Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Learning About Probable Realities - Seth.

There's more to life than one small way of looking at things. Take for example this excerpt from - A Seth Book, The "Unknown" Reality, Volume 1 - by Jane Roberts and Robert F. Butts.

   "Such experiences as Ruburt's Saratoga episode are valuable because they begin a process in which other neurological pulses are to some dregree recognized. Over a period of time, this can bring about some conscious experience with probable realities. In the beginning the glimpses may be very brief, and the sense experience misty. Nevertheless, new patterns and cognitive endeavors are being set up between the neurological structure and the consciousness that you know.

An excellent preliminary exercise is the following:
Take any remembered scene from your own past. Experience it as clearly as possible imaginatively, but with the idea of its probable extensions. Sometime, immediately or after a few tries, a particular portion of the scene will become gray or shadowy. It is not a part of the past that you know, but an intersection point where that past served as an offshoot into a series of probabilities that you did not follow.

Instead of a shadowy element, you yourself may feel unsubstantial -- "ghostly," as Ruburt did. Instead of any of those things, the imagined dialogue-- if there is any--may suddenly change from the dialogue that you remember, or the entire scene and action may quickly alter. Any of these occurrences can be hints that you are beginning to glimpse the probable variations of the particular scene or action. It is the subjective feeling that is the important clue here, and once you experience it, there will be no doubt in your mind.

Some people will have little trouble with the exercise, and others will need to exert persistence before finding any success at all. This method is even more effective when you choose from your past a scene in which a choice was involved that was important to you. In such a case begin imaginatively, following through with the other decision or decisions that you might have made. At one point a shadowy effect--grayness, or other characteristics, will occur. One of several of these may be involved, but your subjective feeling is the most important clue. Imagination may bring you a clear picture that may then become fuzzy, and in that case, the blurred quality would be your hint of probable action.

Until you have tried the exercise and become fully acquainted with it, you will not understand its effectiveness. You will know for instance, when the remembered event and imagination intersect with another probability. Whether or not you have any great success, the exercise will begin a neurological reorientation that will be most important would you to hope to glimpse realities that are outside your present neurologically accepted sense-reality.

This exercise is a mental and biological doorway that can expand both your concepts of yourself and reality. There may be instances in which it seems that little progress is made during the exercise itself. During the day, having made an important decision in one direction, you may begin to feel the reality of the opposite decision and its ramifications.

The exercise may also result in a different kind of a dream, one that is recognized within the dream state, at least as an introduction to a probable reality. You deal directly with future probablities in the dream state in any case. For example, a series of dreams you may try out various solutions to a given problem and choose one of these. That choice becomes your physical reality.

According to the intensity of the situation, another also desirable solution may be worked out in a probable reality. On an unconscious level you are aware of your probable selves and they of you. You share the same psychic roots and your joint yet separate dreams are available to "all of you." This does not mean that you are dreaming someone elses's dream, any more than it means that twins do, for example. It does mean that your probable selves and you share in a body of symbolism, background, and ability. The multistructured nature of the dream state allows for dream dramas, in which probable selves do appear. They may appear as symbolically representing strong characteristics upon which they have focused, though you have ignored them.

The dream state does operate as a rich web of communication between probable selves and probable existences. All probabilities spring from inner reality, from the psyche's own inner activity and structure. The consciousness that you know, can indeed now emerge into even greater realization of itself, but, not by obsessively defending its old position. Instead, it must recognize its power as the director of probable action, and no longer inhibit its own greater capacities.

In your terms, until now your consciousness has specialized in neurological patterning. As mentioned, this was extremely important while it learned the art of specialized focus. Now though, it must begin to recognize it can indeed expand and bring into its awareness other legitimate realities. The nature of probabilities must be understood because the time has come in the world as you experience it, where the greatest wisdom and discrimination are needed. Your consciousness and neurolgical prejudice blind you to the full dimension of physical activity. The true implications of physical action are not as yet apparent to you.

You are beginning to understand the reality of your planet, for example, you cannot plunder it, is what you are only beginning to learn. Opening up your consciousness to previously denied messages, would bring you in direct contact with other life-forms on your planet, in a way that you have formerly denied yourselves. Your cellular knowledge of past and future probabilities alone would teach you a spiritual and corporal courtesy.

The "unknown" reality sustains you and the web of life as you know it. Your conscious concepts must enlarge so that the conscious self can understand its true nature. As you think of it, consciousness is barely--BARELY--half developed. It has learned to identify with one small group of neurologically accepted responses. Portions of the brain not used, lie latent, waiting, for the recognition that will trigger them into activity. When this happens the mind will become aware of the rich bed of probabilities on which the ego now rides so blindly.

A few great men have glimpsed those abilities, and their love of the race and their integrity had caused them to trigger the unused portions of the brain. In their way, they sensed the great probable future and its ramifications. In centuries past they saw your present, though, through their own vision, and so, it ws only partially the present as you know it. Your emotional reality truly leaps into its own only now and then because your very concepts of yourselves deny the multidimensional aspects of your being. The need and the yearning to love and to know are both biologically present within you. They are present within the animals and within a blade of grass.

The concepts of God that you have, went hand in hand with the development of your consciousness. The ego emerging needed to feel its dominance and control so it imagined a dominant god apart from nature. Nations often acted as group egos, each with its own god-picturing and concepts of power. Whenever a tribe, group or nation decided to embark upon a war, it always used the concept of its god to lead it on. The god concept then was an aid, and an important one, to man's emerging ego. To develop its sense of specialization the ego forgot the great cooperative venture of the earth. If a hunter literally knows his relationship with an animal then he cannot kill it. On deeper levels both animal and man understand the connections. Biologically, the man knows he has come from the earth. Some of his cells have been the cells of animals, and the animal knows he will look out through a man's eyes. The earth venture is cooperative. The slain beast is tomorrow's hunter. In terms of ego consciousness, there were stages of growth, and the god concepts that spoke of oneness with nature, were not those that served the ego's purposes in the line of development as you understand it.

For a while, such techniques worked. Always however, there was the undeniable inner self in the background: mankinds dreams, their biological and spiritual integrity, and this, in one way or another, was always before them.

In your probability you allowed the inner self some freedom and therefore the so-called egotistical consciousness wasn't given complete sway. It remained flexible enough so that even hidden in its god concepts there were symbols of greater reality. Your system deals with physical manipulability and the translation of creativity into physical form. An exterior separation had to occur for a while in which consciousness forgot, egotistically speaking, that it was part of nature, and it pretended to be apart.

It was known however, and unconsciously written in the cells, mind, and heart, that this procedure would only go so far.

When man's consciousness was sure of itself, it would not need to be so narrowly focused. Then the true flowering of humanity's consciousness could begin. Then the ego could expand and become aware of realities it had "earlier" ignored.


Ego consciousness must now be familiarized with its roots, or it will turn into something else.

You are in a position where your private experience of yourself does not correlate with what you are told by your societies, churches, sciences, archaeologies, or other disciplines. Man's "unconscious" knowledge is becoming more and more consciously apparent. This will be done under, and with the direction of an enlightened and expanding egotistical awareness that can organize the hereto neglected knowledge -- OR
it will be done at the expense of the reasoning intellect leading to a rebirth of superstition, chaos and unnecessary war between reason and intuitive knowledge.

When at this point now of mankind's development, his emerging unconscious knowledge is denied by his institutions, then it will rise up despite those institutions, and annihilate them.
Cult after cult will emerge, each unrestrained by the use of reason, because reason will have denied the existence of rampant unconscious knowledge, disorganized and feeling only its own ancient force.
If this happens, all kinds of old and new religious denominations will war, and all kinds of ideologies surface. This need not take place, for the conscious mind -- basically now having learned to focus in the physical terms -- meant to expand, to accept unconscious intuitions and knowledge, and to organize these deeply creative principles into cultural patterns.

 The great emotion of love has been thus far poorly used. Yet, it represents even the biological impetus of your being.

Your religions in a large measure, have taught you to hate yourselves and your physical existence. They have told you to love God, but rarely taught you to experience the Gods in yourselves. In one way or another religions have always followed the development of your consciousness, and so they have seved its purposes and yours; and they have always reflected, though distorted, those greater inner realities of your being. In historic terms, as you understand them, the "progression" of religion gives you a perfect picture of the development of human consciousness, the differentiation of peoples and nations, and the growth of the ideas of the "individual." There is nothing wrong with the concept of an egotistically based individual being -- I am not suggesting that your individuality is something to be lost, thrown aside, or superseded, nor am I saying that it should be buried, submerged or dissolved in a superself.  I am not suggesting that its edges be blurred by a powerful unconscious. I am only saying that the individual self must become consciously aware of far more reality, that it must allow its recognition of identity to expand, so that it includes previously unconscious knowledge.

To do this, you must understand that man must move beyond the concepts of one god, one self, one body, one world, the way these ideas are currently understood. You are now poised on a threshold from which the race can go in many ways. There are species of consciousness. Your species is in a time of change. There are potentials within the body's mechanisms not as yet used. Developed, they can immeasurably enrich the race and bring it to levels of spiritual, psychic, and physical fulfillment.

If some changes are not made, the race as such, as the way it is now, will not endure. This does not mean that you will not endure, or that in another probability the race will not, but that in your terms of historical sequence, the race will not endure.

Speaking now in those historic terms you understand, let me say, there was no single-line development from animal to man, but parallel lines in which, for centuries, animal-man and man-animal coexisted cooperatively. In the same way, unknown amongst you, many species of what you may call probable man, dwell in embryo form.

Because of the ego's particular line of development, you have experimented with artificial drugs and chemicals, both in foods and for medicinal purposes, as well for "religious" enlightenment. Some of the effects of LSD and other artificial psychedelic drugs, give you a hint of other probable directions that your consciousness might have followed, or might still follow. However, as the experiments are conducted and in the ignorance which it has in the framework we're talking about now, the conscious mind takes a subordinate position. Using methods other than drugs, instead, your conscious mind could be taught to expand its knowledge far more safely, to organize itself in ways that could be most advantageous. Even so, some of the experiments do give hints of certain aspects of one of the species' probable developments. (I think Seth loves us. Yap! I could feel it. He desires for our best fulfillment.)

You cannot do anything, literally, that is not natural. Nevertheless, over a period of time, "artificial" chemicals taken with food into the body will form a new kind of nature, in your terms.

Your bodies are beautifully equipped and will turn almost anything to their advantage. According to many schools of thought, so-called artificial drugs, or chemicals, are considered in a very negative light, cutting you off from nature. Yet such experiments represent a strong line of probability only in its "infancy" as yet, in which man could sustain himself without draining the earth, and to live without killing animals, and literally form a new kind of physical structure connected to the earth, while not depleting its substance. This does not mean that in the meantime some biological confusion might not result, it does mean that even in those terms, and consciously unknowing, mankind is experimenting with a probable species and working out quite spiritual issues. Your probable futures and your probable pasts, in larger terms, exist at once."

That's the message!

The Predator's Pact

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