Daily Moon Phases

Friday, December 27, 2013

Protection From the Covetous Psychopath.

     They wear a mask of sickly sweet friendliness, but underneath hides a ravenous wolf in search of how to cause pain, trouble, and hardship for others.

I've done some research on psychopaths before, but it wasn't until a recent situation which occurred in my life that I realized I had been dealing with one. It was the result of their actions which were cruel, immoral, thoughtless, and disrespectful, all the while hiding what they did by lying about it. Until I found the evidence, I did not suspect anything so vile could have been their intentions.

 And therefore I am doing more in-depth research on these ugly beings. This may help others to spot a psychopath before they get ensconced into one's life and begin their games...as well as help myself up the road to spot one a lot easier and then block them from my life.

Covetous Sociopathy (PDF)

"The consequences of organization run or led in a covetous manner are immeasurable
because often it is long after damage has been inflicted before victims realize that a trespass has
taken place. Sociopathic institutions and individuals are adept at appearing benign. This allows
them the advantages of proximity, appeal, and trust. Often it is only in hindsight that actions
seemingly designed for the benefit of stakeholders are determined to have ultimately been for the
enhancement of personal aggrandizement or wealth. Delayed detection affords greater the
damage. Sociopaths do not generally feel true remorse instead they feel deserving of that which
they seek and more (Murphy & Vess, 2003)."

How to Recognize a Sociopath

"The lack of empathy and desire to exploit others are hallmarks of the sociopath. I have often observed that some couples in the midst of divorce exhibit a distinct lack of conscience about hurting their estranged spouse. This does not represent sociopathy. It does represent an irrational anger and hatred for one’s spouse. We are all capable of cruelty, lying and extreme selfishness, given the right circumstances. However, the sociopath makes a lifestyle of these traits.

So, how do sociopaths get around and become so successful? Martha Stout, PhD., who wrote an interesting book called The Sociopath Next Door, says that it is partly society’s fault. We ignore the fact that a man or woman is doing insensitive, immoral things and make a bunch of excuses for their actions. She points out the fact that sociopaths are experts at appealing to our sympathies and convincing us that they really mean well. The sociopath blames others for his/her situation – “I got fired for stealing from the cash register when everyone else does it too.” This is not to say that every person to externalize blame is a sociopath. Sociopaths simply use externalization of blame as a way of maintaining their charade of innocence and victimhood.

The advice of experts on how to deal with sociopathic personalities is pretty unanimous:  stay away from them and protect your assets as best you can! If you have the misfortune to have a sociopathic boss, you will probably want to make arrangements to work under a different person. Domestically-abused women often realize that their partner was a man with no conscience, who took pleasure in beating them and cutting them down. If you are dating or engaged to someone you suspect is a sociopath, there is no formal cure for this disorder. If you think you will change this type of person, you are probably kidding yourself.  Parents, if you have a sociopathic adult child, you need to protect your monetary assets and develop healthy, strong boundaries. "

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Message from Semjase About COBRA

Message from Semjase About COBRA

Read that link up top, then you can go check out Cobra's blogsite in the link below.

Portal 2012

This is the warning I found about Cobra when I went on this site:

I Am Salusa from Sirius

Hi Friends,
                  Remember with all messages to be cautious, as some contain much truthful information but also unreliable or false information. Be led by your intuition and if it doesn't feel right or resonate with you, set it aside. In time you will eventually be able to determine which pigeon hole it fits into. I felt prompted to send the original message out, but Semjase, a respected source of long standing says that Cobra is Gizeh intelligence, a negative faction of Lyran descent.

                  In Love and Light Mike Quinsey

What is Gizeh Intelligence?

James Casbolt Gizeh information

The Cobra/Lady Dragon Deception

The Matrix of Duality

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Galactic Federation By Mike Quinsey

The Galactic Federation By Mike Quinsey

SALUSA  5-December-2013

Matters are moving on to their conclusion at such a rapid speed, that you need to keep an open mind and be prepared to ensure you go with the flow. Old beliefs are being shaken to the core and this is intentional and intended to bring you into the New Age. Many of them carry a degree of truth that was sufficient to enable your feet to be placed on the path to realisation, but they are no longer adequate for the massive changes that are taking place. The time rapidly approaches when you will be given the opportunity to raise your vibrations to such a level, that eventually only the truth will exist. You are already on that path to total enlightenment, and much help is being given to ensure you have every opportunity to complete your Ascension.

So much is going on around you that you may well find it confusing, but providing you follow your intuition and look within you will have the answers. As always be discerning and know that messages of Light and Love have a special feel about them, and will never carry the lower vibrations associated with negativity. The period you are entering is already of a higher vibration than you experienced a relatively short time ago. Time continues to speed up and it is your proof of the higher level of vibrations that you now reside in. The more you centre yourself and focus on your Light, the more you will be prepared for the ongoing increase in vibrations that are destined to lift you out of duality.

Do not be distracted by the turmoil that inevitably results from the massive changes that are taking place. Energies of a low vibration that have no place in the New Age can no longer be sustained. They will lose their ability to remain along with the higher vibrations that are being established, and stay in the Third Dimension. Ascension will be the culmination of all of the changes occurring, and is the final outcome for those who have lifted their vibrations into the higher dimensions. You are being given the opportunity to permanently leave the cycle of rebirth, and it is a unique time that comes with the closing of the present cycle.

Where in the past you have played your roles that have created and sustained separation, that epoch has finished and is being played out to its conclusion. You have always been One with each other although often you have played roles that have put you in opposition. That was to speed up your evolution through the experience gained, and as a result it is now proceeding even quicker as the Light grows in its intensity. Those who have already progressed are also helping others who follow in their footsteps, in the same way that you are being helped now. In your Solar System you are the last ones who wait to achieve Ascension, and you will continue to receive immense help until every soul has done so.

The dark Ones are in a state of panic and trying by all means to prevent the inevitable end of their rule. It will be to no avail so there is no need for concern, and we would ask that you concentrate on bringing through the Light. The more you can apply yourselves to achieving your aims, the quicker events will move on. It will enable the first official announcement to be made by President Obama acknowledging the existence and contact with our Space Friends. It will result in open discussion and awareness of them, and agreement to negotiate the protocol that will allow open contact to be made. From there the whole subject will enter the public domain never again to be hidden from view.

So we ask you to stay within the Light at all times, and do not be distracted by anything that is clearly not of it. For a very long time the truth of your being has been held back from you, but very soon it will be known. It will speed up your progress and without the interference of the dark Ones it will soon reach higher levels than at any time since this cycle commenced. At the end of a cycle there is much sorting out and each soul is given every opportunity to move into their highest level of being. Since in reality there is no such thing as time, everything is in the now and there is no need to worry about another souls progress. Each soul has an infinite amount of "time" in which to complete their journey home. All happens in perfect relationship to all else in accordance with God's plan for Man.

Be assured many souls travel with you on your journeys and you are never alone. They are your helpers and guides to give you every assistance and enable you to successfully reach your goals. You will find that it is always the more evolved Beings that reach down to help those following in their footsteps. However, they do not impose themselves upon you, but will always respond to your calls for help. It is necessary to bear in mind that you do not always get what you call for, as your life plan is known to them and in accordance with it the most appropriate action is taken.  They will gently and wisely point you in the right direction and celebrate with you when you have achieved your life's plan.

Keep your eyes straight ahead and know that in real terms there is little time left to complete your life plan, but many souls are doing their best to ensure you are successful. They are always with you and share your hopes and aspirations, and help you on your journey back to the Light. Your freewill is most valued and important, and must be handled with care if you are one who is destined to ascend at the end of this cycle.

 Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


SaLuSa: Earth Is A Ship That You Are Interned On
 Channeled by Wally 10/21/13
 October 23, 2013

The Great Faiths of the world are now undergoing widespread picking up of grace and forgiveness bringing balance and harmony, and will leave many baffled and confused. This enfolds in rapid fire sequence, and leaves the furthest out as last to know, this may seem odd, with many reacting by becoming overly obsessed and fixated on this. Religious conflict has caused great pain all over the world, and has called for a healing that is being applied to your Government leaders, in the past all that was given was small crumbs that would slip through your fingers, but now the musicians play a song for brotherly love, as you are one multi-colored coat of humanity which has been hitherto forgotten to your detriment, like children that play with fire.

Many feel we are a fiction, like some stage managed production, and we respect and honor your right to disbelieve in us if you are unsure, but we continue to raise your vibration to advance your spiritual evolution, and when our allies fairly distribute the wealth of the world, it will leave many in astonishment and amazement, as you will see what we say is true. Others will find this disconcerting that people in their close circles who are subordinate to them, will become financially equal to them, but this thinking is out of date and obsolete, and was never meant to be permanent.

You are undergoing a spiritual cleansing in microcosm, that will remove the heartless grind of life, and is being burnt and purified, including that which was comfortable but not your true home. The existing paradigm is washing away incrementally, but ironically there are those that still look back on it with a sad nostalgia, but you have been given the magic seeds of light and love to start the new way of life in the mist of the worn out world.

Your high self-esteem is now a practice in this new time, and a defiance is budding in younger people to the old systems, the older generation are intimidated with loss of their retirement benefits and health care, as the dark seek to wash-out the free thinkers, but the divine feminine is taking the reigns and instituting new systems where quality is valued above quantity.

Earth is a ship that you are interned on, but all around you is an illusion and you are never in any real danger, and realising that becomes a gift, but you will not be left “to stew in your own juice” of that you can be certain, we must add that many don’t want anything spiritual in their lives, and this has been prepared by the Cabal, to spoil your hopes and then incorporate and integrate you into their systems.

The repaying of Karma for past wrongs is something many have an aversion to viewing and looking at, but you can navigate the karmic minefield safely if you realise that everything is interrelated and interconnected at a deep level, and antagonistic attitudes can be on the road to departure, as you are more often led by your head with it’s incessant focus on the self, and creates a temperament which puts you at odds with the people around you.

You are loved immensely and your future is bright and free of quarrel and disturbance, and we have seen your future and know it well and are giving you the support needed to buttress you though the time ahead, we are closely watching the latest leak at Japan’s Fukushima Plant as this raises concerns for fish and wildlife, and we are taking care to transmute and suspend the effects of radioactive contamination. Your News people will be retrained to Look past just emphasizing observable facts and look to a more metaphysical explanation of the ultimate causes for things.

You are not out of the dark forest, which is trying to distract you from your path. You need to be a bit obstinate irrespective of what is on offer as it is the complete opposite way round to the actual reality. We have helped humanity in the past and the great pyramids and other impossibly large structures are a memorial to this, many are disrespectful of this, and focus only on what they can see and count, but minds once warped now soften.

As the changes come in, no one will suffer early death from being forgotten or left out ever again, we are making our voyage to you, but are hampered by hair-splitting red tape, as the divine will and also your freewill must be honored at all times, but till we can be with you, we can lightly suggest you look to Germany for the first mark of the new global currency reset, and as the changes are implemented the dull and oppressive atmosphere will be blown away in the wind. You can then put an end to soul killing capitalism, with a wave of selfless and big-hearted humanitarian projects to feed the poor, give medical treatment to those in need and shelter, paid for with a New Gold Backed Currency.

This time has been instructional on how to overcome the basic instincts, and now school is ending as you are realising you are God everywhere, your concept of “self alone” is diminishing as the opaque veil is thinning.

The aggressive rhetoric is being drowned out as the legal actions riffle through rapidly, in light of the inappropriate awarding of position and influence.

You are more than capable of surmounting past failings that still stubbornly hold on, and we are now applying pressure to right these issues, including water supplies that are plummeting. Also vilifying aspersions about the Galactic Federation that are thunderous and cloud the issue will be put to bed and find a frigid reception.

Those that yearn for their soul mate will find that special person by becoming broad-minded and flexible in their choice of a partner.

Restitution will be made for spilling noxious wastes which has been carried out with all enthusiasm by the dark ones, and we can instantly protect you from the negative effects, if you say the words, asking for our help and you will be wrapped in many layers of protection by us. The human race has been at a very low vibration, and as you raise higher in frequency your existence will start resembling the rich, abundant and lush lives you have always envisioned for yourselves.

Many seek Compatible people to interact with and throwaway the rest. This is now happening inEurope as Governments are throwing out certain people, and this effects some very distinctive immigrants which are caught up in it, but this is a miscalculation and is not efficient.

In the next three months check for big changes, the dark in their attempt to stop the changes have stolen a single small nuclear device, but our allies are now on the hunt to recover it. Their game is up but they are not inclined to surrender. All events are interrelated and the ball is in your court as the changes can not manifest without you okaying it. No matter what happens your immortality is assured, and we will provide new bodies for you should the worst happen. Make a study of our words and let them dissolve inside of you. Also we will also close down unlawful and false courts that do not follow the legal standards agreed to by the community, and give access to fair and just legal system.

You are being augmented and protected, and in a methodical manner you are transversing a time of troubles caused by recalcitrant dark ones, and when fully complete you will have monumentally generous gifts and favors bestowed to you, and you will be forgiven for all wrong doings and welcomed back to God. You will emit light and will work together with many uncountable souls in the Galactic Federation Of Light. When Home in the higher dimensions it will be an awkward interaction at first, then you will strengthen as we have interceded on your behalf to allow you a grace period. You are being given the codes to unlock your Kundalini or coiled serpent, which will keep you calm and composed for the time ahead.

We have taken Full Account for the actions of the Dark ones and they will undergo a transformation and lose their current nature, for them it will be like waking from a dream.

It is Possible to foreshorten your path to the adept and expert stage of awareness by keeping from the downward path of losing hope and faith when you hear bad News. Those things are being fazed out as they only cause hardship and affliction. You are being sailed through stormy seas with our help, as your elevation to fully conscious beings from your long sleep in the lower dimensions is our foremost objective. For too long your Governments have deceived you about our presence but many now see the truth.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I have been presiding over communication on your earth, and you will not be unaccompanied for too long, as we will arrive in great numbers, and we will bring you the sweetest benefits and clear the way for the winds of change that have been held back by the covetous Dark Ones.

Thank You SaLuSa.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Comet Ison Is NOT a Comet. It's A Lizard trogan hose

(Just Joking)

People aren't stupid. They know what's going on. Dimwit nutcase ill-doom-inati aren't fooling anyone any longer. This is the New world...not the old one.

UFO - Comet ISON is a UFO - August 19 - 2013

Disclose.tv - Comet Ison with 2 objects new feed this time from the Chinese Space Radar.

From Cosmic Awareness December 4, 2013 Update

"That the major purpose of the disinformers upon announcing the destruction of Ison was to shut down conjecture that this comet had any significance or importance. It has been the illusionists' trick all along of allowing certain things to be seen and other things to be hidden. This illusionist trick has been played on both sides, both those of the Galactic Federation, who for their own reasons chose not to be obvious in the approach of these craft as well as the Powers That Be who do not wish humanity to be aware that there is a flotilla approaching the Earth, that had connections to comet Ison that were sending out rays and beams of frequency, that are sending these rays now towards Earth to affect the electromagnetic fields that will bring Earth through a debris field, to plant on the planet certain minerals and jewels and objects. This is still to come, this is still to unfold, but this Awareness will say categorically that which was Ison, although may no longer be what it was, that which was the core no longer massed and intact, is still a recognizable object that is heading towards this planet and that this object is composed of various vessels as well as much debris that will have impact on the planet.

That this is that which is seen in the weeks and months ahead but in particular, just after that occasion known as Christmas, December 25th. In particular, December 28th is when the planet is fully in the tail of the comet, the debris tail of that which is comet Ison even if it is not what many thought it was. It is of great significance, greater than any other event that has ever been reported, for it is proof that there is indeed an extraterrestrial force that is coming towards the planet."

Santa Claws is coming to town...

Silent And Deadly

The Galactic Federation, that's who.

This video shows the Galactic Federation, silent and deadly, destroying ancient technology that the American's stole from Afghanistan and Iraq when they were told not to mess around with those Anunnaki wares.

Galactic Federation UFOS SILENTLY ZAPP US MILITARY BASE 11/25/2013


Before answering this question, this Awareness must first address a preceding comment: a comment that asked if this attack was from Comet Ison. That it was not. That this attack on the military base, Fort Worth, that this had nothing at all to do with Ison. In relation now to the question advanced whether the attack by these extraterrestrial ones was a response to certain weapons and technologies that were taken from Afghanistan.

That this Awareness can confirm there is something to this claim. That the technologies and possible weapons that were removed from Afghanistan are part of the technologies that have been removed not only from Afghanistan but from Iraq as well.

Furthermore this Awareness must be clear that It is not talking about technologies that have been developed by Afghani scientists, Iraqi scientists or engineers, but rather that which could be called ancient technologies from times immemorial when this region was the home region of the ones known as the Anunnaki. These were the forces of Anu and Enlil. That Enki and his forces were also on the planet at that time.

That there were certain technologies that were buried underground or in the caverns that the U.S. military and intelligence have known about for some time and this is also not confined only to the U.S. military intelligence or military branch. It is information that many Western powers have and there has been a race, if you will, to claim these technologies, these weapons, for the purpose of ensuring that they who have claimed them will be able to retrofit them, figure them out and thus use them, giving them superior power over their opponents.

This is the reason why these certain technologies and weapons and vessels that were recovered were taken back to the United States and in particular Fort Worth. They have been stored there but it is not simply storage, it was an active pursuit of retrofitting the technologies of those ancient times so they could be accessed and used now.

They were warned by those of the Galactic Federation that this was not to be tolerated. They were warned that if they were to proceed, actions would be taken. They chose not to take seriously these claims, for there was a prevalent opinion at this time that as the Galactic Federation practice a non-interference policy, they would not take any actions and that it was but a bluff. It was not a bluff on this occasion, for it was seen and known by the Galactic Federation ones that if the United States military was allowed to proceed with their retrofitting program that they could indeed take control with advanced technologies that were not fitted for them, designed for them at this time.

Therefore the decision was made to interfere, for the consequence of non-interference would have been dire and disastrous. This is what was captured in the coverage that was shot on that occasion, the video coverage of this two-hour attack. It destroyed certain technologies and vessels and weapons that were located underground, that were the research facilities of this secret action by the United States military, the United States intelligence agencies.

That unfortunately there was loss of life but this was not because insufficient warnings were not given. That they indeed were, but these ones on the ground decided that they were insignificant and not worthy of paying attention to. They therefore did not remove their own people when this attack started and as a result certain ones did die during that attack. But again it was not that they were not warned.

Such is the arrogance of these ones in power that they often think of themselves as invincible and that the opposition to them is meaningless and weak and pathetic. This was proven to not be so on this occasion, nor is it so, and that the Galactic Federations have much at their disposal that is equal to and superior to anything that the Western military powers have, the Western intelligence services have, that the Orion/Reptilian faction has.

It is not their intent, the Galactic Federation, to engage in all out warfare but they will also not allow these arrogant ones, these foolish ones, to have the freedom to develop weaponry based on ancient technologies that would be detrimental to humanity and to the planet and to the grand design of events that are scheduled to occur, that are part of the Divine Plan for the ending of that experiment that has been, and thus allowing the experience of the new reality that is dawning and underway at this time.

That this completes the answering of this question at this time.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Hunger

The Hunger has returned to Belialith's Brain.
......It never really left.

This is the movie to which this post is referring to:

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Plant Chestnuts, Attract Deer, Meat In Freezer.

Did you know that deer LOVE to eat chestnuts? They do. Ever since there was a chestnut tree blight that destroyed the major forests of chestnuts, deer haven't been eating their favorite food. So when you go to the grocery store this year and buy a big bag of chestnuts for roasting over the fire, put a handful of them away to plant in your backyard. When the deer population is high, you go hunting, and get yourself a freezer full of venison. Now watch some videos on how to plant chestnuts from seed.

The Ultimate Food Plot Tree: Dunstan Chestnut

The Ultimate Food Plot Tree: Dunstan Chestnut, Part 2

Growing Chestnuts from Seeds