Monday, February 27, 2012

Carlos Castaneda Talking to Armando Torres

 in...  Encounters With The Nagual

"Disconcerting me even further, he seemed to read my thoughts, because he made a little
nod of agreement and murmured:
"That's it. You have to be crazy to let yourself commit to something like that, and even
crazier to believe it is possible to do."

"The refocusing of the Earth's attention is the product of the combined action of many
generations of naguals. The new seers conceived of it as a possibility, and discovered that
it was part of the Rule. They incubated it with their intent, and determined that now is the
time to begin it."
"What is the effect of that movement?"
"To move the fixation of the planet is the only way out from the dramatic state of slavery
to which we have been reduced. The course of our civilization has no exit, because we
are isolated in a remote location of the cosmos. If we don't learn how to travel along the
avenues of awareness, we will come to such a state of frustration and despair that
humanity will end up destroying itself. Our options are the way of the warrior, or
"However, I cannot know what the total effects of my task wilt be. The Earth's
assemblage point is very big; it has an enormous inertia. My mission is to start the fire,
but it will take time to get the blaze going. In fact, that task is not mine only, but belongs
to all the seers who must come.
"Knowledge of the assemblage point is an unprecedented gift from the spirit to modern
man, and it is the catalyst for changing the modality of this era. It is not a Utopia, but a
real possibility that is waiting there, just around the corner.
"I don't want to speculate on my chances of being successful with this task; I just persist,
because it is all that's left for me to do. Personally, I have no doubts. In my view, the
future is luminous, because it belongs to awareness, which for sorcerers means that it
belongs to nagualism."

Encounter in the Crypt
After describing his task, Carlos rose from the bench and went closer to the rail around
the entrance to the crypt below the church. I followed him.
Pointing at the stairway with his chin, he told me:
"You should go down there. Inside, you will see a circle in the floor, which corresponds
to the exact center of the main dome of the church. According to tradition, that is the
original place where Cuauhtemoc, the last Aztec emperor, was buried."
I asked him how historically accurate that information was.
He replied that he didn't know, but that the catacomb was an interesting place, regardless.
"All I want you to do is stand for a while in the center of that circle with your eyes
closed, to tune yourself in to the energy of the place. It is a place of power from the
sorcerers of antiquity, and it will help you in your task."
but it will take time to get the blaze going. In fact, that task is not mine only, but belongs
to all the seers who must come.
"Knowledge of the assemblage point is an unprecedented gift from the spirit to modern
man, and it is the catalyst for changing the modality of this era. It is not a Utopia, but a
real possibility that is waiting there, just around the corner.
"I don't want to speculate on my chances of being successful with this task; I just persist,
because it is all that's left for me to do. Personally, I have no doubts. In my view, the
future is luminous, because it belongs to awareness, which for sorcerers means that it
belongs to nagualism."
Encounter in the Crypt
After describing his task, Carlos rose from the bench and went closer to the rail around
the entrance to the crypt below the church. I followed him.
Pointing at the stairway with his chin, he told me:
"You should go down there. Inside, you will see a circle in the floor, which corresponds
to the exact center of the main dome of the church. According to tradition, that is the
original place where Cuauhtemoc, the last Aztec emperor, was buried."
I asked him how historically accurate that information was.
He replied that he didn't know, but that the catacomb was an interesting place, regardless.
"All I want you to do is stand for a while in the center of that circle with your eyes
closed, to tune yourself in to the energy of the place. It is a place of power from the
sorcerers of antiquity, and it will help you in your task."
Briefly holding my hand, he added that he could not accompany me this time because
someone was waiting for him somewhere, and he wished me luck. Without giving me
time to react, he turned and left.
Carlos' attitude - asking me to go down in the crypt, and then leave in a hurry - left me
confused. I didn't know what to do. With some misgivings, I leaned out over the
narrow stairway and felt a cold, humid breeze. Filled with an irrational apprehension, 1
went down the stone steps to the entrance door.

....move in a voluntary and conscious
way in the environment of dreams, in just the same way he moves in his daily life.
This technique is supplemented with what Don Juan called 'the art of stalking', or the art
of knowing oneself, and with a daily exercise called 'recapitulation' because it consists of
reviewing events of our personal history to find their hidden plot.

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