Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Extraterrestrial Account Of Tau Cetians - Human Type Beings

Excerpts pertaining to this, and some comments I made.

From site "Turquoise Energy"

Tau Cetians

I would like to say firstly there aren’t any pictures of Tau Cetians here because they look exactly like us, no difference. There are pictures on the internet of them (some are the same pictures used for the Alpha Centuries, which is incorrect). Now, on with the post!

 Other human populated worlds are apparently the star systems of Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. The researcher, Frank Crawford, interviewed a number of individuals who had physical contact with the Tau Cetians.
The first and most significant was an alleged whistleblower who participated in crash retrievals of UFOs; a live occupant was captured and interrogated by US national security officials from a crash near Phoenix, Arizona in 1961.

‘Oscar’, the pseudonym used by the whistleblower, described to Frank Crawford the origins of the captured extraterrestrial who was nicknamed ‘Hank’:

It was later confirmed by Hank, the stars of origin of his people were Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. In later sessions Oscar discussed some reasons for the presence of the aliens. He said they do not like the situation with some of the small grey aliens. He corrected us when we used the term ’grey’ and said they are actually white.

 The Tau Cetians feel the abductions being carried out by some of the Greys are a great injustice to humanity. ‘They are a parasitic race that has and is preying on human civilizations throughout the universe, Oscar relayed. He added, our government’s involvement with the grays is very dangerous and out of control….
The Tau Cetians have been preyed upon by these aliens before and are now working with other races and communities who were also victims…. (Oscar) wants people to know, when they are contacted by the Tau Cetians (humans such as he described) to not be afraid because they are here to help.

The revelations by ‘Hank’ suggest the Tau Cetians are present to help deal with the covert strategies and activities of the Grays.

They in particular are very concerned about the nature of agreements reached with them by the US ‘shadow government’, and in helping individual ‘abductees’. According to ‘Oscar’ the Tau Cetian ‘Hank’ was tortured and this nearly caused an incident with other Tau Cetians who wanted to militarily intervene on behalf of their captured colleague.

The events described by Oscar are consistent with the main activity of the Tau Cetians as described in the following telepathic communication:

“One of the races is from Tau Ceti. They are specialists in intrigue and determining motivations of cloaked societies. They understand the ways subterfuge can cripple a system. So they would be excellent contacts for undercover work.”

The second individual who had physical contact with Tau Cetians was an abductee, Jill Waldport, who described to Frank Crawford how she had been contacted by two sets of extraterrestrials, the Grays and a human looking race that attempted to help her in dealing with the Grays:

 Jill informed me the aliens told her they didn’t like what some of the aliens were doing to her without her consent. They had come to help her learn how to overcome the deceptions of the Grays and to protect herself. They explained she needed to psychically build a shield around herself, like a brick wall, when they came for her. This would help keep her from being deceived by their MIND TRICKS. She did it the next time the Greys came for her and it worked.

Crawford then revealed how Jill described the origins of the benevolent extraterrestrials as Tau Cetians:

At this point the correlation counter in my mind was working overtime, so I decided to go for the gold and ask her whether they told her where they were from. Believe it or not she replied, ’Tau Seat-eye, does that make any sense?’ Later I mentioned to Oscar I was investigating a case involving intense interactions with Grays, and Tau Cetians showing up to help. He asked where the case was from. I told him near Springfield, Illinois. He rattled off a very accurate description of Jill and said he was aware she had been contacted.

In conclusion, the Tau Cetians main activities lies in: raising awareness of how to deal with the subversion of societies by extraterrestrial races; identifying corrupt elites and institutions; uplifting human consciousness; developing strategies for negating advanced mind control techniques.

The global solutions they can assist in include: exposing government/financial corruption and elite manipulation; monitoring extraterrestrial infiltration; deprogramming of mind control and implant removal; promoting multidimensional consciousness; diplomacy and conflict resolution.


Cosmic Conflict & The DA'ATH Wars (Part 4)


“’He was conscious and in great pain. One leg was partially pinned by the shifting interior. I was
examining cuts on his cheek and lip when I first touched him. An overwhelming feeling of
compassion came over me as I heard his voice in my head. I could understand him clearly even
though his mouth did not move. The communication was strictly telepathic

“’I perceived his fear of being harmed and told him I would not let anyone hurt him. Suddenly, a
voice from the doorway refocused my attention on the duties at hand.

“’I called back that we had a live one. The craft filled with gloved, masked medical personnel to
help free the occupant. He was quickly carried outside and placed on a gurney. I remarked how he
felt heavy for his size and a few others who assisted agreed. As the alien was whisked off for
medical attention, Professor Bear examined the inside of the craft.

He found what he thought was a star map depicting the constellation Eridanus and wondered
whether that might be where the alien was from. After a brief discussion concerning the nature of
the communications, Bear asked me to accompany him to the medical lab. As we talked along the
way, I referred to the alien being as ‘Hank.’ The professor asked whether that was the name the
alien had given me. I explained it was not, but that I had chosen the nickname based on its native
American reference to a ‘troubled spirit.’

The professor smiled and said, ‘Hank it is,’ and the name immediately stuck. In the antiseptic,
impersonal medical room Hank’s discomfort was compounded by his complete undressing. While
still in great pain he was examined from head to toe. No stone was left unturned, so to speak. They
treated him as though he were a baby of some rare animal species being first born into captivity. It
became evident Hank could not communicate with everyone involved so I was asked to be
translator. I had no trouble understanding the normal anesthetics we were administering had little or
no effect. Suddenly, with Hank’s discomfort still a concern, everyone’s attention became divided
between the being and a new person arriving on the scene.

“’This new person was obviously important yet seemed to make everyone uneasy. Even Hank
recoiled in fear when he came close. He barked a few stern orders and several people, myself
included, marched into a nearby conference room. The man introduced himself as Frank Drake
and told us he was the head of the operation. The reports would hence forth be titled ‘Project
OSMA’. As the sound of his continued briefing faded into a day-dream, I thought about how my
regimented life had just jumped track and was now speeding off in a totally new direction...’

Forest Crawford, commenting on the incident, states: “This extraordinary story, according to the
witness, is not fiction. Oscar is a simple country person from rural Missouri where he lives with his
wife, three children, and a menagerie of stray animals. His life is seemingly uncomplicated and
unhurried. However, his eyes reflect a clarity indicative of inner knowledge and understanding.

“We first came to meet this man as the result of a lead from nuclear physicist renowned Ufologist,
Stanton Friedman. At the ‘Show-Me UFO Conference 1989’ in St. Louis, Friedman asked Bruce
Widaman, State Director of Missouri MUFON, whether he would attempt to locate a witness that
called responding to the ‘Unsolved Mysteries’ show on the Roswell crash. The person in question
had possibly been involved in a crash retrieval while in the military. The tip had come from a
former neighbor of Oscar’s.

“Widaman of course agreed to follow up since Friedman felt the witness did not have a phone. So
with little else than a name, town, and rumor to go on, the search began. Widaman and Alex
Horvat, Public Information Officer for Missouri MUFON, arrived in the small town near St. Louis
after dark. After questioning a girl at a local convenience mart no further leads were found.

Horvat suggested checking the local bar. This produced a description of a front yard which might
be that of the elusive witness. After driving up and down the lane several times, one yard seemed
more appropriate than the others so they hesitantly stopped. Stepping from the car into the
country night proved harrowing enough as several large dogs snarled and barked from the
surrounding darkness. Widaman was further unnerved when a large black dog began licking his
hand as he knocked on the door.

Not knowing whether he was being greeted or tasted by the animal, Widaman was relieved to see
someone answer. After a brief explanation of who or what our investigations were, an invitation to
sit and talk came as a positive sign. The stranger said he did not know where ‘Bill,’ the name given
Friedman, was, but that he was his brother. After Widaman and Horvat explained their purpose,
some of their feelings and ideas, he finally conceded he in fact was the man they were looking for.
He explained his real name was Oscar and the name ‘Bill’ had been given so he would know where
any inquiries were coming from.

“As Oscar told the story that began this article, it became obvious because of his military
background, the name given was for his protection. The account unfolded further to reveal
horrible injustices to Hank, and Oscar himself.

At the direction of Drake, the team conducted medical experiments such as spinal taps, marrow
sampling, taking organ specimens and other exploratory surgery on Hank WITHOUT anesthesia.
Oscar had spent many hours over three months communicating with and growing close to the
alien. One day he stepped between Drake and Hank with his .45 cal. pistol drawn and demanded
an end to the torture. Drake withdrew but the next morning Oscar had new orders to depart
immediately for Saint Albans Hospital in Radford, Va., where he was incarcerated for debriefing.

He remained isolated for several months until the efforts of Lt.Charles Turner, Oscar’s
Commanding Officer, got him to move to a psychiatric ward. His family, who had now been out
of touch with him for almost three months, was told Oscar had suffered a head injury during a
submarine accident. After spending time under psychiatric care, which would damage his military
record, he was oddly enough given an honorable discharge.

“After having returned to civilian life he and his father embarked on a hiking trip to North Dakota.
They purposely entered the restricted area surrounding the base where Oscar had been stationed.
Perimeter patrol picked them up for removal from the area. While in their company Oscar asked
how Hank was doing. One of the guards confided that the alien had died several months earlier.

“The next trip out to the country included myself and David Rapp a physicist with 13 years
experience in the aerospace industry and Director of Investigations for Missouri MUFON.
Because of our backgrounds in science the discussion focused on technical questions about
Oscar’s experiences...”

As for the alleged home of “Hank’s” people, Crawford states:

“The pattern from the panel inside the ship was confirmed by Rapp to match stars of the
constellation Eridanus as seen FROM EARTH. It was later confirmed by Hank, the stars of origin
of his people were Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani.

In later sessions Oscar discussed some reasons for the presence of the aliens. He said they do not
like the situation with some of the small grey aliens. He corrected us when we used the term ‘grey’
and said they are actually white. The Tau Cetians feel  the abductions being carried out by some of
the Greys are a great injustice to humanity.

*****[ From: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message233918/pg1
This info is from someone who spent 25 years in black op military projects, whose grand father
was the first President of the Soviet Union.

These human-like beings are the archenemies of the grey races, vowing to destroy them wherever
they find them in the universe. Long ago, the Rigelians tried to prepare the Tau Ceti system for
invasion. To create a grey race with Tau Ceti genetics, their main targets were kidnapped children
who were killed for their cells and hormones. The Tau Cetians drove the greys off their world
before their race was decimated.

Following the greys to this planet, they signed an agreement during the 1950's with the Soveit
Union in exchange for bases and atmospheric freedom to travel. Their goals were to help the
USSR retain global domination (slavs have Tau Ceti genetics), destroy the greys, and then make a
deal with the invasion force. It is believed the Russians recently reneged on this agreement by
giving similar agreement to the Draco advance guard and throwing out the Tau Cetians.

Tau Ceti retains large colonies in the Epsilon Eradanus star system. They have dense bodies due to
the atmosphere and gravity on their home world. They are approximately five and a half feet tall,
with slender pointy faces. ]*****

 “They are a parasitic race that has and is preying on human civilizations throughout the universe,”
Oscar relayed. He added, our government’s involvement with the grays is very dangerous and out
of control. Oscar is adamant 'the bug people' are using human fluids for sustenance. They feed by
immersing their arms in vats and/or rubbing the fluids on their bodies.

“...Oscar, based on what Hank communicated to him, claims they are kidnapping children. The
Tau Cetians have been preyed upon by these aliens before and are working with other races and
communities who were also victims. One such race, Oscar claims, was run off their home planet
by the bug people, that race being called 'the Nordics' or 'Pleiadians.' He claims because of his
ongoing contacts he was made aware of the Billy Meier case in Switzerland and feels it is a real

“...(Oscar) wants people to know, would they be contacted by the Tau Cetians (humans such as
he described) to not be afraid because they are here to help.

“This attitude reflects in correlation to a totally independent case involving a woman near
Springfield, Illinois. Jill Waldport was having ongoing, very serious involvement with grey aliens.
After Budd Hopkins spoke to her at length the case was recommended to John Carpenter, State
Section Director of Missouri MUFON, and then to myself. The intensity and detail of the case is
reminiscent of Debbie Tomies’ (Cathy Davis) experiences.

“In my first interview with Jill she asked whether anyone had ever been abducted/contacted by
more than one race or group of aliens. I told her it was reported with some frequency and asked
her which other one she had seen besides the Greys. She said it was a totally separate contact and
they did not like the Grays.

“When asked about their appearance she reported they were human, approximately five and a half
feet in height, 180-200 pounds but not fat, tanned looking skin with short hair cuts that laid flat
against their heads. I asked her to describe their eyes, ears, nose and mouth. She said all features
were essentially normal except the nose was broad and flat and their eyes were brown. Oscar
reported the weight of Hank to be 190 pounds and five feet seven inches tall, he also noted the
broad, flat nose.

“Jill informed me the aliens told her they didn’t like what some of the aliens were doing to her
without her consent. They had come to help her learn how to overcome the deceptions of the
Grays and to protect herself. They explained she needed to psychically build a shield around
herself, like a brick wall, when they came for her. This would help keep her from being deceived
by their mind tricks. She did it the next time the Grays came for her and it worked.

“At this point the correlation counter in my mind was working overtime,” Crawford continues, “so
I decided to go for the gold and ask her whether they told her where they were from. Believe it or
not she replied, ‘Tau Seat-eye, does that make any sense?’ Later I mentioned to Oscar I was
investigating a case involving intense interactions with Grays, and Tau Cetians showing up to help.
He asked where the case was from. I told him near Springfield, Illinois. He rattled off a very
accurate description of Jill and said he was aware she had been contacted.

“Horvat showed several pictures of people from the archives of ufology, one of which was Drake;
Oscar immediately picked Drake’s photo from the stack and one could see the anger come over
his face at the sight of this man. Follow up research by Horvat produced an interesting set of
circumstances. The crash in question happened in 1961. Drake headed the OZMA program, the
predecessor to S.E.T.I.  In 1961 Drake announced OZMA in it’s search for intelligent
extraterrestrial radio signals would first look to the stars Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani...”

During one interview with Oscar, Crawford became concerned about the “logistics” of a tunnel
system stretching from California to North Dakota to Washington D.C., etc., attempting to
correlate this with their background in science. According to what Oscar revealed to Crawford and
his research companion:

“...it became evident that this was not feasible. With careful questioning it was discovered,
according to Oscar, the tunnels went only a short distance and did not actually connect to the
North Dakota base. The capsule shuttle was accelerated and then a time/space window was
opened. The ‘exit door’ of the time/space window simultaneously opened at the prescribed
destination where the capsule would appear in a tunnel and decelerate

“The technology was supposedly a combination of our own knowledge, rooted in the Philadelphia
Experiment, and acquired alien technology. Oscar also talked about the geological location of
time/space/dimension doors. These places allow an easy entry of extraterrestrial craft into our
atmosphere. Two such large natural doorways were reported to be just northeast of Seattle,
Washington, and south of the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior.

“An interesting possible correlation with the predicted natural time/space windows can be found in
studying patterns on special energy maps. One such map is the Bouguer gravity anomaly map.
Oddly enough a fairly local, low gravity area, can be found at the locations mentioned by Oscar.
(Not only near Seattle and the Apostle Islands, but also in Missouri where Oscar has said to have
had most of his subsequent contacts-meetings with the Tau Cetians - Branton)

Cooper said the “secret government” refused to ally themselves with the “Nordics” or human-
aliens who warned them about the malevolence of the Grays, and instead chose to go ahead with
their ignorant ego's and form an alliance with the reptilian “grays” figuring a U.S-Gray alliance
would seemingly help the cause of 'the power dazed groups' who were making a “killing” from
exploiting the masses. Or, of course, the serpent cultists working in the government, already had
an age-old pact with these draconian powers (Lizards/Grays), and because of it refused
knowledgeable and wise solutions from Nordics or Tau Cetians. That would mean having to
"grow up" and take true responsibility, and no more playing with boy-toys as a recreation to facing
reality. But immature little-men with large ego's defended by temper tantrums and revenge ploys
have to play. So throw them in with the chaff.

Apparently these did not desire to accept the “conditions” required by the “Nordics” which
included the discontinuation of nuclear weapons proliferation and the cessation of multi-billion
dollar war efforts, which according to many sources have filled the pockets of the secret
government which covertly operate in nearly every country. Such wars-conflicts-revolutions-etc,
many feel, have been directly influenced and orchestrated by the serpent-cult-secret-society
groups. And immature denial to grow up and take responsibility for life. Always thinking
someone else is going to pay for their crimes, just as the mass of society think that some
goverment is going to take responsibility for them and therefore they can forget about real reality
and go on living in their day-dream world, replete with buffers all round and horse blinders for
their eyes.

In relation to the apparent “tug-of-war” between “Grey’s” and “Nordics”/Tau Cetians, etc. over
individuals, as in the case of “Jill,” we have a similar situation described in an “Intelligence Report”
released by “Leading Edge Research” (Formerly Nevada Aerial Research). This report stated:

“One contactee who has been contacted by the blond/Nordic race was captured and examined (by
the greys) after it was discovered by them, the blue beam used to paralyze people failed to have an
effect on him. The implant device the Nordics put in, evidently neutralized the paralysis beam. It
was said the Greys came in a football-shaped craft.” (Known as the Lizards type of craft)

This is one more confirmation, among others, that actual conflict/warfare exists between certain
segments of the “Nordic” and “Gray” aliens. A confirmation of this comes from a correspondent
of ours from Pasadena, California by the name of Penny Harper. Penny is the Pasadena director
for a group called UFO-RUM. She claims to have had contacts with beings “claiming” to be from
Tau Ceti and a separate contact from “Pleiadeans”. However, the “Tau Cetians” she encountered
were, as she described them, “praying mantis” or bug-like beings. (Disinformation)

She was told that THIS IS NOT THEIR ORIGINAL FORM, (yea, originally they're Gray/Lizards
masquerading to deceive others away from those who may help them) but for various reasons
these aliens chose to show themselves in this form to her. Were these beings really from Tau Ceti
as THEY claim, then there seems to be some conflict here between her account and the Forest
Crawford account as related by “Oscar”. (I guess. It depends on how much "mind/heart muscle"
you choose to use in order to comprehend what's going on here. Or whether you're going to be
smug as a bug in a rug complacent.)

These beings “claim” to be humans who do not wish to show themselves in their “true form”
during Penny’s contacts, so that she does not, they explained, become “too attached” to them.
(Yea Right! They are insinuating "Confusion" and putting out disinformation. Chaos demons, right
there! They look just like what they are, not human, not Nordic, not Tau Cetian, and not

(Note: This mantis-like description is the same one given by the early “contactee-psychic” Ted
Owens, who alleged that these creatures had the power to influence the aerial environment, change
weather patters, initiate destructive hurricanes, etc.- Branton)
Demonic, right there!

In Miss Harper’s case this EXPLANATION for appearing in this mantis-form would be a first, as
we have not encountered any other incidents where the “aliens” have bothered to appear in another
form for this specific reason. Were they human, then one must wonder why they would appear in
“mantis-like” form when the human Tau Cetians according to Crawford and others are at war with
such a race. Were the beings described by Penny Harper from Tau Ceti, and they utilize that
“form” while there, perhaps they operate in underground bases where they will not be observed.
(Talk about fantasy-oriented-thinking there Branton. Did you ever ponder perhaps they are using
confusion and disinformation to mess with the mind, MIND TRICKS that is... because that is the
epitom of deception, and the excuse they give, utterly ridiculous. Why would she become "too
attached" to them? Idiotic. The Tau Cetian's are not here to become playmates, but to fight a war
against criminals. And were it them contacting the lady, they would NOT don stupid costumes of
insect-beings for any reason. For anyone interested in knowing the truth, it's right there. All you
need do is look. And stand your ground. Stop wishy-washy wondering whether you're seeing it
correctly or not. Stand your ground. Be sovereign. That's how we become informed. By allowing
our inner feelings, knowledge, insights to come through to us, and having faith in ourselves we are
receiving it correctly. Intend it.)

Were they in fact from Tau Ceti as THEY claim. Quoting from Ms. Harper’s account:

“...these aren't the same Tau Cetians as you describe.” That is, the humans mentioned by “Oscar”
who we informed Penny of in a previous correspondence. “Mine are 7 to 7 and a half ft. high,
green grasshopper (or praying mantis) looking beings with huge black shiny wraparound eyes and
two antennae on their heads.”

“...I still talk to my main (alleged) Pleiadean contact. I asked him about the Tau Cetians and why
they had giant bug bodies. He said they can appear in any form. They chose the grasshopper
form. The bug form makes me keep a distance from them. They use to scare me simply from the
way they look.” (Maybe your alleged main Pleiadean contact is not really Pleiadean at all. Only
says they are. Geez Louis, it doesn't take a lot to figure that one out. One ought question things,
circumstances they find themselves in etc. Talking to liars gets you nowhere. Oh my #`\<^\/^>/`#!, some people have no center at all! Wouldn't you ask yourself questions and get answers, from your self? But noooo, she asks them questions, stupid questions, and gets stupid answers in return. Hollow.
Some people are so ignorant they cleave after worshipping something, anything. It's no wonder
money is a god to so many. They're hollow. There's no center. There are no questions being asked
of their own self. There is no search for answers. There is only a dull serving of the physical
senses replacing a center of substance. It's so pathetic I feel no pity for them.)


Here's something totally 'off-base' (pun intended) which describes why so many people are dully oriented into thinking there is no such thing as life out there in the Universe, that only the idiot things going on in their utterly boring lives are all that is. Excerpt:

The SPECTRUM October 3, 2000

"When  our  astronauts  first  landed  on  the Moon  in  1969,  they  were  greeted  by  a  fleet  of disks  sitting  on  the  rim  of  a  crater.    The astronauts  asked  their  superiors  whether  they  knew about  these  disks.    They  were  told  “yes”,  that they  were  American  disks.    The  astronauts were  angry  at  being  used  as  public-relations men  by  the  government  and  had  not  been  told the truth.
     [Editor’s note:  The point Al is making here is  that  NASA’s  1969  Moon  mission  was  simply a pageant to entertain the public with an event that   was   supposed   to   be   demonstrating “advanced”  technology  of  the  day.    This  is  a common technique which helps to subconsciously    cement    into    the    public awareness  the  idea  of  technology  that  is nowhere near as advanced as is the truth of the matter.  In a sense, it is a form of mind control to keep the public thinking (and living) in terms of, so to speak, the horse-and-buggy, while the supersonic   aircraft   remains   secret   (and typically used for no good).]"



  1. Serious question. Why would these people refer to themselves as Tau ceti when that is the scientific name humans on earth came up with? Would they not have their own classification?

    1. Yea, they probably do have their own classification, in fact, they probably have their own language. You see, we have our own language and so we use that in order to communicate that which we experience, and so, the people here have named them Tau Ceti. Simplified. It's for communications sake.
