Friday, December 10, 2010

Divinely Definite

     Someone who lovesomeone, will not allow them to die. Someone who dislikes, has not a very great choice in comparison to the one who loves. Whether they think or not...their lives are endlessly repetitive, while the former's is endlessly graceful...and full of charm. Those who love, love deeply. There are no enemies in the hearts and minds of those who love. There is only infinite amount of patience.

It is not for 'ones own self,' to strive, it is to serve another, to serve all others, that one finds such a richness of love, and.....the chemistry of it all reaches out to bless all in the process of having itself done.
     Do you understand my mode of thought? Beings, all we have is today. And without today, what do you have? Wherefore... love, live, learn. Enjoy.


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