For example, that extraterrestrial in the video is more correct than that fucking idiot trying to force answers that he believes to be correct, out of the one he's interrogating. What a joke some beings are. What an arrogant and false light. Who's your fucking daddy? An arrogant false light.

How do you get 'demons'? The god damned roman catholic church invented them! If beings were allowed to delve into their bodies (and allow themselves to enjoy sex instead of fear it) and into the scientific nature of life, they would have found out a lot more than the garbage that the church spews at the people indoctrinating them with it, with fantasty and false views of things.

I see a Vision too! Most of the things you are taught is garbage, bullshit, falsehoods! The Corpse Hermeticum-job, is what that book should be called.

For example, who the fuck doesn't have masculine and feminine inside of them? Everyone and everything. Everyone is capable of creating. So what makes Yaldaboath so important, or is that Baphomet? Hahaha. It's just like what's written about what Sophia said about the creature, that he's blind. And certainly blindness comes from ignoring, which you can call ignorance, and then you can see that there would be all types of lies and half-truths to come out of a being that is in self-denial, or denial of the truth because they feel that they could get something out of hiding the truth.

In Michael Tsarion and David Whitehead's video from Unslaved dotcom, Episode 25, The Four Planes of Child Development, with Mark Iwanickithey say it there...we think with our body! Body is very important. But they who want to rule over us would have us think differently.

Cosmic Awareness goes to show us how we need the polar sides in order to manifest instantly, and one of the poles is the Sagittarius-Orange-coloured Chakra of our Navel area! This is excerpted from the June 2018 newsletter:


This first question has a little bit of continuation from
the opening message. It is from JF, in Santa Barbara,
CA. “For many years I have been intensively studying
the process of how we create our own reality and am
fascinated by the mechanics of how this operates. In
particular, I am very interested in learning exactly how
we can manifest physical/material objects instantly, at
will, through the power of our own consciousness/mind.
While I have been able to learn much from your
messages and my own research, meditations,
experiments and experiences over the years, I would
love to know the precise mechanics of how this process
Can you please share in as much detail as possible the
exact process one needs to go through to be able to
manifest any physical object instantly simply through
the power of our own consciousness/mind? Specifically,
I am seeking to know what are the key elements required
for a successful instant manifestation and what specific
practices and resources are most beneficial in learning to
master this process.”

This Awareness indicates that manifesting something
into physical reality stems from the ability to connect
with the Spirit and the Spirit Structures of that which is
being manifested. For the sake of clarity, this Awareness
will use an apple. If one were seeking to bring into
manifestation an apple, then one would align with
Universal Energy, clearly, without inhibitions, through
the central channel of the physical form.
Releasing attachments and expectations, one would
then seek to know the spirit of that apple. One would
seek within a state of stillness and absence of mind,
wherein only the heart is present, and the seeking would
be to know intimately, the spirit of that apple—the cells,
the atoms, the light, the seeds, the mother of the tree, the
father of the tree, the lineage from which it has sprung,
the land and the Earth and the water that has nourished
it, or the bees that have pollinated its blossoms, and all
that is done –without words, without the mind.
The mind will create a filter through which to perceive
that experience. The mind will, of its nature, inhibit,
through the insertion of lenses through which the energy
should flow. The heart is the power source of this
seeking current; and as a current of love, and as a place
where the Universal Energy, the Soul and the Earth
combine, one then is able to create a field that is then
supported by the life force center at the core of the body,
emanating from the plane of the low self, that is around
the navel area of the physical form.
This generates the poles necessary for an object to
become manifested in physical reality. This Awareness
acknowledges that in the Hindu teachings, the
manifestation of matter from nothingness stems in part
from the use of the third eye.
This Awareness acknowledges that indeed, this is
possible. However, if one is seeking to remain in
alignment with natural law, as the Earth is moving
toward and forward with specific sets of understanding
and shifts in paradigms; this process of through the heart
and the core power center of the abdomen allows the
mind and the third eye to remain in a state of stillness.
Through the reflective process, the mind, in the final
completion of the manifestation is able to assist in the
reflections necessary to allow form to take place.

This Awareness suggests that as one understands that
all of physically created reality is generated from the
outside in, generated by creating a field of energy with
ever finer webs of Light, connection, rapport,
acknowledgement, so that Light can gather, and as Light
gathers, it seeks a rapport with that which is birthing it,
to generate an understanding of connection and love, for
the apple that would become manifested in this way
would be a child of the greater Spirit Structure that is the
apple tree; the apple, as opposed to the child, the fruit of
one specific tree.
For the lines of genesis, those currents still exist
despite the absence of the tree and the roots and the
blossom. The genesis, those elements necessary for its
aspects to become present are still there. This is

Thank you, Awareness. The mind is the reflection of
what the heart does, correct?
And too often our mind has too many incorrect or
coloring lenses, which falsify the truth, correct?
So the goal here is to still the mind so that it is a true
reflection of what the heart feels. Is that correct?
In doing that, then the other magical things described
can occur.
Thank you, Awareness. Does Awareness have any
more information on that last question?

This Awareness wishes to offer one more clarification.
When one applies seeking through the third eye and
manifests objects through that avenue, there is a decided
attachment that is applied there, and that level of
attachment allows for that manifestation to exist, even if
it is not in alignment with the highest good of all. In
other words, it allows for an element of sacrifice to exist
within it.
When one manifests through the heart, and
manifestation in this conversation is specific to
manifesting objects out of thin air; if one is to manifest
an apple or an object through the heart, a level of love
and intimate rapport that is built with that object and all
that comes with it, allows for it to become manifest
through channels of alignment that do not require
If an entity is seeking to manifest a million dollars
upon the table in front of him, out of thin air, then one is
agreeing to successfully clear the attachments to the
sacrificial system that is attached to that money. There
are many elements to take into consideration when one
is manifesting in this way, for it is an alchemical
process, one that involves the soul energy becoming
amplified and projecting into a vessel other than the
incarnate form.
When one manifests an apple in this way—a rose, a
piece of gold, or a gem, one is extending one’s soul,
projecting one’s soul energy, Life Force Energy, to
assist in the manifestation of that object, taking into
consideration that what is being formed is sentient. It is
not without life. It is living. It breathes in a way that is of
the heart, and as one becomes practiced in this
experience, one can observe that point of inception, that
point at which the energetic heart of that object begins to
thrive. This is complete.

Thank you, Awareness. I think I understand. I want to
just make sure. So by creating from the heart, you get
the whole spirit of whatever you are creating. If it’s the
apple it’s also everything, every Spirit Structure that is
associated with it, including the bees and the pollen and
the tree it came from, and everything else. Is that
correct? It’s not just an empty apple?


This is correct.

P.s. Avoid being sucked up into the vaccuum cleaner that calls itself god, mind, light, or anything that tries to seduce your power from yourself and into it instead.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Intricate Discernment, With Knowledge.

I've been doing a lot of reading studying and meditating on what I find. Life just becomes more and more fascinating, interesting. Self study, that is, observing what goes on within you and around you, is so fulfilling when you begin to see secrets, or occulted things that you didn't see before, and it makes all the difference because now things begin to flow smoothly, the way they are meant to flow.

Here's something I found which parallels a lot of other things I've been reading, and that I've found through my own efforts and observations:

From Spiritless Humans

"Psychically scanning their consciousness reveals something interesting. There is a certain simplicity, flatness, and inertness to their essence, even if their intellects are highly developed. Unlike other people, their conscious energy is more diffuse, dull, impermanent, and amorphous rather than solid, sparkling, crystallized, and concentrated. Put another way, their minds are like sand castles instead of real castles. There is something animalistic and rudimentary piloting their bodies. It seems they have conscious awareness just as plants and animals do, but not conscious self-awareness as humans are supposed to have. There is an important difference between awareness and self-awareness."

"Their behavior tends toward being glib, shallow, egotistical, narcissistic, mundane, predatory, and materialistic. Sometimes these traits are camouflaged by a polished social exterior, but anyone with a discerning eye can see through the disguise. They lack individuality, independent thinking, and are strongly biased toward holding a herd mentality. They lack comprehension of anything beyond the material sphere of the five senses, and have no interest in such metaphysical matters except as flashy accessories to boost their social image. They also appear entirely incapable of empathy, soul-searching, and willful self-sacrifice. Nevertheless, in the presence of others they can put on a flashy show of concern, distress, or altruism for purposes of social manipulation; for example, crocodile tears to elicit sympathy, or doing something nice for another solely to guilt trip them later and extort a favor."

Now this guy is definitely a Spirited being!

"What to call this higher component of consciousness absent in some people? Usually it would be called the soul, but that has caused too much confusion in the past. For example, casual readers unfamiliar with the proper definition of “soulless” thought it meant “completely devoid of consciousness” when in reality it meant “devoid of individualized consciousness.”

"No, they do have some kind of soul energy by virtue of being alive, but the soul is not imbued with a higher spark of true sentience and self-awareness."

You see, we can't be putting them down, as in judging without understanding. If there are beings that were generated when Sophia fell, and Yaldaboath was created by her, and all his interest is in bringing back the balance, and it doesn't seem to matter whether it's done morally or not, because he's just trying to find any and every avenue to get back to that balance, that wholeness within, and therefore when he created this part of the Universe, he made the higher aspects, i.e. the Angels, and he worked all the way down to the depths where he stopped and it wasn't finished (for a purpose, that maybe he himself didn't recognize at the time, or could have also), and that is where the Demon natures came to be, in balance to the Angel natures up above. So the moment those beings down there came to be, their first impulse was to build! You can see by that very action that they also are Life Oriented. Because if they weren't, if they were empty minded, then they would not have even done anything...they would have perished! But they too strive toward LIFE. Wherefore, they generate life forms that make it up to the 3rd Density material plane, where they have a chance to make it back to where they first came from, into the balance. Some Mason's have done studies on this and know what I'm talking about. So therefore, if there are some beings on this planet who don't have a full soul at the moment, don't worry about it, they too are working to develop themselves so that they could have what is required to get back into wholeness. You see what I mean? Everything is working to correct the defect which happened when Sophia fell...whether they know it or not.

And if Sophia didn't have a clue what she was doing, then how do you expect Yaldaboath her son, or any of us, for that matter, to know what we're doing, unless and until we meet the Higher Being, who has already come to help us, which is Jesus Christ, who goes by the name of Autogenes in the Gnostic teachings. So if we are learning, and making mistakes all the way and correcting them, then why judge Yaldaboath or Sophia or Demons or Angels when they make mistakes? They too are learning and working to correct and perfect. You see? You need to take a large step away from your "personal" life, or personal view, in order to take a grand View through and through all around you. And then with all the experiences that others have shared, whether through books or telling their story to you, and through your own personal experiences, thoughts and feelings, you too can understand how things work, and get a better PERSPECTIVE on what is truly going on here, and elsewhere.

So, in other words, there is a system of progression. Some are near the finish line of their development, and others are just beginning. That is why we have to have so much knowledge, and to not judge others, but to understand what is happening, what is going on here. There is a struggle all right, for development. Some seem to be opposed to it, but if you take a step away from your personal existence, you will see they too are working, in the best way that they know how to, for their development, as well.

Oh, look what I found today, June 14 2018 Thursday. This video that was filmed on May 29, 2018

They show a picture of a girl with polar bears in the video interview:

So I went to check out the wardrobe for the movie, because I like how the coat looks, and I came across the preview of the movie. I think I should see this movie.

And today! Friday June 15, 2018 another creepy video interview where we find out just what type of creatures are around this place. Peter the Insider tells us that there is some type of alien being that took over the Mobius group and that it likes eating souls. He said that it eats mirrors and mirrors of souls. Well, down below is an excerpt by Cosmic Awareness that shows us something about these alien types who like eating souls, or astral bodies of humans. It's under the title: Dark Deeds Of Alien Beings On The Planet Earth.

I forgot to put this in the other day, so I'll put it in today. Here's the link: Organic Portals - Soulless Humans. An excerpt:

Some of them are formed out of the remains of the human being that persist after death in the vital atmosphere near to the earth-plane. His desires and hungers still float there and remain in form even after the dissolution of the body; often they are moved to go on manifesting and satisfying themselves and the birth of these creatures of the vital world is the consequence. But these are minor beings and, if they can be very troublesome, it is yet not impossible to deal with them.
There are others, far more dangerous, who have never been in human form; never were they born into a human body upon earth, for most often they refuse to accept this way of birth because it is slavery to matter and they prefer to remain in their own world, powerful and mischievous, and to control earthly beings from there. For, if they do not want to be born on earth, they do want to be in contact with the physical nature, but without being bound by it.
Their method is to try first to cast their influence upon a man; then they enter slowly into his atmosphere and in the end may get complete possession of him, driving out entirely the real human soul and personality. These creatures, when in possession of an earthly body, may have the human appearance but they have not a human nature. Their habit is to draw upon the life-force of human beings; they attack and capture vital power wherever they can and feed upon it. If they come into your atmosphere, you suddenly feel depressed and exhausted; if you are near them for some time you fall sick; if you live with one of them, it may kill you.
– But how is one to get such creatures out of one’s environment when they are once there?
The vital power incarnated in these beings is of a very material kind and it is effective only within a short distance. Ordinarily, if you do not live in the same house or if you are not in the same company with them, you do not come within their influence. But if you open some channel of connection or communication, through letters, for example, then you make possible an interchange of forces and are liable to be influenced by them even from a far distance.
The wisest way with these beings is to cut off all connection and have nothing to do with them – unless indeed you have great occult knowledge and power and have learned how to cover and protect yourself – but even then it is always a dangerous thing to move about with them. To hope to transform them, as some people do, is a vain illusion; for they do not want to be transformed. They have no intention of allowing any transformation and all effort in that direction is useless.
These beings, when in the human body, are not often conscious of what they really are. Sometimes they have a vague feeling that they are not quite human in the ordinary way. But still there are cases where they are conscious and very conscious; not only do they know that they do not belong to humanity but they know what they are, act in that knowledge and deliberately pursue their ends. The beings of the vital world are powerful by their very nature; when to their power they add knowledge, they become doubly dangerous.
There is nothing to be done with these creatures; you should avoid having any dealings with them unless you have the power to crush and destroy them. If you are forced into contact with them, beware of the spell they can cast. These vital beings, when they manifest on the physical plane, have always a great hypnotic power; for the centre of their consciousness is in the vital world and not in the material and they are not veiled and dwarfed by the material consciousness as human beings are. “

Dark Deeds Of Alien Beings On The Planet Earth
(General Reading 9-10-1993, Paul Shockley, Interpreter: Avaton & Vikki T., Questioners and Energizers.)

Questioner: (Vikki T)
     Did I understand correctly that souls are the number one priority of the Draconians on Earth as well as the good forces?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness indicates that the Draconians and the tall Greys, not the short Reptilian Greys, but the Orion Greys, all gain energy from absorbing the souls of humans. The astral bodies of humans are essentially equated to the souls, and these souls give these alien entities a certain amount of energy, the kind of energy they cannot seem to find on their own.
     The Reptoids for example, have very meager souls or their souls are extremely weak. They do not have the kind of souls that humans have. Human souls have such a wide band of vitality, in that they experience such a broadband spectrum of life, that it is a real treat for a Reptilian or Reptoid type to be able to suck the astral body or energy from a human and experience the astral energies from a human.
     The same can be said to an even greater degree of the short Greys, the Zeta Reticuli Greys, for their souls are absolutely atrophied and they cannot even experience emotion except through the absorption of Adrenalchrome, the fluid at the base of the brain taken from humans at the time of intense terror, whereby the adrenalin moves through the human brain and to the base of the brain.
     The Zeta Reticuli and the Orion Greys use this Adrenalchrome as a kind of drug. It is for them, the closest experience to ecstasy, for they can understand and experience emotion, and the emotion they experience is something extremely unique and unusual because it is not in their make-up to have emotions. It is essentially the closest they can come to having a soul.
     This is most applicable to the Zeta Reticuli. The Orion Greys have a rudimentary degree of emotions, not totally lacking in this regard, but the emotions they hold are extremely limited. This Awareness indicates that with this understanding, that these entities lack the ability to have emotions and therefore choose adrenalchrome as a substitute, explains why so many entities have been mutilated and murdered by these entities and why they wish to farm humans for their own needs.
      There is another means by which the Greys have been able to extract the soul energy of entities. This is done often by the Grey aliens looking into the eyes of an individual while carrying on an artificial lovemaking ritual. Particularly it is used on men aboard ships whereby they extract semen while staring into the eyes of the entity to create a bonding, and in this process, they extract astral energy as well as the semen for their genetic experiments.
     This Awareness indicates that the same can be done with women who are abducted. It is common for both astral energies and sexual energies to be extracted from these entities, and in the bonding action, wherein the astral energies are drawn from the eye contact, the entities will sometimes fall in love with the Grey who initiates this action, and thus, a bonding takes place that allows the entity to be overtaken by the Grey.
     It is akin to that which is called "selling one's soul to the devil," where one gives over one's soul to the Greys, much in the way a man might merge and give his astral energy to his wife, and vice versa, in a marriage bond. These actions give the Greys a small momentary feeling of what may be termed emotion, or loving emotion. They do enjoy it. [no wonder. it seems they have an addiction to it! Certainly having a cigarette smoking habit is better than having your soul sucked up by a fucking alien!]
     It does not give them enough to change them into loving beings, but it does satisfy some of their emptiness momentarily. This is akin to the incubus and succubus concepts wherein entities of an Out-of-Body-Being make love to a physical being. However, in the situation with aliens, the beings generally are both in the physical realm. [geez, I can see what they mean by if that's a black space, then that's blacker than black!]
     This Awareness indicates, of course this is in reference to the Greys of the Orion / Zeta Reticuli, or, on a different level, the Reptoids. The Reptoids are more brutish and these entities are capable of taking on different shapes and different images by attuning to the Delta and Theta levels of consciousness. They can appear to be human one moment, and shift in appearance to a Reptoid the next moment. 
     For example, one elderly woman was taken aboard a ship wherein the Reptoid wanted to have sex with her, and she absolutely refused, saying that she had not had sex with anyone since her husband died. The Reptoid then asked her if she would like to see her husband again, that he could arrange it. He went out of the room, and in walked her husband, and they prepared to have sex together, when suddenly, in the middle of their attempt, the husband's face changed and became that of the Reptoid. The woman screamed and fought and eventually got him off her.
     It is possible that these Reptoids can take any form and shape they desire, and can even walk among people on Earth 'looking human.' The question is, how long can they maintain this action? This Awareness indicates that once the woman fought him off, he then turned to her grandson and forced the grandson to have sex with him. These entities are extremely demonic and have no compassion for humans at all.
     It is important to understand the need for staying clear of these lower frequencies and vibrations, of not getting involved in these demented levels, but of keeping your faith and your focus on the spiritual direction that leads to the higher dimensions.
     Humanity is at a crossroads, by which entities will be separated into those that follow a Spiritual path and those that follow a path of Mammon and Darkness. Essentially, the dark forces are represented through the negative aliens, and the Reptoids are the ones who are most fearsome to humans, but the others also as being lured to draw entities into that direction of darkness. This Awareness indicates that the Ahriman forces and the Asuras who are his higher arch-angels, have not yet paraded upon this Earth for humans to witness, but when the time comes, this entity and his arch-angels will present themselves. Entities can only hope it does not occur before the dimensional shift, which will allow the spiritual forces to move into higher frequency levels. 

(This leads into the next article which also has more to do with the crazy aliens and their evil leaders, but you have to read through some of it before you get the idea.)

Getting History Straight. What Really Caused The Great Chicago Fire?
(It was not Mrs. O'Leary's Cow!)

Questioner: There was an article in "Psychology Today" that I'd like to read to Awareness and ask if this information is valid. It is titled, "Cosmic Chicago."
     "In 1871, Chicago was a young metropolis rapidly expanding in both size and importance, but danger was afoot. Prairie fires raged throughout the unusually dry summer and fall, and on October 7th a local fire destroyed four blocks near the bustling center of the city. Then, starting the next day, what came to be known as "The Great Conflagration," devasted most of the city. The cause of the fire has been sought ever since. Now, from Chicago film writer Mel Waskin, author of Mrs. O'Leary's Comet, comes a strange but viable theory. The cause of the destruction that swept through Chicago, as well as towns in Michigan and Wisconsin, says Waskin, was Biela's Comet!
     In 1845, Waskin explains, Biela's Comet split in half becoming two comets, each with its own head and tail. The twin comets slowly drifted apart [like a snakes tongue?], and he theorizes that; As they separated, their orbits changed slightly, enough to affect their approach to Earth. Thus, one of them have returned in 1871, a year earlier than expected. But Richard Schmidt of the US Naval Observatory thinks Waskin has taken liberties with orbital mechanics. "By 1852, the two comets were just half a day apart," he explains. "Then in 1866, under favorable viewing conditions, they weren't seen at all, and astronomers decided they had broken up." Waskin, however, says the anecdotal evidence speaks for itself: "Eyewitnesses in Chicago reported blue flames through basement windows. In Michigan, incredibly intense heat left people externally unmarked, but dead. The coins in their pockets melted. And in Wisconsin, balloons of fire and hot sand fell out of the sky."
     If Waskin's theory stands up to scientific scrutiny, the 1871 Midwestern fires would represent the first recognized incidence of a comet striking a densely populated area of the Earth."
     Would Awareness comment on this story please?

Cosmic Awareness:
     This Awareness indicates these events as being the result of alien forces; this in reference to the energy of certain rays that were released from the breaking up of an alien craft. 1871 was also a year in which there were numerous UFO sightings in various places. There were also abductions during that year. The excessive heat melting the coins was the result of certain radiant energies in regard to waves of unusual nature that affected the metal without affecting the body in the same way. The fires in various areas erupted spontaneously as a kind of spontaneous combustion. Also, a number of entities were caught in spontaneous combustion situations. This does not relate to the comet that fragmented sometime before this event.

Questioner: Were the aliens involved way back then, the same aliens plaguing us today?

Cosmic Awareness:
     This Awareness indicates that this is in the affirmative. These entities have had bases on Mars, on the Moon, and on Earth for some time. It has only been during this century that they have begun efforts to colonize the planet, but they have long held bases on this planet. These entities also have had contacts on this planet, in what may be termed 'ancient times, dating back even as far as Atlantis and ancient Egypt.

The Oannes Moved the Eskimos Into the North

     Ancient Egypt, within a period of just a few years, began to move from an agricultural community to one of great technology and civilization. This was due to the influence of these aliens in the affairs of Egypt, along with the influence from the Atlanteans. Also, those entities known as the Oannes, are as likewise, being related to these beings in the great and distant past; these entities being involved in moving the Eskimos from the Middle east to the areas north of the Arctic Circle, some three thousand years ago. They also moved some of these Eskimos into the openings at the North Pole.

The Oannes are a Genetic Creation With Fish-like Scales

     This Awareness indicates that these Oannes, however, were of a different race, though they had some alliances with the entities who are now associated with the subterranean bases. The Oannes being more of a genetic creation associated with certain fish-like qualities, having scales for skin. They are different in this manner from the ones that have more of an insect basis, the Zeta Reticuli. This Awareness indicates that these entities have certain root ancestral connections, though there have been alterations over the millennia to change them into different types. These may be referred to as races, even though the races are much more distinct from human races. It might be better to refer to them as different genetic types.

Is Ahriman Their Leader?

Questioner: Is Ahriman the leader of these entities?

Cosmic Awareness: 
     This Awareness indicates that Ahriman is what may be referred to as a composite concept. Ahriman as an individual is a creation representing the concept or embodiment of certain qualities of expression that totally lack compassion and enjoy the sufferings of others. Ahriman is simply another word for what many perceive to be 'evil.'
     There are entities who can and might portray themselves as Ahriman, and there are those who might choose someone to play Ahriman, just as an entity can portray himself as Christ, or be elected to represent Christ by others, but the Christ Force is that which exists throughout the universe as life, love, and compassion, and is everywhere present, and the Ahriman force is that which may be called the force throughout the universe that is Antichrist or opposed to all that the Christ stands for and represents.
     Whether an entity plays the role and personifies this force, or whether entities simply recognize the energies as forces that are everywhere present, depends on how an entity wishes to perceive. If you, for example, had no physical body, and existed strictly in etheric essences, you would not be so inclined to embody the different beings with physical forms; you could then see these essences and energies as forces rather than as entities. This Awareness indicates however, entities and energies are the same thing, but generally speaking, entities by your perception, are perceived as having form, and energies are perceived as lying there as potent or potential action waiting to happen.
     This Awareness indicates that Ahriman is an energy, moreso than an entity, but there are also entities that can attune to the energy of Ahriman and portray and personify that energy as though it were a being, just as there are entities that can attune to the Christ Force and personify that, and portray the Christ as a person. This Awareness indicates there are entities that do these things--that personify these forces. There will always be Christs and there will always be Antichrists. These are forces, but there are also entities that will embody these forces in order to portray them as though they were entities.

Don't Confuse Ahriman With Lucifer

Cosmic Awareness:
     This Awareness indicates that Ahriman should not be confused with the force that is referred to as Lucifer. Lucifer is simply a symbolic representation of separateness. Its main expression is that of the ego. Wherein anything sees itself as separate--that is the ego, and that is Lucifer. Ahriman however, is a kind of cold impassionate force that enjoys the suffering of others.
     The ego energy of Lucifer is that which is more inclined toward competition through deception and misrepresentation and thus is referred to as the Father of Lies, whereas Ahriman is more inclined toward being sadistic in nature, seeking to destroy others for some personal gain. Both Lucifer and Ahriman have been symbolically embodied in the Christian concept of the devil.

How the Word "Devil" Originated

     If you will note, the word 'devil' is a kind of contraction of the French word, de' evil or 'of evil.' Remove one of the 'e's, link the word together, and you have the word 'devil.' This may be more of a medieval creation, coming into existence during the Middle Ages. The concept of the devil is that which was taken from Persian religions associated with the entity Zamael, and the Egyptian entity Saturn, associated with the Babylonian Satan and Bael, and it became a kind of composite of all those gods of evil, those malevolent beings.

The Surrender of Separateness is Occurring

     The concept of Ahriman is a more modern version based on the ancient Ahriman of the Syrians. The Ahriman of the Syrians represents the embodiment of evil, or that being called Zamael; these being the same. The more modern version of Ahriman as promoted by Rudolf Steiner, represents this entity as a kind of embodiment of sadism, and this may be seen as the more descriptive of these negative forces that are in action on this plane at present time, for Lucifer, the ego, is that which is in the process of rejoining the Christ Consciousness. It is part of the surrender of separateness as humanity moves to rejoin the Godhead.
     The Ahriman force, however, that which is left over and does not accept the rapture, the reunion with the Godhead, has elected to move instead into the opposition and has chosen to push separateness to its extreme and to accept violence as a way of survival, and of enjoyment. Again, these are not categories so much as measurements along a line of varying increments, for the Ahriman qualities are just further out on the measurement than the Luciferian qualities of separateness.
     The Luciferian qualities of separateness may extend out in some ways to touch the Ahriman qualities, and the Ahriman qualities may still move even further out into extreme sadism. There are degrees of these things, and even the Christ qualities have their degrees--some who live strictly by the principles of the Christ Consciousness, others who simply give lip service and still indulge in separateness and egoism.

The Problem in Communicating With Words

     This Awareness indicates that there is a problem in communicating with words, in that words tend to create the implication that there are categories to fit under each word, when in fact it is a long line of increments, and the words are simply placed overhead to indicate a proximity and a change or distance that occurs along that line of increments. In this manner, even those entities that are classed as Antichrist or Ahriman types, may move along that highway, that line toward the Christ Light and may eventually merge with the Christ Light.
     They are not necessarily boxed into the Ahriman group. They do not have to remain sadistic, nor do the Luciferians need to remain as separateness and egotistical or deceptive, but as they begin to move, they also pass under these labels, and into the label, and will be referred to as Christian or Luciferian, or Ahrimanic in nature, and as they pass one way or the other, they are labeled according to their behavior and activities.
     This Awareness indicates that in this sense, entities are not pigeon-holed, categorized, or fixed into those categorizations, nor are those labes branded on them, not to be removed. They may change and become something different. The labels are simply there to indicate where entities tend to be, according to their behavior patterns.
     This Awareness hopes that this helps to clear up the thinking in regard to this cosmic conflict between the Forces of Darkness and the Forces of Light, for these things are not fixed. The Universe is not so set that polarized energies cannot reverse themselves or alter and reach civilization. This is complete. [This was excerpted from the June 2018 Cosmic Awareness Newsletter].

Oh my goodness. This is so beautiful. I love fabric. I love fabric like I love the canvas and paints, and this fabric is utterly pretty! I wonder what it is, how it was made. It's from the Alexander McQueen Spring/Summer 2012 collection.

And oh my goodness, this fabric is fantastic too!