Friday, August 29, 2014

Marilyn Manson - This Is The New Shit

Hello. There is a way to follow the yellow brick road. First ofall ya haf ta be really really loffly. Second offal, ya haf ta luff your mother nature so that you can see inside your own self wat is happening. If you can't see that... You can't see me. I am too busy to be burnt out by your bull-shit. So whatever you want to do, go ahead, go RIGHT AHEAD, make my day. Make my day, my day, my day, my daaaay. Make my Day.
 Yea fuck off. I love ya. Just shut up and leave me alone so I can figure you out. When I do, I'll let you know and I'll come out of hiding. Here's the song.

If you don't get it, it don't matter, because someone out there sure will, get it.
Hah Ha ha ha hahaaaa

Down in the Dark Marilyn Manson   where nine nine nine means yes yes yes

                                                                      You see? Down in the Dark, you'll find me and Mar
                                                            ilyn Manson Down in the Park saying N N N meaning Yes yes yessssss. That's right. Yes. Uh hah hah haahahahahaaaaa ah! what a stormy night..............................

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