Tuesday, May 17, 2016

About Gold & Alchemy

“THE HIGHEST processes of alchemy require no mechanical labour; they consist in the purification of the soul, and in transforming animal man into a divine being.” 

“But,” said I, “did not the ancient alchemists treat real metals and transform them into others of a higher order?” To this Theodorus replied, “The invisible principles of which the constitution of man is made up are called his “metals,” because they are more lasting and enduring than flesh and blood. The metals which are formed by his thoughts and desires will continue to exist after the perishing elements constituting his physical body have been dissolved. Man’s animal principles are the base metals of which his animal organization consists; they must be changed into nobler metals by transforming his vices into virtue, until they pass through “all” colours and turn into the gold of pure spirituality. To accomplish this, it is necessary that the grossest elements in his astral form should die and putrefy, so that the light of the spirit penetrates through the hard shell and call the Inner Man into life and activity.”
“Then,” I said, “all those alchemical prescriptions which we find in the books are only to be taken in a figurative sense, and have nothing to do with material substances such as salt, sulphur, mercury, etc?”
“Not exactly so,” answered the Adept. “There are no hard lines separating the various kingdoms in nature, and the actions of laws manifested in one kingdom find their analogies in other kingdoms. The processes taking place in the spiritual planes are also taking place in the astral and material planes, subject, of course, to such modifications as are imposed by the conditions existing upon these planes. Nature is not, as your scientists seem to believe, an agglomeration of fundamentally different objects and elements; nature is a whole, and everything in the organism acts and is acted on by every other thing contained therein. This is a fact which the ancient alchemists knew, and which modern chemists would do well to remember, for, we find already in the book of “Sohar” the following passage, which I advise you to note down in your book so you will remember it:
“Everything that exists upon the Earth has its ethereal counterpart above the Earth (that is to say, in the inner realm), and there is nothing, however insignificant it may appear in the world, which is not dependent on something higher (or more interior), so that, if the lower part acts, its presiding higher part reacts upon it.”
“It has been taught by the ancients,” I interjected, “that man is a little world, constituted in a manner similar to the big world, which he inhabits.”
“This is true,” said the Adept, “but you should not merely know it as a theory, but realize it. Within yourself is contained the universe with all its powers, heaven and hell, angels and devils, and all the kingdoms with their inhabitants, and you may call them into life at your pleasure. You are the god and creator within your own universe. You continually people that world with forms, coming into existence by your thoughts, and you infuse them with your life by the power of will. In each human being are contained germinally the essences which constitute the mineral, vegetable, animal, or human kingdom. In each man are contained powers which may be developed... into a tiger, a snake, a hog, a dragon, into a sage or villain, into an angel or devil, into an Adept or God. Those elements which are made to grow and develop, will become the man’s alter ego and constitute his “self.” 
Look at the double interlaced triangle over your head. It represents the Macrocosm with all the forces contained therein, the interpenetration and union of Spirit and Matter, within the never-ending circle of eternity. Look at the smaller symbol upon the table before you. It represents the same elements within the constitution of Man. If you can bring the double interlaced triangles existing within your own body into harmony with those existing in the Universe, the powers of nature will be yours, and you will be able to guide and control them.”
I thought of the nature of the many different ingredients necessary to make an alchemical experiment, and the manner in which they must be mixed. But Theodorus perceived my thought and replied:
“The universal process, by which all the processes of life take place, is the unfoldment of Life. He who can guide and control the power of life is an alchemist. He can create new forms and increase the substance of those forms. The chemist creates nothing new, he merely forms new combinations of the substances in his possession. The alchemist causes the substance to attract corresponding elements from the invisible storehouse in nature, and to increase. The chemist deals with matter in which the principle of life is inactive, that is, which manifests itself merely as mechanical or chemical energy. The alchemist deals with the principle of life, and causes living forms to come into existence. The chemist may transform sulphur into invisible gas and cause that gas to become sulphur again, and the sulphur obtained at the end of the experiment will be just as much in quantity as it was at the beginning. But the gardener who puts a seed in the ground, and prepares the conditions necessary for that seed to grow into a tree, is an alchemist, because he calls something into existence which did not exist ready-made in the seed, and out of one seed he may thus obtain a thousand seeds of the same kind.” 
     In other words, the person puts a seed of thought into his head that he would like to accomplish, deposits it into his own mind, then through the days he acts out the part of which the seed is already fully grown, but seeing that it takes time, he tends every day to give it the right amount of water and sunlight that, at the moment, his thought needs to grow, instead of too much of something, meaning skipping the steps and acting like it’s already fulfilled and therefore only living in a fantasy world. No, he gives that seed of thought his attention, and as the seed grows in his mind he acts the part outside of him, at the same time watching the growth intricately, until one day it manifests in the physical world and then the growth of it is complete. --The alchemist causes the substance to attract corresponding elements from the invisible storehouse in nature, and to increase-- And out of that knowledge of how it is done, he can make many other seeds grow from his mind’s terrain. And Then!... once that process is recognized through some work put into it, one can instantly manifest things in a single second. Like it said in the start: “The highest processes of alchemy require no mechanical labour; they consist in the purification of the soul, and in transforming animal man into a divine being.” So, if your metals are full of beliefs that keep you tied to a ball and chain of ineptness in physical matter, then you will first have to deal with those beliefs and melt them away, before you can get on to the start of a project for yourself.
--“The invisible principles of which the constitution of man is made up, are called his “metals,” because they are more lasting and enduring than flesh and blood.--
--Man’s animal principles are the base metals of which his animal organization consists; they must be changed into nobler metals by transforming his vices into virtue--
--If you can bring the double interlaced triangles existing within your own body into harmony with those existing in the Universe, the powers of nature will be yours, and you will be able to guide and control them.--
SO! Once you learn how to do that, to instantly manifest, then you are ready to move on to different territory, outside the physical matter-form.
--“The invisible principles of which the constitution of man is made up are called his “metals,” because they are more lasting and enduring than flesh and blood. The metals which are formed by his thoughts and desires will continue to exist after the perishing elements constituting his physical body have been dissolved. Man’s animal principles are the base metals of which his animal organization consists; they must be changed into nobler metals by transforming his vices into virtue, until they pass through “all” colours and turn into the gold of pure spirituality."--
-- “There are no hard lines separating the various kingdoms in nature, and the actions of laws manifested in one kingdom, find their analogies in other kingdoms."--
-- "Those elements which are made to grow and develop will become the man’s alter ego and constitute his “self.” -- 
So whatever body you want to have experiences in, you create it by focusing your thoughts on that, and then you will have that form in which to put your spirit/soul into to live and experience.
-- "The alchemist deals with the principle of life, and causes living forms to come into existence."--
AND That is what Jesus did when He came down through the levels. He transformed Himself into the same type of body that were in those levels so that no one recognized Him. Then He reached planet Earth and took on a physical bodily form. So when He was done here, and proceeded back UP, then He kept His true form, and all of them in the upper layers were surprised that they didn't see Him when He was on his way down.... because He changed His form to blend with all the other different forms in every different dimension!
So, it's a gift you have within you to do, already. You just have to use it for the right purpose before it will be allowed you to use. Otherwise it will lay dormant.)
-- "so that the light of the spirit penetrates through the hard shell and call the Inner Man into life and activity."--

    "Let me tell you once more that Nature is a Unity, and consequently each particle of matter, even the smallest, is a part of nature in which the possibilities of the whole are hidden. Each speck of dust may, under favourable conditions, develop into a universe in which all the elements existing in nature can be found. The reason why your scientists are unable to comprehend this truth is because their fundamental doctrines about the constitution of matter and energy are entirely wrong. Your Dualism in theology has been the cause of untold misery, creating a continual quarrel between God and the Devil; your Polytheism in science blinds the eyes and obstructs the judgment of the learnd and keeps them in ignorance.
     What do you know about the attributes of primordial matter? What do you know about the difference between matter and force? All the so-called "simple substances" known to your science are originally grown out of primordial matter. But this primordial matter is a Unity, it is only One. Consequently each particle of this primordial matter must be able to grow under certain conditions into gold, under other conditions to produce iron, under others mercury, etc. This is what the ancient alchemists meant when they said each of the seven metals contains the seeds of the other seven; and they also taught that, for the purpose of transmuting one body into another, the body to be transmuted would have to be reduced first into its Prima Materia.
     But, I see that you are anxious to have the truth of these doctrines demonstrated by an experiment; let us then see whether it is possible that we can make gold grow out of its seed."

     "The secret of how this red powder is prepared cannot be explained to men until they become more spiritual; because it is a secret whose knowledge must be practically acquired. How can we teach mankind to employ powers which they do not possess, and of which they do not even know the existence? Nevertheless, the germs of these powers are contained in a latent condition within the organism of every human being.
     It would be foolish to suppose gold could be made out of any other substance than gold; but every substance contains the germ of gold in its own primordial state. In the alchemical laboratory of nature, iron-pyrites and other substances produce gold in the course of ages, because the principle of gold contained in their primordial element grows by the action of the life-principle of nature, and becomes visible gold. This process, which may require unconscious nature millions of years to accomplish, can be accomplished by nature in a few minutes if her will-power is guided by the spiritual consciousness and intelligence of the Adept. It is as impossible to make gold grow out of anything containing no gold, as it is impossible to make an apple tree grow out of a cherry stone. But if we wish to see an apple tree grow out of a seed, we do not insert it in a hole bored into a rock, but we select a proper piece of soil where it can grow by the aid of sunlight and moisture.
     Likewise, if we desire gold to grow out of the 'seed' or principle of gold, we must add the proper soil which it requires; and this 'soil' is furnished by the red powder, which contains the life-principle for the production of gold. 
     Know that there is no 'dead' substance in the universe, and that even a stone or a metal contains life in a latent form. If the life-principle within such a substance becomes active, this substance will begin to form and produce the various colours which you saw in the crucible. If the mass were cold and solid, the power of life would be slow to penetrate below the surface of the metal; nevertheless, the transmutation would gradually take place; but in the molten mass, the life-giving substance becomes thoroughly mixed with the metal, ebullition takes place, and the transmutation is quickly performed.
     Why should growth, development, and transmutation of form be possible only in the vegetable and animal kingdom? It is equally possible in the mineral kingdom, the only difference is, in the former, it takes place within a sufficiently short period of time so as to come within the observation of man, while in the latter, these proceses take place very slowly, and many generations of men may pass away before any progress in the growth of metals can be observed.
     The seed for the production of plants grows in the plants themselves. The seed for the production of animals grows in the animals. The 'seed' for the production of metals rests in the metals. It is not sufficient merely to melt a metal to make it grow. It must be made subject to the power of life. This is done by adding the red powder, of which an almost imperceptible amount is sufficient to cause the growth of a great quantity of gold. The few atoms of powder, which you used, were enough, and to spare, to transmute your silver, as you will see, if you now examine your gold, which has not absorbed all the red powder which adhered to the paper." I looked at the gold which had now become cold enough to be handled and indeed, upon its surface there were some little red pearls like rubies, which seemed to indicate they were parts of the red powder which had not been absorbed by the molten mass."
     "To teach you the secret of how to make gold, is identical with teaching you all the secrets of the constitution of nature and of its counterpart, the mircrocosm of man. This cannot be done in a few hours or within a few days, and it would be against the rules of our order to retain you here longer than after sunset. But to enable you to study this science of alchemy, I will lend you a book you may read and study. And if you keep your intuitional faculties open and your mind unclouded, I will be invisibly near you to assist you to understand the meaning of the secret symbols contained therein. With these words Theodorus handed me a book, "The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries."
     If you understand the contents of this book practically, you will not merely know how to produce gold out of the baser metals, which is one of the lowest most insignificant and comparatively worthless parts of our art, but you will know the mystery of the Rose and the Cross, you will know how to come into possession of the Philosopher's Stone and the Universal Panacea, which renders those who possess it, immortal. You will then, not merely know how to direct the processes of life so as to make pearls, diamonds, and precious stones grow, but you will know how to make a man out of an animal, and a god out of a man. This last alchemical process is the one thing which is needed, and in comparison, all other arts are merely playthings for children. What will it serve us to run after illusions which will vanish in time, if we can obtain within ourselves that which is eternal and real?"

    "There are at present few people in the world who would be able to comprehend this book to its fullest extent, but there are some who desire to know the truth, and for the sake of the few, you may risk to throw pearls before the swine. The symbols contained in these pages must not merely be seen and studied with the intellect, they must also be grasped by the spirit. To make this plain to you, know that each occult symbol and sign, from a mere point, up to the double-interlaced Triangle, to the Rose and the Cross, have three significations. The first being the exoteric meaning, which is easily understood, the second the esoteric or secret signification, which may be intellectually explained, and the deepest most mysterious one is the third, the spiritual meaning, which cannot be explained, but which must be spiritually experienced within yourself. This practical, internal experience is arrived at by the power of intuition, or the faculty by which the soul feels the presence of things, which one cannot see with the bodily senses. If a person once feels interior things with his heart, sees them by his internal sight, and understands their attributes, then such a person has become illuminated, and is practically an Adept.   
     As the number Three grows out of the One, likewise the Seven grows out of the Three, because by a combination of three numbers or letters, four complications arise forming, with the original Three, the number Seven. And thus, there are not merely three, but seven explanations of each symbol. You see therefore, that the matter is very complicated and requires deep study. Nor would it benefit you if I were to explain to you all the various meanings of these symbols, for you must learn to realise that you yourself are a symbol. These symbols represent the mysteries of the universe and of man. You are that universe, you are the man, and these things are representing yourself. What good would the explanations do to you if you do not realise that they are true?
     Those who know these things themselves, do not need them, and those who do need them, do not understand them. Books of that kind are like mirrors in which a man sees the things reflected which are existing in him. A monkey stands before a looking-glass and sees his own image, but he thinks it is another monkey aping his motions. If you know the contents of a book describing the truth, you only know the description but not the very truth itself. You may know the contents of the Bible by heart from beginning to end together with all the commentaries, and still not realise the truth of one iota of it. Self is the man. That which he finds out by his own experience, that he knows, and nothing more."

     "Moreover, if the psychical faculties of man were developed, many of your most useful inventions would be perfectly useless. They would be displaced by far better methods, in the same sense bows and arrows have become useless since the invention of gunpowder and guns. You are very proud of your railroads and telegraphs, but of what use are they to a man who is able to travel with the velocity of thought from one place to another, however distant that place may be. Learn to chain the elemental spirits of nature to the chariot of your science, and you may mount like an eagle and ride through the air." 
     "Neither would psychically developed man need to take that cumbrous form along on such travels. What or who is Man? Is he that semi-animal mechanism which eats, drinks, walks, and wastes nearly half its life in unconscious sleep, that mass of bones, muscles, blood and sensitive nerves which hinders the free movements of ths spirit who is chained to it, or is the man that invisible something which thinks and feels and knows that it exists?" I said, "Undoubtedly the real man is the thinking principle in man." The Adept answered, "If you admit this, you will also agree real man is in that place and locality wherein he thinks and perceives, in other words, he is there where his consciousness exists. Thinking is a faculty of the mind, not a faculty of the physical body. It is not my brain which thinks, but I myself do my thinking by means of my brain. Wherever our mind exercises that faculty, there is our true habitation, whether our physical form is there too, is a circumstance which need not concern us any more than it would concern us to carry a warm heavy coat which we are accustomed to wear in winter along with us while we are making a summer excursion. Thinking is a faculty of the mind, and Mind is universal. If we learn to think independently of our physical brain, we may as well exercise that faculty in one place of the universe as in another, without taking our physical body along."
     "But," I objected, "how can a universal and therefore unorganized priciple think without using, for that purpose, an organized brain?"
     "Short-sighted mortal!" exclaimed Theodorus. "Who says Mind is without an organization? Who has so little judgment as to suppose the highest organized living and conscious principle in the universe is without an organization, if even the inferior kingdoms upon the face of the earth, such as crystal, plant, and animal, cannot exist without an organization? Surely, the air does not think, it has no firm organization, but the Universal Mind is not air, nor is it empty space, it has nothing in common with either, except its being everywhere present. It is the highest organized principle in the universe. Inferior man in whom the consciousness of his higher spiritual self has not awakened, cannot think without the aid of the physical brain. He cannot experience a consciousness which he does not yet possess. He cannot exercise a faculty merely latent within his organization. But the man who has awakened to the consciousness of his higher self, whose life has been concentrated into his higher principles, which exist independently of the physical form, constitutes a spiritual center of consciousness which does not require the physical brain to think, any more than you require the use of your hands and feet for the purpose of thinking. If a person in a somnambulic condition travels in spirit to a distant place and reports what he has seen there, and his observations are afterwards verified, must we not conclude he has been at that place, and would it be reasonable to suppose he has taken his physical brain with him and left the empty skull behind? How absurd is such an idea. But verily, its absurdity does not surpass that of your suggestion that the universal Mind is without an organization!"
     "I was somewhat confused at having inconsiderately expressed an opinion about a subject of which I could not know anything about. And the Adept noticing my regret, continued in a mild manner, "If you desire to know the organization of nature, study your own constitution, not merely in its physical, anatomical, and physiological aspects, but especially in its psychological aspect. Study what may be called, the physiology of your soul. If your foot were not an organized substance intimately connected with your brain by means of the nerves and spinal cord, you would never be able to feel any sensation in your foot. Your foot may be burned or amputated and you would not be aware of it, unless you should see its destruction. You do not think with your foot, you think with your brain, or, to express it more correctly, you think by means of your brain. But if you were more spiritually developed, you would be able to sink your thought and consciousness, from your brain, and down into your feet, or into any other part of the body, and so to say, live in that part and be entirely unconscious of any other part.
     It is already a comprehension of some of your more advanced scientists that sensation and consciousness may be withdrawn from any part of the body, either by an effort of the will and imagination of the person undertaking the experiment, or by the aid of the will and imagination of a 'magnetizer' or 'mesmerizer.' In the same manner, the opposite thing can be done, and a person may concentrate himself in any part of his own organism or any part of the great organism of nature, with which he is intimately and inseparably, although invisibly, connected. But a man who believes he exists independently of nature and is separated from it, labours under a great delusion.
     The fundamental doctrine of occultism is that nature is only one, and all beings in nature are intimately connected together. Everything in nature acts upon every other thing therein. The 'feeling' of isolation and separateness existing in individuals is only caused by the illusion of form. Man's form is not man. It is merely a state of matter, in which man, for the time being, exists, and which the character of man is imperfectly reflected... and although it differs from the image in a mirror in so far as it is temporarily endowed or infused with life, sensation, and consciousness, it nevertheless is nothing but an image. For life, sensation, and consciousness do not belong to the form. They are functions of the invisible but real man, who forms a part of the invisible organism of nature, and whose mind is a part of the universal mind, and who therefore, if he once realizes his true character, and learns to know his own powers, may concentrate his consciousness in any place within or beyond his physical form and see, feel, and understand what takes place in such a locality."
     "The consciousness of the great majority of intelligent people in our intellectual age is nearly all concentrated within their brains. They live, so to say, entirely in the top-storey of their houses. But the brain is not the most important part of the house in which man resides. The center of life is the heart. And if consciousness does not take residence in the center of life, it will become separate from life, and finally, cease to exist.
     Let those who desire to develop spiritually, attempt to think with their hearts, instead of merely studying with their brains. Let them attempt to sink, day after day, their power of thought, down to the center of life in the heart, until their consciousness if firmly established there. At first they will see nothing but darkness, but if they persevere in their efforts, they will behold a light at that center which illuminates the mind. This inextinguishable light will send its rays to the brain and carry them as far as the stars. And in it (this heart), they may see the past, present, and the future.
     The greatest mysteries in nature are by no means difficult to understand, if we only prefer to look at them, instead of looking at our own delusions."

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