Monday, August 6, 2018

Jason Reza Jorjani And The Purpose of Symbolic Myths.

From Jason Reza Jorjani's book, 
"Novel Folklore: On Sadegh Hedayat's the Blind Owl":

      "On the other hand, Hedayat's approach to the folklore of Iran in particular runs counter to this scholastic naturalism and psychologizing, with its aim of exorcizing ignorant people of superstitious and regressive traditions. First of all, any naturalistic reading of his approach to folklore should be checked by his thesis that enterprising individuals construct the formal structures of knowledge in any culture from out of the deeper stratum of folklore by translating this lore into principles and precepts. In such a view, sociology and social psychology, as rationalistic sciences, can never encompass folklore in a purely reductive and eliminative manner. Hedayat had already taken this view in Owsaneh, where he not only sees folk songs as the most primordial expression of the soul of a people, but as a force that can assimilate scientific and technological advancements in a way that fosters progress while keeping a civilization rooted in its primordial spirit. He notes the German origin of the word Volkskunde, where kunde means not just "lore" but "history" in the deepest and most originary sense possible (as compared to historiography).

 Furthermore, it is fairly clear that in Neyrangestan, 
Hedayat is only intent on exorcising the Iranian Volk of foreign lore that has infected their ethos with deleterious and degenerative attitudes in the course of the many conquests and migrations Iran has suffered as the crossroads of the Earth.

He draws an especially sharp contrast between the Aryan lore that forms the most primordial stratum of the Iranian cultural mentality and the Semitic lore that Iranians were subjected to, and eventually psychically subjected by, in the course of several successive waves,
beginning with the Chaldeans and Babylonian Jews, and ending with the catastrophic Arab invasion. The negation of free will through an obsession with astrologically determined Fate, and bloody animal sacrifices that the superstitions the Semitic peoples introduced into Iran to satisfy their terrifying egomaniacal divinities, particularly aggrieves Hedayat, who takes note of the fact that --as both Zarathustra and Siddhartha Gautama attest-- such inhumane sacrifices were alien to Aryan spirituality, whose cornerstone is the faith in free will or personal choice and spiritual cultivation based on conscientious discernment. He is also indignant that the Semites, and even Persian-language writers brainwashed by them, have co-opted and re-written so many ancient Iranian folktales in such a way as to attribute the valorous deeds of heroes such as Jamshid and Rostam, to the likes of King Solomon, in an apparent attempt to divest the Iranian people of their historical consciousness --as if conquering their land did not suffice. 

     Even whole Persian masterpieces, such as the Hezar Afsan of the Sassanian period, that was corrupted into the Arabian Nights or A Thousand and One Nights, have been passed off as Semitic literature after their originals were consigned to flames when the invading Arabs burned down the Sassanian libraries."

   "Specifically, I discern esoteric references to both the kundalini shakti or "Serpent Power" and the Left-Hand Path. I argue that, on one level, Hedayat intended Bugam Dasi to be Shakti in the guise of the Black "Mother" Goddess Kali Ma, and the other female figures often conflated with her are emanations or avataras of Kali known as Mahavidyas in Tantra --by means of which Kali manipulates and empowers Shiva. Instead of being the means to oblivion that Khayyam took it to be, wine becomes an elixir that imbues the narrator with an amoral and maddening Vital Force. It seems that not all of Hedayat's time in India was spent poring over Parsi scriptures.

      It is well known that The Blind Owl takes place in two time frames---that of medieval Rey and the city of modern Tehran that has risen from out of its ruins in Hedayat's own time. In the fourth chapter of this study, I argue that it takes place in a third time as well, namely the Future or the Futural (in a quasi-Heideggerian sense) that is a timeless place of no place equally accessible to the past and present. This is the strange futuristic city that the narrator repeatedly wanders into, often while in an altered state of consciousness, both in modern Tehran and in the medieval city of Rey. I would be tempted to call it "Rey City" (as in "Ray Guns" and "Death Rays") if there were not already a name for such a place in the Persian philosophical tradition. That name is Na-Koja-Abad, a word coined by the twelfth-century martyred heretic Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi to mean "The Land of Nowhere," which is located in "The Eighth Clime."


"Will there be a day when someone discovers the secrets of these supernatural events, that reflection of the shadow of the soul that manifests itself between awakening and sleep, in a state of purgatory and unconsciousness?" --Sadegh Hedayat, "The Blind Owl."

Oh totally. This man was doing soul searching. I was doing the same thing, in highschool. After I had become a teenager and looked all around me, still having the vision from childhood of my spirit self, and seeing the others around me lose that aspect very quickly as they became interested in romantic structures and the drone of regular life, job, marriage, career, children, I was noticing there was something drastically wrong with the entire theme. It was as though everyone around me were falling asleep, instantly. That is when I pulled away from the crowd, to specifically do what I called "soul searching." My sister noticing, tried to get me to come back and be the popular girl in school, but I had it with them, and there was nothing more interesting to me than to discover the other world, the one that 'they' were (what appeared to me) trying to hide from our knowing. Oh my, and did I find! Here's the words from Sadegh's novel where I recognized the same structure:

"...for in the course of my life experiences I came to this understanding that there existed a dreadful chasm between myself and others, and I understood that as much as possible one should remain inaudible, as much as possible I should keep my thoughts to myself, and if now I have decided to write, it is only to introduce myself to my shadow--a bent shadow on the wall, and it is as if the more I write, it devours it with an even greater appetite--It is for him that I wish to carry out an experiment: to see if we can come to know each other better--because from the time that I cut myself off from others, I have wanted to know myself better."

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Every Ten? What is it about the Dime?

Wot? Wut is it?

     Well, recently, I had an experience. I don't feel like writing it out all again, so I'll go copy fromanother site that I first placed it on, and paste it here. Ok? Great. Let's check it out. After this video. Just watch three minutes of it, or eleven, whichever one you want. Then go and read it.

Tracy R Twyman, something awesome happened yesterday. I went with my boyfriend for dinner at the Keg for his birthday (July 28, 2018 Full Moon). Just earlier before he came over, I had been reading your book "Clock Shavings." I was on page 106-107 reading about the Dime in the chemical wedding. We were being served by a waitress at the restaurant, whose name was Desaray. I liked her name. I told her about my sister best friend who had passed away and how I had a dream of her last night and thought the dream was real, but in the dream I was starting to realize that in real life, or waking life that is, she was not there anymore. The dream was so real. Then Desaray told me about her grandmother (Lebanese) who had passed away recently and was very well loved, and everyone in the family kept seeing ten cents everytime her presence was around. So I started thinking about her name and noticed that dix in French meant ten and Arie or Arian, are the whites from the beginning. Des ari. So I told her that and said it may have something to do with the whole. I hadn't realized I had just read about this in the book. But the next day when I woke up, made a tea and sat down to read this book again, right in front of me there it was The TEN! Haha. So I read further and I found that you are spot on! That book by De Vere must be a very important book because you were talking about making the money to publish it, and Baphomet was helping you to do it, and in this way. This what you said, makes so much sense. His book May have something to do with alchemizing into a higher structure: "This Rosicrucian connection seemed a fitting one to make, for when discussing the dispute between Jesus and John over the wedding with Mary Magdalene, Baphomet had visited the rose-cross symbol in the corner of the board." AND: "While there, they were privileged to witness an alchemical union (the wedding itself) and transformation (the water turned to wine). They were even allowed to take communion and consume the magical wine, which they had purchased with their donation." So to me, it looks like I'm on the right path seeing the "ten" occurring in my life. I'm also reading that book that you published of DeVere's, "The Dragon Legacy" so I'm really glad I came across this material. Thanks! That's a great book you wrote, "Clock Shavings," and I"m very grateful for all the research you've done.

Yea so, there you go. Fucken aye. I had a really cool experience and I wanted to share it with someone. I hope you enjoyed it.

Ah. How lovely.

Dime a dozen, no doubt. Believe me? Hhahahahaaa. HAHahahahaaa/

It's good to BE Alive.

Oh my god, this morning, Sunday July 29, 2018, when I woke up to do my exercise (at 1:30pm), I saw on the carpet a dime! Hahaha. Now where did that come from? So strange. I hadn't seen it there before. But it was right there in the middle of where I walked past to go to the bathroom. So I picked it up and put it on the table.

Friday, July 27, 2018

I May Have Found Where The Druids Went.

  Here it is: "From Transylvania To Tunbridge Wells" by Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg

     Reading Tracy R. Twyman's book "Clock Shavings," it just dawned on me that this sounded like the Druids from ye old times.

     "But there was one crazy person with outrageous claims that I did pay attention to, because he really seemed to know what he was talking about. He was a man who called himself "Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg." Despite the noble title, he had a decidedly unglamorous life. He lived in London, but was from Wales. He was on the dole and had been diagnosed with severe mental illness, for which he was taking medication. But, despite his personal drawbacks, I found the man extremely interesting.
   A good many of the conclusions that I had come to in my research were also found in the writings of Prince Nicholas de Vere, who claimed to be the head of a family descended from the Grail blood. He had written a book about his family history which he said could be traced back to Sumerian gods, and a super-human race that he termed "the Dragons." At one time, they had ruled the ancient world, and some day, he wrote, they would rule again.
   He said the people of this race possessed magical powers, which is why, in olden times, they were seen as the natural leaders of human societies. The stories of fairies, pixies, elves, vampires and witches from medieval times were really based on memories of this illustrious Dragon race. They had been largely exterminated (hence they aren't going to be able to tell their story, and therefore no doubt, a lot of superstitions that most definitely the Roman Catholic church would be sowing to confuse the people's minds with, and therefore, what do the people know about their origins? being forced into materialistic existence instead of allowed to properly flourish and grow!) and viciously persecuted, by humans who had overthrown their kingdoms. Those that remained and retreated into hiding, in forests, mountaintops, and underground, leading to the rumors of fantastic creatures inhabiting these places. (Yea, because they were naturally knowledgeable and therefore magical, and the entire society brainwashed and mind manipulated by the gross Roman Catholic church, would yea, fear all that, which they themselves should have been taught instead of perverse lusts and greedy ambitions!)
  But the good news was that some of them had survived, and continued their royal bloodlines, with their own secret royal courts and witchcraft covens. (haha. Yea, to scare away those who want to tamper with curiosity instead of with diligent interest.) The one he belonged to was called "the Dragon Court," and he of course was the head of it."

  Anyway, whether this guy is what some say he is because they don't understand fully many things, he certainly has knowledge that most people have no clue about.

What's more, it get's even 'better.'

      "To back this up he had hundreds of pages of genealogies, which he has compiled, along with a family history, into a voluminous text called "From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells." Unfortunately, he said that a former associate of his named Laurence Gardner, who had been helping him gather the material, turned on him all of the sudden. (greed?) The man then published De Vere's work as his own, robbing him of all credit and royalties. This was all the more painful because this associate's book had gone on to become an international bestseller, netting hundreds of thousands of dollars.
     I was familiar with the book, as I had already read it years before Nicholas contacted me. When I checked the book on my shelf, I found that it was dedicated to Mr. De Vere, and that Gardner thanked him in the acknowledgements for providing him with "privileged access to his household archives."

   De Vere claimed to possess a right recognized by the British government that permitted him to create a sovereign nation over which he could rule. If he could afford to buy a private island, in theory, he could proclaim it the kingdom of Drakenberg, and the Queen of England would recognize it. Then he and his friends could live by their own rules there. It was this right of sovereignty which, he now believed, others were trying to steal from him.
   A couple of years earlier, his Dragon Court had many more members, and had been operating out of London. But when Laurence Gardner left, many went with him, and formed their own Dragon Court, which had since then schismed even further. There were now no less than four "Dragon Courts" headed by former members of his own organization, all soliciting new recruits on the internet. They were also conferring royal titles within the principality of Drakenberg. This seemed to make him angrier than anything else done to him (I could imagine, giving titles to dolts just because they felt like playing 'tea party,' rather than being offered a title that actually suited their gifts earned), for he said that he alone had the right to give these titles."

Well.... I found something that matches a lot of interesting details. Of course it takes sifting through!

From this site: Triangle Book of St. Germain, by Iona Miller, 2015. (and here it is pasted from that site:)

Dragon Blood

Dragon Blood, Dragon Lineage. 
By Iona Miller, ©2010 


The Sumerians explained environmental hardships came from displeased gods. Enki granted the Sumerians access to the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. Enki set up the escape strategy during the Flood, and Enki passed over the Tables of Destiny - tables of scientific law, which became the bedrock of the early mystery schools in Egypt. 

Enki allowed humans to survive the deluge. Thus, Sumerian texts are divided into two epochs before and after the Great Deluge, after which the gods departed, but not before “watering the Tree of Life” and creating a royal bloodline. The Dragon bloodline is also the “Grail bloodline “ of Grail kings,” including Merovingians. 

Perhaps a long-hidden rare manuscript written by Saint Germain himself can shed some light on the subject bridging the past and present day reports of terrifying dragons in the sky and lineaged Dragon Societies. 

We ride on the back of the Winged Dragon to the birth of myths that described cosmological changes and brought incomprehensible catastrophe to our ancestors but led to the rebirth of modern civilization. It contains the common root of the mysteries of qabalah, alchemy, magic, hermetics, tantra, The Bible, the Tree of Life, immortality, and more. 

This winged dragon is the symbolic superstar of Saint Germain’s Triangle Book. In The Book of Lambspring. It represents the Anima Mundi, or Soul of the World, which is the sum total of planetary existence -- the holographic blueprint on which form is based, the informational level or primal source of being - Zero Point. It is said that medicine providing the gift of youth can be made from its venom. 

The dragon is a healing power. The spiritual food of immortality signifies the ability of the ego to assimilate the previously unconscious aspects of the Self. This is the elixir of youth that creates the immortal body, equivalent to the Philosopher's Stone. The invocation with powerful godnames is combined with the dragon emblem to initiate the current. The rite couldn't be practiced without the Emblems and Sigils and perhaps the bloodline. 

In legend, the alchemical Philosopher's Stone is kept in the custody of the reawakened Dragon, the Adept who inhabits his or her Body of Light. Alchemy itself is a triple process of uniting the physical, psychological and spiritual. In Masonry, each line of the triangle itself symbolizes a kingdom of nature -- mineral, vegetable and animal. They stand for explorations the Master Mason needs for a complete education. 

All these points may be clues to the nature of the "winged dragon" of the title page of The Triangle Book. In alchemy it is a symbol of the volatile elements. The winged dragon appears as a symbol of coagulatio in other alchemy texts, suggesting the pandemonium of psychic images. 

Psychologically, the dragon is the union of ordinary human reality with the Transpersonal Self and a passion for transformation. Some now say it is a symbol of DNA or the kundalini energy. Thus, it is a symbol of the Great Work. 


The untold tale of St. Germain and the Dragon is hinted at in the first sentence of his Triangle Book: “The Holy Magic revealed to Moses discovered within an Egyptian monument and preciously preserved in Asia under the emblem of a winged dragon.” 

This is the secret "hidden since before the Great Flood"…a dual secret of mythic immortality and divine lineage. At first this might seem like a strictly alchemical statement, but then we know there is no such thing for alchemy has many layers of meaning, and ciphers add more. Nothing is simply what it seems. 

So, we must ask specifically, what did this winged dragon mean to St. Germain? What does it mean in the context of the Triangle Book? Where did the book come from? Was it an heirloom of his family, a treasure from the Medicis, or St. Germain's own artistic alchemical manifesto -- a virtuoso piece, uniting all his fantasies about his family, his heritage and his aspirations for life extension and magical illumination?

Briefly, the Dragon lineage of St. Germain starts in the Caucasus with the Annunaki, descending through migrating proto-Scythians to the Sumerians while branching off also into the early Egyptians, Phoenicians and Mittani. A marriage bridge back to Scythia infused the Elvin line of “Tuatha de Danaan” and the Fir Bolg, which branched into the Arch-Druidic, Priest-Princely family to the Royal Pics of Scotland and the ring kings of the Horse Lords of Dal Riada, through the Elven dynasty of Pendragon and Avallon del Acqs, and down to a few pure bred family today. Nicholas de Vere claims this as his own Dragon family tree and history backs him up. (Twyman) 

Saint Germain was born to a native royal Hungarian line linked to the Dragon legacy if not the Dragon DNA and later spent much time in Transylvania, performing magical rituals with his aristocratic friends. He naurally would have been exposed to this lore and its hoary legends.

The Medicis who fostered young St. Germain were the first to print the Corpus Hermeticum (1460). They thought it was ancient Egyptian though the writings attributed to Hermes Trimegestus are from 100-300 CE. These works were post-pharaohonic (Cleopatra reigned as last pharaoh, 51-30, BC). 

Yet, research suggests the content developed long before Greek rulers made Thoth synonymous with Hermes. The same archaic Thoth brought the Deluge. Whatever their origin, the young Count could not have avoided reading them with great interest and embracing their philosophy. He may have thought they bore on his heritage and they certainly influenced his future.

In fact, this Dragon connection may explain why he was itinerant, not merely a wandering magician, scholar, jeweler and businessman. As a Hungarian or Transylvanian prince, was he either part of or in struggle with a bloodline, bred for rulership and magic?

Alchemy always has layer upon layer of meaning, and in this case the sentence conceals a political message of a royal lineage, described since the dawn of history as Dragons. Saint Germain was heir to this lineage though the politics of the day necessitated hiding his true identity, much like Sir Francis Bacon had to hide the fact he was the “natural son” of Queen Elizabeth I a few decades earlier.

Alchemical philosophy is an intrinsic part of Hermetic thought, from the land of Khem (Egypt). Tuthmosis III of Egypt, who reigned about 1450 BC, maintained a hermetic school he originally inherited -- the Royal Court of the Dragon. The Egyptian priest-prince Ankhfn Khonsu (2170 BC) was a Dragon Court patron. Founded by the priests of Mendes in about 2200 BC, it was subsequently revived by the 12th dynasty Queen Sobeknefru (or Sobekh Nefru) in 1785 B.C. 

The Royal Court Of The Dragon provided an institution for the pursuit of the work of the Dragon of Al-Khem otherwise known as Thoth or Hermes. From Al-Khem we have alchemy, the Great Work of the Dragon, with its classic texts, The Emerald Tablets and The Pymander.

Hungarian legend says this sovereign and priestly Order passed from Egypt to the Kings of Jerusalem, back to the Black Sea Princes of Scythia and into the Balkans - notably to the Royal House of Hungary. King Sigismund von Luxembourg reconstituted the Dragon Court in 1408 and became Holy Roman Emperor in 1433. Today it exists as the Imperial and Royal Court of the Dragon Sovereignty, and after some 4,000 years it is the oldest sovereign Court in the world. The Pendragon line migrated to England from this lineage far earlier.

The Dragon kings supported by the court have rightfully ruled many nations and empires throughout history. The last legitimate English Dragon monarch was Richard III. The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court, reconstituted [perhaps fraudulently] by King Sigismund as the Societas Draconis, was based on an entitlement Sigismund assumed he inherited from his presumed Egyptian and Scythian ancestors through the Pictish, Dragon Princess Maelasanu of Northumbria and the Ancient and Original Angevin Royal House of Vere of Anjou, the Imperial Dukes of Angiers. 

Nicholas de Vere calls this a dynastic deception. He says Sigismund “presumptuously and erroneously assumed to have inherited the bloodline legacy.” Without DNA tests who could prove him wrong at the time?

The true line descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. The later strain included the bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks. 

After its formal Hungarian revival in 1408, the Court recruited members from a number of prominent royal and noble houses, including Poland and Lithuania. This was a heterodox lot, including the later House of Vere. It was the British Plantagenet era when the Dragon Court was formally reconstituted, a time of wars, general political turmoil, new political alignments and occult machinations. 

Having presumptuously and perhaps erroneously assumed to have inherited the bloodline legacy in 1397, Sigismund drew up a pact with twenty-three royals and nobles who swore to observe ’true and pure fraternity’ within the Societas Draconis, subsequently misidentified as the Ordo Draconis (Hungarian: Sarkany Rend). Although the original Court was by no means an Order in the recognized chivalric sense, the misnomer was strategically retained in the style of the time.

Sigismund’s second wife, Barbara Cille (daughter of the Austrian Duke Hermann of Styria), was joint sovereign. Barbara was a Vampire (witch) who was taught by Ibrahim Eleazar, the keeper of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. Pope Eugene IV was forced to tolerate his Emperor’s pre-Christian, non-Catholic establishment. Even a misappropriated kingly tradition surmounts the mundane constraints of denominational dispute. Tha is the naure of overlords.

Vlad Tepes, a 15th-century Prince in Romania, founded the capital city of Bucharest. His popularized name, Dracula, means "Son of Dracul." His father was known as Dracul (or Dragon) within the Grail fraternity of the Ordo Draconis. (Gardner, Ring Lords) Transylvania is the earliest known homeland of the Dragon Kings. But, according to Nicholas de Vere, the House of Dracul descended from sons of Attila the Hun with no bloodline connection to Egypt. So it claimed an apostolic succession. There is no definable bloodline link or marriage bridge.

The Dragon Tradition was alive and well during the time of Saint Germain and he was certainly part of it as a Transylvanian prince, whether he could pass a “Dragon DNA test” or not. It is no accident one of his only two original works carried the Dragon emblem. No wonder he book has een held closely ever since.

If there was indeed dynastic [self-]deception, Saint Germain was unlikely to be any but an unwitting part, and would probably have identified strongly with this legacy. It is a legacy of seership through the genetic root – clear seeing, clairvoyance, trancendent consciousness.

Love of truth and democracy, clarity of vision, honesty of spirit, avoiding greed, focusing on a far richer spiritual and cultural experience. He sought to still the mind to the point where all acts are magical acts, where immortaliy can be found and experienced. The dragon’s fiery breath was pneuma or the spirit of the divine. All this was certainly St. Germain’s quest.


Today, according to its mage Nicholas de Vere, the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court only exists as a closed fraternity, a collective of individuals, comprising those who, unlike Sigismund, can trace their ancestry and affiliations back to the ancient, pre-Christian Elven, Grail and Dragon families via Anjou. Their rituals wouldn’t work neurochemically on anyone without their bloodline.

The Court retains the traditional three-tier degree system that Sigismund revived. He added three separate representations of the alchemical Ouroboros emblem for the distinct ranks of the Court, harking back to earlier dragon rings. A fourth emblem shaped like an Egyptian Ankh or Albigensian Cross was used by the family officers of the Inner Temple. 

We know from the history of Comte St. Germain that he was accused of being a Jacobite, and spying for the Stuarts in England. Sir Laurence Gardner is a direct link to this hidden agenda today -- virtually a modern day St. Germain, at least in title.

Echoing the opening lines of the TRIANGLE BOOK, this lineage traces itself to Egypt and is later preserved in Asia, by the Scythians. Coming from Hungary and/or Transylvania, St. Germain, being of noble blood himself, could not be unaware of this symbolic Dragon lineage. Reading between the lines, could this be the hidden cause of his trips to England and his continuous travels through Europe and the Orient?

Ferenc of Rákóczi, Prince of Transylvania, is Saint Germain’s reputed father. He was Head of the First Hungarian Liberation Battle for the re-establishment of Hungarian Kingdom Authority. In the fight for independence against the Habsburg Conquest all Hungarian people engaged in a spiritual struggle extending across centuries.

The first Habsburg King acquired the Hungarian throne by a deal unacceptable to the people. Hungarian elites ridiculed the Habsburg Clan and encouraged the Hungarian Royal State Formation. Independence of the Habsburg Clan, and the reestablishment of the Hungarian State Authority in her territory is the crucial movement cult of the Hungarian nation.

A symbolic dragon of the bloodline, Comte St.Germain, first son of Ferenc Rákóczi was kidnapped by the Habsburg clan in punishment of Prince Rákótzi's activism against the Habsburgs. He was adopted out to the French Come Family because of the Habsburg's demand.

Joseph Rákóczi was the second son of Prince Ferenc Rákóczi and Amalie princesse of Hessen, born in the French emigration of her father. The Conceptor and Head of the 2nd Hungarian Liberation's Battle against the Habsburg Empire was excommunicated by the Pope for this mission. In 1784, the Bavarian Illuminati, presumably include Saint Germain in the shadows, attempted to overthrow the Hapsburgs. Comte de Saint Germain was also a rumored paid agent of the French Revolution. In other words – he was a spy for the Dragon Dynasty wherever he went.

Sir Laurence Gardner, is a writer and chivalric geneologist of note. Much of his research for Fenesis of the Grail Kings and Realm of he Ring Lords came originally from de Vere. His inerpretations and conclusions are somewhat different. But he has his own bona fides. His numerous titles include: Chancellor of the Royal Court of the Dragon Sovereignty, now based in Britain; Prior of the Celtic Church's Sacred Kindred of St Columba. 

Known as Chevalier Labhran de Saint Germain, Gardner is Presidential Attache to the European Council of Princes - a constitutional advisory body established in 1946. He is formally attached to the Noble Household Guard of the Royal House of Stewart, founded at St. Germain-en-Laye in 1692, and is the Jacobite Historiographer Royal.

Sir Laurence himself calls the Merovingian "Holy Grail" bloodlines the "dragon" bloodlines, but claims that this term derives from the use of crocodile fat in the royal anointing ceremonies of ancient Egypt. He claims Sigismund von Luxembourg was a descendant of the Lusignan Dragon Kings of Jerusalem. The new Dragon king declared that members of the Court might wear the insignia of a dragon incurved into a circle, with a red cross — the very emblem of the original Rosicrucis which had identified the Grail succession from before 3000 B.C.

The House of Stuart, deposed in 1688, having taken over the presidency of the Council from the House of Habsburg-Austria, related it to its one-time Royal Academy, a very scientific establishment. In fact, in the 1700s in particular, it was highly Rosicrucian - very scientific and alchemical. From the time of Robert the Bruce, the Chancellor of that organization was given the title Prince Saint Germain, originating in the Stuart Royal Court in France, at the Palace of Saint Germain.

In the 1700s the Chancellor title was changed to Count Saint Germain, then changed again in the 1890s to Chevalier Saint Germain. Sir Laurence Garnder’s present title is that of Chevalier Saint Germain - which is where the knighthood comes from.Distinct from an English knighthood, his is a Franco-Scot distinction attached to the Stuart Royal Court of France [as ratified by King Louis XIV in 1692], in the key Noble Order of the Royal Palace of Saint Germain-en-Laye, near Paris. 


Why was the kingly line which descended to Jesus and beyond so unique from the outset in old Mesopotamian times? The Messianic succession of Grail dynasts (or Dragon Kings) was alchemically conceived and purpose-bred for the role of earthly leadership.

The records of ancient Sumer talk of the Anunnaki gods and their "creation chamber." According to Gardner, the great vulcans of the era produced the enigmatic Highward Fire-stone (the white powder of monatomic gold) that was used to feed the Light-bodies of the Babylonian Kings and Egyptian Pharaohs. This substance, when ingested, allegedly had stunning effects on the body's endocrinal system. 

Nicholas de Vere strongly disputes the healing value of monatomic gold, saying the rituals of immorality were essentially tantric blood rites which would be useless to anyone not hardwired into this heritage. He alks about Gardner's monoaomic gold as a dubious commercial enterprise, somewhat akin to "snake oil."

The senior line of royal descent (genetically determined by the mitochondrial DNA of the Dragon Queens) can be followed down to the time of Moses. He also rejects any implications of alien lizard races as preposterous. He claims the Dragon line, an essentially different species, was radically different due to its isolation in the dense forests of the foreboding Caucusus Mountains in the disant past before the Mesopotamian flowering. 

Gardner explaines in Genesis of the Grail Kings, the monarchs of the Grail succession were called Messiahs (Anointed Ones) because, in the early days in Mesopotamia and Egypt, they were anointed with the fat of the sacred Messeh (the holy dragon or crocodile). By virtue of this, they were called Dragons.

The Dragon, emblematic of wisdom, was the epitome of the Holy Spirit, which, according to the Book of Genesis, moved upon the waters of time, while the Grail was the perpetual Blood Royal -- the Sangréal. Originally, in old Mesopotamia, it was called the Gra-al - the Sacred Blood of the Dragon Queens. 

This sacred blood was said to be the "nectar of supreme excellence". The ancient Greeks called it “ambrosia." Allegedly it was supercharged with transformative endocrine hormones we now know as neurotransmitters, melatonin and DMT, the “spirit molecule” that means activation of the pineal gland or third eye, conferring magical powers or siddhis and tremendous spiritual insight.

In Britain, the Tuatha Dé Danann (or Dragon Lords of Anu) were masters of the transcendent Sidhé, classified as "fates" or "fairies". Before settling in Ireland (from about 800 BC), these Black Sea Princes of Scythia (now Ukraine) shared the Dragon nobility of the early Kings of Egypt.

Like the original dynastic Pharaohs, they traced their descent from the great Pendragons of Mesopotamia. The kingly lines of the Irish Bruithnigh and the Picts of Scotland's Caledonia sprang from them. In Wales they founded the Royal House of Gwynedd, while in Cornwall in the southwest of England, they were the sacred gentry known as the Pict-sidhé - from which the term "pixie" is derived. 

A single caste of the original Blood Royal - whether known as the Dragon Court, the Sangréal, the Albi-gens or the Ring Lords - contains many of the descriptive terms at the very heart of popular folklore. This singular bloodline gave birth to the "elves", "fairies" and "pixies" - not beguiling little folk, but distinguished Kings and Queens of the Dragon succession with exraordinary potential.


Gardner’s books on the Dragon lineage are largely based on de Vere’s From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells, later published by The Book Tree under the title The Dragon Legacy. 

Both claim to be the true inheritors and guardians of this Dragon tradition, also known as the Grail tradition. De Vere spent two decades delving into history, mythology, science, religion, and his own family archives to compile his insightful and revealing text. He claims he channelled parts of it and then rigorously sought the historical verifications. That intuition is a Dragon gift and trait. What de Vere came up with is more than another pop culture craze, but an entirely new theology, with a new philosophy and politics with its root at the dawn of civilization. However, neither Gardner nor de Vere make any claims to sovereignty nor power.

Clearly de Vere has foregone wealth, power, and fame in the interest of simply telling the Dragon tale. Writing about an elite genetic strain of humanity that descends from a super-human race, and which possesses abilities inaccessible to those outside of that strain, is not exactly a ticket to universal adulation.

To the contrary, de Vere's assertions regarding the elite status of the Dragon bloodline have branded him completely anathema to the Wiccan and New Age communities. He is vocal on their total lack of culttural auhenticity. Still he has spent the last twenty years of his life on this monumental task, with few rewards. 

Researcher de Vere serves as the head of an elite occult order with origins stretching back to the Knights Templar, and he holds a potential claim to several important royal titles. This, some have supposed, is the real motivation behind his work. Some believe that de Vere wants to be the King of England or France, an assertion that he flatly denies.

Others imagine de Vere is the anti-Christ himself, and see in the Dragon Court an international Satanic conspiracy somewhere on a level between the Ordo Templi Orientis and the Bilderberg Group. This paranoid theory is based on the Great Dragon of Revelation but Prince Nicholas de Vere is certainly not he and has no aspirations to earthly power. (Twyman) 

The Royal and Imperial Dragon Court and Order, in conjunction with The Dragon Court, led by HRH Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, is an ancient order charged with preserving the royal Dragon bloodline, the secret Dragon wisdom, and the sacred Dragon tradition. 

Draco was a divine emblem of the Sumerian kings, Egyptian Pharaohs, a symbol of the Egyptian Therapeutate, of the Essenes at Qumran, and was the Bistea Neptunis (the sea serpent) of the descendant Merovingian Fisher-Kings in Europe.

Saint Germain was a player in that illustrious lines of monarchs and mages as shown by his homage in his Dragon-emblem Triangle Book, a magical text and ritual for immorality in the ancient style of Abramelin. By his fruits, he could be considered a Dragon, a Seer, and a denizen of other dimensions.


Bernard, Raymond, Great Secret: Count St. Germain,

Britt, R.R. (2001) Comets, meteors and myth: New evidence for toppled civilisations and Biblical tales, Posted 13 November 2001

Cooper-Oakley, Isabel (1912), The Comte de St. Germain

Courty, M.A., (1997) Causes And Effects of the 2350 BC Middle East Anomaly Evidenced By Micro-debris Fallout, Surface Combustion and Soil Explosion, Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Conference: Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilizations, July 11-13, 1997 Cambridge, UK.

De Vere, Nicholas (2004), The Dragon Legacy, The Book Tree 

Gardner, Sir Laurence, Genesis of the Grail Kings

Gardner, Sir Laurence, Realm of the Ring Lords 

Gardner, In the Realm of the Ring Lords, Part 1, NEXUS, Vol. 6, No. 5

Gardner, In the Realm of the Ring Lords, Part 2, NEXUS, Vol. 6, No. 6

Hall, Manley Palmer, Secret Teachings of All Ages,

Hamacher, D.W. (2005), The Umm Al Binni Structure and Bronze Age Catastrophes, The Artifact: Publications of the El Paso Archaeological Society, vol 43, pp 115-138

King, Thomas F., Plotting Mythic Events: the Burckle Crater,

Master, S. (2002), Umm al Binni lake, a possible Holocene impact structure in the marshes of southern Iraq: Geological evidence for its age, and implications for Bronze-age Mesopotamia.

Master, S. and Woldai, T., (2004) The Umm al Binni structure in the Mesopotamian marshlands of southern Iraq, as a postulated late Holocene meteorite impact crater: geological setting and new Landsat ETM and Aster satellite imagery. Economic Geology Research Institute Information Circular, October 2004, University of Witwatersrand - Johannesburg, South Africa

Miller, Iona (2007), Triangle Book of St. Germain,

Napier, W., (1997) Cometary Catastrophes, Cosmic Dust and Ecological Disasters in Historical Times: The Astronomical Framework, Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Conference: Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilizations, July 11-13, 1997 in Cambridge, UK.

Twyman, Tracey, Interview with Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, "My Kindgom is Not of his World," Paranoia Magazine.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Late Saturday Night...Love to Love.

     This is a beautiful song.

Lovely instruments.
