Saturday, July 25, 2015

Advanced Science & Physics.

     Now this is more like it. It is no wonder I get bored with society and the way things are, the way people behave and think. Because it's the caveman time! And yet they think they're advanced. Their morals are shot to smithereens, they worship things, let alone worship, and hate one another for the smallest most ridiculous things, and they don't even attempt to understand one another. It's always one competition after another of who's better than who. Hahaha! It's so infantile and without thought.

Here's an excerpt from Falun Dafa:

Zhuan Falun, Turning The Law Wheel by Li Hongzhi

     "Ancient China’s science was different from the science we’ve learned from the West
in modern times. It took a different path and could bring about a different scenario. So we
can’t use our current ways of understanding things to understand ancient China’s science
and technology, because it focused on the human body, life, and the universe, they
studied these things directly, so it took a different path. Back then school students put
value in meditation, they emphasized good posture in sitting, and it was considered
important to control the breathing and direct qi when they picked up their brush-pens.
People in every line of work made a practice of clearing the mind and adjusting the
breathing, and the whole society went by that.

Some people say, “If we’d taken the path of ancient China’s science, would we have
the automobiles and trains we’ve got today? Would we be as modernized as we are
today?” I’d say that you shouldn’t try to understand another way of life from the
perspective of this environment. Your thinking and concepts need to undergo a
revolution. Without TVs, people would have their own in their foreheads, and they could
see whatever they wanted. They’d also have abilities. Without trains or automobiles,
people would be able to sit there and levitate, and they wouldn’t even need elevators. It
would bring about a situation in which society developed differently, and it wouldn’t
necessarily be limited to that framework. The flying saucers of alien beings travel back
and forth incredibly fast, and they can become large or small. The route they’ve taken is
even more different, and that’s yet another scientific method."


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