Friday, February 17, 2012

The Abduction & Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology


In July 1947, the radar at the Four Corners area in the southwestern United States affected and took down an alien disk. It was entirely by accident.

(As a result of the electromagnetic beams -- upon which the radar system was based -- interfering with the EM systems of the craft. - Branton).

The disk landed near Roswell, New Mexico. It was to be the first of two disks that would crash in that area. On board, scientists and military personnel found several dead aliens beings. An immediate analysis of their species could not be determined, but the aliens [referred to as the EBAN] had both reptilian and insect-like qualities. Also on board were found the remains of several military personnel. As far as we knew, this was the first major indication that human beings were being taken by an alien species...

In December 1988, former Navy intelligence officer William Cooper interviewed a man who said, "I don't know everything, but it's way out of our of control. To tell you the truth, I'm afraid of what's going to happen. Giant underground shelters are being built under Groom Lake and in other places."

In reference to the claim by some that these aliens are 'harvesting' humans on planet earth for their genetic, bioplasmic and secretional properties, Valerian states:

"There is no doubt that the government policy of secrecy makes the 'harvests' easier for the Greys. Governments, by definition, are supposed to protect the public welfare. Obviously, something went very wrong here, and it appears that THE NAZI SS INTELLIGENCE-BASED CIA HAD A LOT TO DO WITH IT...
(Note: The CIA was reputedly established by Bavarian Illuminati representative Allen Dulles in collaboration with Bavarian Thule Society representative Nazi S.S. General Reinhard Gehlen. The CIA/NSA, working on behalf of the corporate socialists in America who according to Antony Sutton and other economists financed the Bolshevik and Nazi revolutions, in turn infiltrated the Industrial-Military system and in turn the largely unelected/appointed EXECUTIVE branch of the U.S. government via their coup d'etat of the Executive branch which occurred simultaneously with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Since Kennedy's death, most if not all of the U.S. Presidents have been members of global financial organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the
Bildebergers... all of which do NOT honor American's Declaration of Independence but instead advocate a "New World Order" to be implemented with the assistance of a United Nations military force. - Branton)

"These malevolent aliens have allied themselves with the secret world government whose thirst for power and system survival is probably only unequaled by the malevolent aliens themselves... The malevolent aliens have given advanced technology to the 'government', manipulated, lied to, deceived, and generally used our secret government for their selfish and inhumane alien ends."

The Abduction & Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology

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