Friday, April 6, 2012

Get Rid of the NewWorldOrder Government, Which is the Hidden Gov All Over the Planet

Get those idiots out. They are liers, theives, and murderers. How can you call that a governement? Con-men are what they are. Get rid of the new world order who hide in every government on the planet and rule by murdering the good-guys so they can place their alien-manipulated-illuminati in instead.

Here's a story which was posted on April 4, 2012 about the malfunctioning prime minister of Canada....

(besides that link, here's a link to another story which shows how Harper harped all kinds of lies through his teeth. Beside being an idiot about a need for some worthless byplanes called F-ucking nothings, the underground science have technology where flying saucers are built which levitate and move faster than anything known on Earth, and the idiot Harper is saying we 'need'? those junk planes? What a farce. They, the new-world-order-illuminati just want to put people more in debt, steal their money, their lives, and put them in a bad way so they could puppet them at their wish. That's what they're up to. KNOW IT!  )


Bob Rae speech: Stephen Harper should resign

OTTAWA—Following is a partial transcript of Bob Rae’s speech to Liberal MPs and staff in Ottawa on Wednesday, in which he slammed Prime Minister Stephen Harper for the waste and cost overruns in the bid to purchase a fleet of F-35 fighter jets.

The speech was intended to serve as Rae’s budget speech — which he was not permitted to give because of an NDP filibuster in Parliament — as well as a reply to recent attack ads by the Conservatives against Rae.

Selected portions of the transcript follow:

“I’ve listened to some lectures from the Conservatives on economic competence. I’ve listened to lectures from the Conservatives on fiscal probity. I’ve listened to lectures from the Conservatives on managing things. And I think Canadians need to know and understand, that this is the worst example of economic incompetence and of fiscal dishonesty that this country has seen in a generation.

And we already know from the way the leaks were put out two weeks ago, the first leak. A leak from the Prime Minister’s Office. Imagine. That doesn’t happen by accident. We know that the leaks that came from the Prime Minister’s Office said something terrible has happened, the Prime Minister was misled.

He was misled by officials — nameless officials.

And the story went on to say that the Prime Minister was privately furious that this had taken place and he was going to make sure it never happened again and was going to be corrected.

Let me just say this about that: the most highly centralized and tightly controlled government in Canadian history; the first government that actually changed its name, officially, from the Canadian government to the ‘Harper government.’ Well, you can’t get away with the fiction that a $10 billion mistake in calculating the cost of the F-35 stealth fighter . . . had nothing to do with the man in charge. With a man whose name and whose moniker is on every single publication of this government.

Mr. Harper, this kind of saying, ‘not my fault, not my job, it was somebody else’s responsibility’ might work for others. It won’t for work for Mr. Harper. He cannot now pretend that he was just the piano player in the brothel who didn’t have a clue as to what was really going on upstairs. . . .

We are frequently lectured on the need for private-sector discipline in government. Imagine, any CEO who’s listening in to this broadcast and imagine any company that made a mistake of this kind — that misled its shareholders, that misled the public, that put out a misleading prospectus, that published false figures and false documents to the tune of billions of dollars. Any company that did those things would fire the CEO and replace the board of directors. The police would be called in and the civil litigation would be huge. The Harper Cons are already in the dock for electoral fraud; this is political fraud of a different kind.

 Let’s just remember some basic things about this F-35 contract, this whole business.

When the government announced the choice of the F-35 in the middle of the summer in 2010, the Liberal party said . . . a tender was required and even then we compared the government’s numbers with what was happening, what was on the public record in Europe, in the United States and among defence experts everywhere, from the congressional budget office to countless European governments, the numbers did not add up.

The numbers were not real numbers. We knew it. We said it. But it wasn’t just us who said it — it was the Congressional Budget Office that said it. It was the Parliamentary Budget Officer that said it. What was Mr. Harper’s answer then? He called us liars. He said we were unpatriotic. Remember, “just visiting”? That was about that. He said we didn’t know what we were talking about. The story he’s putting out now is that he was “misled.” This is truly a pathetic defence. Pathetic.

And it’s not going to work on me. It may work on somebody, but I mean it’s not going to work on anybody who knows Mr. Harper. The control master of all time was misled? All he needed to do was press “Google, F-35” (on his computer) and start doing what any prime minister should do — ask why his government’s numbers were so different from everyone else’s . . . . The $25 billion number was not some deep, dark secret kept under lock and key in the Department of National Defence. It was readily available. It was widely debated by everyone, apparently, except for Mr. Harper, who’s notorious for not caring about details, for not being in charge of the government and for running a very lax and loose, relaxed, “California Steve” kind of government. I don’t think so . . . .

Let others quibble about whether this was dishonesty or whether this was incompetence. But it is not just a mistake. It is a failure. It is a failure of leadership. It is a failure of competence. It is a failure of judgment. It is a failure of honesty. It is a failure to come clean with the Canadian public, when he had countless chances to do so. Every chance was given to him.
Instead of which, what did Mr. Harper do? He stonewalled, he insulted, he pretended he was smarter than everyone in the room. He put out ads attacking Michael Ignatieff, who showed consistency and leadership in pointing out the mistakes of that time. He should be congratulated for it and thanked for it.

When the Parliamentary Budget Officer came out with his prescient report he, too, was denigrated and attacked.

The auditor general has not pointed out anything dramatically new this week. He has simply confirmed what every knowledgeable observer has been saying for two years about this purchase. Yesterday the auditor general told us he was simply doing an analysis of the process. But government departments do not work on auto-pilot and they certainly don’t work on auto-pilot in Stephen Harper’s Ottawa. It is up to Parliament now to draw the further conclusion — the Prime Minister and his ineffective and compliant cabinet failed to show the slightest honesty, integrity or even basic competence in dealing with these issues.

Throughout 2010-2011, the Liberal party kept pursuing this issue. But we were not alone. Throughout NATO, every single sovereign government was coming to terms with an F-35 cost structure that just wouldn’t come down. The Prime Minister of Holland wrote to every member of the Dutch Parliament, explaining that the costs of the project were escalating and that the government would have to review the purchase. Even American congressmen and senators who supported the project admitted that it was becoming much more expensive.

We, for our part, kept asking for more information. Because we knew the government must have that information. We were denied access to the information. We now know the government had the numbers but they withheld them from Parliament. It was, remember, the issue that caused the last election – a contempt of Parliament because the Harper Cons refused to tell Parliament the real cost of the aircraft and the real cost of the government’s prison agenda. It is a contempt of Parliament that continues to this day.

. . .

(Harper) told Canadians not to worry because the government had a contract — those were his exact words — that would protect Canada from rising costs. You know, we’re different from all the other countries in the world — we, Mr. Harper told us, we have a contract. That, my friends, is what any kid in the schoolyard would call a lie. There was no such contract and there is no such contract today . . . .

Any prime minister, including this one, knows full well, that the word contract has a very specific meaning. It’s supposed to be something that binds, something that defines, that protects interests and that can be enforced in a court of law. Mr. Harper was pretending, and he knew he was pretending, all of that when he used that word in the middle of an election. He misled Canadians in order to receive their confidence.

No doubt as time goes on, individuals will be thrown under the bus. We can expect it. A public servant, someone from the military, maybe even a cabinet minister or two. But my friends, we don’t have cabinet government anymore. We have Harper government. And so Mr. Harper has nowhere to hide. He can’t hide behind bureaucrats who have no authority. He can’t hide behind cabinet ministers who have even less authority. He is going to wear this each and every day we’re there. He’s going to wear it and he’s going to pay the price for it.

A mistake of this kind, a massive fraud of this kind, can’t be ascribed to anyone other than the Prime Minister of Canada. This party, this Conservative party of his, this government, this Harper government of his, these policies are his and his alone.

This style of government — the personal attacks, the robotic non-answers to questions, the stonewalling — this contempt for Parliament, this is Mr. Harper’s baby. This is Stephen Harper’s responsibility and this is Stephen Harper’s responsibility alone and he must be seen to pay the price for this deliberate misleading of the Canadian people. And that’s why we say and I say without hesitation: Stephen Harper is not fit to be the Prime Minister of Canada.

To borrow some phrases with which Mr. Harper will no doubt be familiar: Stephen Harper, he’s not up to the job. Stephen Harper, he’s just visiting. Stephen Harper, he’s a failure . . . .

We need to understand the nature of the battle that we’re in and the techniques and the tactics that are used. We now know the Harper syndrome. We know the methodology. We know the technique. And so we all have to steel ourselves and question every single denial, because the denials are intended to do only one thing, to intimidate and to bully.

We have to persevere through the personal attacks, because they are intended to change the subject and to put critics on their back foot. This is what bullies and control artists do. When they are caught out, they say, it’s not about us, it’s about you. Everyone who has ever been bullied knows what this tactic is all about. We have to see through it.

I’m sorry, Mr. Harper, this is about you. It’s all about you.

It’s about your refusing to tell the truth to the Canadian people. It’s about your determination to vilify and attack anything that gets in your way. It’s about your efforts to intimidate and shut down, whether it’s the parliamentary budget officer, non-governmental organizations, environmental groups, women’s groups, human rights groups or people you just don’t like, including Parliament itself. And while these tactics might work on some, they absolutely do not work on us.

And so we face a challenge. It’s not just a challenge in the House of Commons. This is not just some minor error, folks. This is the basis on which Mr. Harper won a mandate. This is about how he won an election. It’s about what he told people in that election. It’s about what he said was true in that election, when he must have known it was not true . . . .

He denigrated, he denied, he denounced. He made personal attacks. He authorized personal attacks on our leaders at that time. He said they didn’t know what they were talking about. He accused people of being unpatriotic. He had ministers stand up and say we were friends of the Taliban.

You’ve met your day, Mr. Harper. You misled the Canadian people, with respect to a contract that’s worth billions and billions of dollars to the people of this country. You’ve denigrated Parliament, you’ve twisted and you’ve turned and you’ve denied. The time of denial is over. It’s time you faced up to the truth and recognized the problem. The problem, sir, is you: you’re the problem.

So we face a battle. We should not underestimate the difficulty of this battle or its challenge. Like everyone who’s in a corner, Mr. Harper is going to start to blame others. He’ll put a cabinet minister’s head on a plate. He’ll put a deputy minister’s or an assistant or an associate deputy minister’s head on a plate. He may even put a general’s head on a plate.

But Canadian people won’t be fooled. Canadian people can’t be fooled. . . .

I’ll tell you who I think should resign. I think Stephen Harper should resign. The buck stops at the top.”

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