Saturday, June 4, 2011

Goliath at the Coach & Horses.

     The night was brilliant.
    It had nothing to do with the people's thoughts, it had everything to do with their meaning. Timothy picked me up and we went to the local steak house, the Keg. It was daunting, there were many people about wandering, enjoying the intersting weekend. We felt, both of us, we could go on all night with this kind of weather. So we walked in and ordered a meal. The crowd of beings who were already there enjoying their meal or finishing the last parts of it, were all together in on it, the plan. Happy as we all could be, there was more to happiness than meets the eye. Tim and I ended up at the Coach and Horses down below the Loop, which we first went to visit, the Loop...and so when I heard the voices of angels coming from down stairs, I told Tim about it and he said ok, let's go down there. It was one of the most fun times I had. The band is called GoLiath. They are as good as Kintra. Wow. I really enjoyed this day. Thank you. Everyone.


(I love, love, LOVE the screaming at the end of this video. Ah! It's music itself!
I'm so glad I bought the cd. Now I can listen to it all the time.)

A Note: Yes, I am moving to the heavier metal music, why? Because of their skill. Some would call this kind of music devil music, but I tell ya, it's brilliant music, as, it takes dedication and great skill to create and perform, consistently, this style of music. It's not based on literal movements of sound, it's based on spiritual movement. When you immerse yourself into this music you begin to become a part of the skillful sounds. Your spirit moves with every skillful maneuver the band moves in and they move in minute acts from one sound to another, where you never know the next step would you to be listening from the surface, yet from the center of gravity within you, it is so easy to flow with these skillful sounds. Uh! I love it! There was such a brotherhood of love last night. These beings know the true value of it. The music is not in the words, the words are in the music. Phenomenally excellent.

Find Goliath:


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