Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why Is Ramtha Desperate?

You would think that a guy who calls himself "God Almighty" would be absolutely free of any restrictions. But this guy who calls himself that very thing, also says that he is desperate. Hm. I don't get it. Do you? Well here...let me write it out for you. You tell me what you think.

From the book "Ramtha, A Master's Reflection On The History Of Humanity, Part 1."

Page 153 - "I be with you all, for I am now the wind, and the personality interim I am. I am light synthesis once again, for you do not see the wind; thus you cannot see me. But of that which I have loved, you can. And it is through that which you love and I love that the wind comes through. To worship me, to see me, I will become all things to you, for I have the power to do so. I can become the old woman indeed, a little girl, the old man, and the wind, for I am no longer captivated or enamored or lost to a limitedness of only a small man on a stump, but carry with me his ponderings and his heart and his desperation."

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