Monday, October 24, 2011

Every Monarchy Today Is A Fraud Because Of The Roman Catholic Church.

It all started with the 'Donation of Constantine.' The donation was only some robes and 'Crowns of Office' but nothing like with which the vatican ludicrously went jumping onto the bandwagon of royalty and rulership. You might say, those who were in the vatican at the time, were deceived by a so called 'St.' Jerome who invented it, this overboard donation of Constantine... pulled the wool over their eyes, greed took over and all went riding into history with it. Temptation to worldly things through the masquerade of spiritual blessing. I can only speculate what went on then. Maybe they were all aware of this false document?  Maybe not. Could 'St' Jerome have been an illuminati puppet?

 Check it out:  The Greatest Fraud (The Donation of Constantine) by Nicholas de Vere

And this one from    The Greatest Fraud

"One slight problem, though. The Donation of Constantine is a complete and utter fraud and the Church was never given any temporal powers at all, let alone the right to found dynasties, crown kings or institute governments. The whole document was a lie from beginning to end and has been known to be a fake since Lorenzo Valla applied the methods of historical criticism to it during the Renaissance.

How do we know Valla was correct? The New Testament references incorporated into the wording of the Donation were taken from the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible. The Vulgate Bible was compiled by 'St.' Jerome who was born more than two decades after Constantine was supposed to have signed the Donation. The actual Vulgate Bible wording that appears in the Donation didn’t exist until 'St.' Jerome invented it, fifty years after the document had supposedly been dated and signed by the Emperor. By this time Constantine had been dead for decades and couldn’t have signed the Dragons’ rights away anyway.

The language of the Donation is eighth century clerical or dog Latin, whilst the Latin used in the 4th century Empire was late classical Roman. The Imperial and Papal ceremonials described in the Donation didn’t exist in Constantine’s time but were developed some centuries later."

"Supposedly written before 337 AD - the year of Constantine’s death - the Donation of Constantine actually didn’t make an appearance on the stage of European history until four hundred years later. So far-reaching are the powers bestowed upon the Church by this document, one would have thought that it would have been made public at the time of its bestowal. Not centuries later."

"The ’Donation’, the Church claimed, was written in the 4th century at the insistence of the emperor Constantine. The Church said that he was so grateful for having been cured of leprosy by Pope Sylvester, that he gave into the Church’s hand the entire power and wealth of the unified Roman Empire, including the right to crown and dethrone kings. Now that is what you call expensive medical insurance."

"The provisions of the Donation were enforced in 751 AD following which the Merovingians were deposed by the Church and replaced by their sycophants, the Mayors of the Palace who later became known as the Carolingians. The Church had made a pact with the Mayors and offered to ’recognize’ their legitimacy as rulers if they would dispense with the true Dragon Kings. The deal was done and the Carolingians were made the puppet rulers under the Roman Church.

The Donation, because it was made by a Dragon King, Constantine, legitimized the Church’s right to take this action. To all intents and purposes they had the authority of Dragon Kingship given up to them by this Charter. No doubt the Merovingians knew this to be a fraud, which is why they refused to recognize the authority of the Church to meddle in affairs of state. What do we learn from this?"

"The fraudulent imperial power of the Vatican to create kings by ’coronation’ - derived from this faked 8th century ’Donation of Constantine’ - was later adopted by the Archbishops of the Church of England with the complicity of the Tudors, who were Catholics themselves.

When he split with Rome, Henry VIII still retained and later ratified and re-established in the Anglo-Catholic Church of England the fraudulent right of the Church’s clergy to create by coronation, a succession of British monarchs. This was an illegal act. The ’Donation of Constantine’ was proved to be a completely fake document. Therefore no Royal Elven House that knew its origins and cared about social justice could possibly bring itself to recognize a Christian British monarchy or any of their Church sponsored, Church crowned predecessors or any of their regnant or formerly regnant, European cousin Houses.

Because the Donation was a fraud and no subsequent priest of any Catholic derived denomination ever had the right to crown kings, Britain has had no legally reigning monarch for 900 years. As a consequence of this, all the laws passed by these monarchs were and are illegal and worthless and all the governmental agencies set up by or derived from these monarchs or their laws are also illegal and worthless up to the present day.

When considering this, the reader might like to consider the fact that all the arrests ever made by the police in Britain and Europe are acts of kidnap and habeas corpus. Equally, any man who has taken up arms for the Crown and killed for his country is unprotected by law and guilty therefore of murder.

However, paradoxically, as the entire British legal system is illegal, there are no laws, and so the crimes of habeas corpus and murder as we define them today, simply do not exist. Subconsciously people know that their politicians and monarchs have no legitimate authority to rule over them. They manifest this knowledge in an increasing disrespect for these optional, arbitrary and illusory social conventions, which is yet another reason why social order is breaking down.

If the UN is right, we may face chaos in the near future; and all because of a stupid fraud, perpetrated by a group of myopically greedy, maniacal peddlers of false religion who are now long dead."

Now you know the reason they don't want you in their library, they prohibit their library from being searched; it is because they are frauds and criminals, and the evidence in their own library condemns them.


Here is something of interest which I excerpted out of the link at top: "This story is a recapitulation of the Osiris story, as well as the inspiration for the Grail legends, in which the Fisher King is wounded in the genitals, causing the entire kingdom to fall under a spell of perpetual malaise. The only thing that can heal the king, and therefore the kingdom is the Grail. This is a recurring theme in world mythology. The king and/or the kingdom that temporarily falls asleep or falls under a magic spell which renders it/him ineffectual for a time, until the stars are right, or the proper conditions are met. This causes the king and his kingdom to reawaken, to rise from the ashes, from the tomb, or often, to rise out of the sea.

The cycle recurs in the tales of the Lord of the Earth, who alternates between periods of death-like sleep within his tomb in the center of the Earth, and rebirth, in which he once again returns to watch over his kingdom, to restore righteousness and justice to the land. He then presides over a new, revitalized "Golden Age".

It reminds me of the story of the "mummies." Under the title "4000 Mummies have awakened: What does this mean?"

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