Daily Moon Phases

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Alien Mind Programming

Discerning Alien Disinformation, by Montalk.

Mind Programming

Page 23

Another prevalent but little discussed aspect of abductions is mind programming. The
insertion of harmful posthypnotic commands into an abductee's subconscious. The
command to forget an abduction and remember a screen memory is just one
manifestation of this phenomenon, and can just as easily be used for more insidious
purposes. These commands are given while the abductee is in an artificially induced state
of hypnotic trance, and these commands can lie dormant in the subconscious until
triggered hours, days, or weeks later, to produce a strong compulsion to carry out the
command. (like the murdering of John Lennon).

They may also work continuously to bias your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and
reactions, in a predetermined direction. [It is not uncommon for individuals to suddenly
get sleepy, fidgety, or brain-fog when reading, watching, or hearing something they are
"not suppose to learn." Such materials tend to center on information which is helpful to
freeing them from manipulation by negative forces. I suspect that brain implants could
accomplish this automatically by monitoring for keywords, or key-thought-patterns, and
injecting an electrical or etheric impulse to disrupt them, to disrupt those thinking
processes. Posthypnotic commands could do this as well.]

The aim of mind programming is behavioral modification toward greater compliance with
an agenda, and greater submission to the abductors and mind programmers. Alien
posthypnotic commands are given telepathically and come with nonverbal layers,
reinforcing the accompanying verbal commands.

In mind programming, desirable behaviors are induced and undesirable ones suppressed.
The first includes obsession with disinformative ideas, intensely desiring further
abductions, falling into an artificially orchestrated relationship with another abductee, and
being compelled to rationalize away ideas that contradict the agenda. The second includes
sudden and total loss of faith in pursuits that would undermine alien control, becoming
irrationally antagonistic and break relations with friends, having a strong aversion to
certain lines of research, or simply being stuck with spells of forgetfulness or sleepiness
when getting too close to forbidden territory.

If an abductee is targeted for elimination due to having become too aware, unpredictable,
or influential in defiance of the agenda, then programming becomes a tool of attrition,
hitting multiple subconscious vulnerabilities simultaneously, for extended periods of time.
It wears down the target through repeated inductions of doubt, procrastination, cynicism,
anxiety, apathy, fear, irritability, aggression, depression, perversion, suicidal thoughts, and
other destructive thoughts and feelings. These symptoms do not exclusively indicate
mind programming, rather, they are selected from the pool of human dysfunctions due to
their especially destructive nature.

People unaware of mind programming are easily defeated by it because they take these
unwelcome thoughts as their own. The key to countering mind programming is to identify
irrational impulses until they cease, then analyze and fix what personal vulnerabilities were
highlighted by the experience.

Although manipulative aliens may use overt threats, rewards, punishment, and
harrassment to get their way, these tactics are not subtle and thus less likely to succeed
when a target grows aware of them. It is more effective to bypass the conscious mind
altogether, sneak beneath the threshold of awareness, and thereby reduce the possibility
of suspicion and resistance. Aliens are more sophisticated than generally credited,
especially when it comes to their tactics of persuasion.

Hyperdimensional Manipulation

To give an indication of the level of sophistication involved, consider that mind
programming is often paired with another set of tools the aliens possess: the ability to
view probable futures, make small alterations to the past to change conditions in the
present, and thereby shifting the odds of those probable futures, and program useful
people into functioning as strategic players who carry out certain actions.

This allows orchestration of problematic life situations toward which the target will react
in the most damaging ways according to his posthypnotic programming. Both external
reality, and the subconscious, are set up like dominoes so they knock each other down to
produce the desired outcome.

This can be used to socially isolate targets, break up networks, subvert organizations,
undercut collaberative projects, and hijack the making of critical decisions. All of it is
routine for interdimensional beings who have access to our minds, who have skillful
monitoring abilities, and are not limited by linear time or logistical shortcomings.

Why would they even bother messing with single individuals? Because small actions can
have large consequences.

Interdimensional entities have an overhead view of our time-line, are able to see past,
present, and future simultaneously as an intelligent, complex, and dynamic network of
causal segments and choice points with which they can interact. But, due to various
quantum and metaphysical factors, they are limited to varying degrees in how much of
this network they can perceive and alter.

Their standard mode of operation is to target critical moments on the time-line where our
future is most in flux, where the smallest nudging on their part may produce the largest
favorable outcome for them. These moments are 'choice points' where a straight
sequence of events split into multiple probable futures. The person, on whose decision
these futures hinge upon, is then targeted through programming, telepathic persuasion,
coercion from people who've been unwittingly influenced to play that role, baiting through
artificial synchronicities -i.e. freak coincidences designed to create misleading
impressions that a certain decision is the right one- disinformative dreams or visions, and
other creative forms of persuasion.

Simply by influencing the persons mind into making a different choice, the time-line can
be altered. And small alterations shift the 'game board' and open opportunities for bigger
alterations, which in turn, prepare the stage for even larger ones.

No 'choice point' on the time-line is too small to target, since small decisions can cascade
into big effects down the line. By patiently and strategically carrying out this process,
alien time-line manipulators seek to achieve their ultimate goal of completely turning over a
time-line network in their favor, thereby securing a probable future where they have
achieved unassailable dominance over their enemies.

Manipulation of Mass Consciousness

For humanity at large, the ultimate 'choice point' is fast approaching, and involves a global decision concerning our relationship with alien forces who will have revealed themselves by that point. Are the people of earth ready to make that decision? No, but time is up. As things currently stand, the decision would be heavily biased by the backwards assumptions underpinning our various cultures. The irrational exuberance of religious expectations, the narrow-minded recommendations of scientific academia who are clueless about the hidden layers of the alien presence. Then, what must be an informed decision, will instead become a disinformed decision, thanks to alien propaganda and the influence of compromised opinion, leaders groomed to persuade hungry minds with selective evidence, and slick sophistry.

This is conveniently (7-11) in line with the nature of hyperdimensional conquest. Unlike physical warfare, it employs nonphysical weapons to fight for nonphysical territory. It is the way of psychological, metaphysical, and interdimensional subjugation. Since consciousness is the foundation of reality, manipulation of consciousness is what secures control over the minds and souls of entire civilizations, and thus their destiny and reality. That is the danger we now face.

Page 29

The Nature of Disinformation

Disinformation is the most potent tool for manipulating mass conscousness. While there
is no shortage of (making mistakes) innocent misinformation stemming from logical
fallacies, wishful thinking, false assumptions, selective evidence, and outright ignorance,
disinformation intentionally exploits these weaknesses to shape beliefs and actions of
targeted audiences.

Disinformation is especially successful when its core agenda is bundled in the sincere
convictions of disseminators who have their own vested interests in believing and
defending it. A cold and calculating intelligence may devise a disinformation package to
be propagated through a naive individual who finds it so appealing to his ego identity and
emotional security that he will do everything to defend it. This allows a small and unseen
group of disinformers to work through a vast body of unsuspecting vectors, who
sincerely believe in what they are doing.

Disinformation also uses selective evidence to support false conclusions. Good reasoning
may proceed from false premises, fallacious twists of logic are used, or reasoning is
discouraged and the conclusion asked to be taken on either the emotional appeal or
authority of its purported source. Disinformation has no problem throwing strategic
gambits, revealing genuine but convenient truths to make its case, if the payoff is bigger
than the sacrifice.

Discerning Disinformation

Discerning disinformation is tricky business. It amounts to performing a mental biopsy on
the pathological underpinnings of a suspect source. It helps to have a well-honed intuition
that can detect pretense, after which critical thinking converges on the exact problem.
Problems tend to be false assumptions, ignored counterexamples, logical fallacies, and
ulterior motives.

More specifically, alien disinformation plays to these common psychological
vulnerabilities: lazy thinking, ego insecurities and the desire to be special, naive optimism
that leads good intentions down a dangerous path, greater respect for credibility and
authority than personal discernment and intuition, wishful thinking, desperation for
answers and consequent lowering of standards, wonderment at amazing but superficial
appearances to the point of gullibility, and desire for escapism out of sheer boredom.

Since the goal is to influence opinion, the best disinformation is concise, slick, and
persuasive. It maximizes credibility by taking whatever form of authority the target
respects most, and is careful to dispel suspicions that the source is doing it for fame or
financial gain. It is false to assume that if someone risks publishing revelatory information
without asking anything in return, that he must be sincere; on the contrary, what
disinformation asks for in return is belief in its half-truths.

The best disinformation so tidily packages its deceptions that the containing story can be
impressively concise, charming, entertaining, and easy to follow. It goes beyond mere
logical fallacies and employs hypnotic techniques to massage the targeted mind into
accepting the payload. These manipulation tactics are nothing exotic. Psychological
warfare specialists, street magicians, neurolinguistic programmers, and advertisers make
regular use of them in their professions.

Disinformation must ideally exploit the deepest desires, insecurities, and blind spots of
the target, which necessarily vary by audience type. The originators of disinformation
therefore use different methods and sources to appeal to different audiences. In the case
of individuals used as unwitting agents of deception, their selection depends on how
easily their weaknesses allow them to be hooked into performing that function, and how
well their strengths are suited to playing on the weaknesses of the audience. In this way, a
chain of influence reaches the audience by way of an intermediary who has the added
appeal of being skilled and respected. (such as celebrities).

Avenues of Disinformation

What follows is an exploration of several avenues for alien disinformation and why they
are convenient and effective. This will indicate just how easily the fringe research
community and general public can be misled by sources they trust when they fail to
consider the possibilities below. These avenues can also be outlets for truth, so my aim is
not to universally discredit these sources, but rather point out their potential

The Channeler

Summary: Channeling involves one or more individuals allowing themselves to be used by
unseen intelligences who communicate information through them. This includes the use of
Ouija boards, mediumistic trance states, automatic writing, and conscious verbalization of
intuitive impressions. Pendulum dowsing, muscle testing, scrying, and crystal gazing may
also allow such communication. The channeled sources may claim to be anything ranging
from aliens to angels, deceased persons to demonic beings, famous individuals in history,
time travelers, other dimensional entities, the subconscious, and impersonal archetypes.

Strength of Source: Discarnate entities, alien beings, and advanced human military
factions can transmit verbal and visual information remotely, whether electromagnetically
or telepathically. They also have limited ability to induce paranormal phenomena, predict
the future, and arrange synchronistic events by which they can prove their existence and
overwhelmingly awe the target into submission. This exploits the logical fallacy that truth
of existence somehow equates to existence of truth, which ignores the possibility of real
sources providing bogus information where it counts. These demonstrations of faux
omniscence, omnipotence, and precognition rule out that the source is just a fabrication
of the channeler, but do not prove that the source being channeled is necessarily being

Channeling also affords deceptive sources anonymity and freedom to fabricate an identity
and back-story. Channeling is therefore highly customizable to the weaknesses of the
targets. The same source can change identities repeatedly to whatever sounds most

Weakness of Vector: Establishing and maintaining a connection requires mental
dissociation so that the source can come through clearly without restriction by the
conscious mind of the channeler. This amounts to a relinquishing of free will, and a
manipulative entity may abuse this offer by sinking roots into the mind of the channeler,
deeper than it could otherwise. In worst cases, this can lead to possession, where the
channeler not only transmits disinformation during specified sessions, but becomes a
walking extension of the negative entity, serving an agenda in broader ways. Conscious
abandonment over the channeling process may also grow into habitual abandonment of
discernment and critical thinking, whereby the channeler simply accepts and relays what is
transmitted after having been won over with convenient but trivial truths.

Strength of Vector: Being just the messenger, frees the channeler from having to
personally defend the information received. The source is likewise freed from always
having to back up its claims, relying instead on self-proclaimed authority and various
specious excuses. Through channeling, disinformation is given unlimited creative latitude,
taking bold and direct expressions since claims that are too far-fetched for other
audiences, will readil be accepted by channeling enthusiasts. If especially entertaining and
fascinating, source and channeler rise to cult or celebrity status, which adds to the
authority factor that overrides critical thinking.

Weakness of Audience: Since rationalists perceive channeling as a dubious means of
investigation, it appeals more to people who pride themselves on being open minded and
not fettered by the limitations of cold intellect. Yet there is a fine line between open
mindedness and gullibility, and those who would replace rather than complement reason
with intuition, leave themselves vulnerable to logical sleights of hand, emotional
manipulation, wishful thinking, and other forms of subjectivity. Channeled disinformation
would play upon these weaknesses.

Remote Viewer

Summary: Remote viewing uses rigid protocols to psychically gather information about a
target with minimal subjective bias. Several remote viewers may tune into the same target
and receive similar impressions, which are then analyzed afterward to construct an
accurate assessment of the target. The U.S. military is publicly known to have explored
remote viewing as an intelligence gathering method. More recently, various researchers
have used remote viewing to probe the nature of the alien presence.

Strength of Source: As in the case of channeling, alien and advanced human disinformers
can transmit information remotely through natural or artificial telepathy. Remote viewers,
even entire teams, are thus open to having their psychic line spliced by such disinformers
and fed misleading impressions.

Weakness of Vector: The greatest weakness is assuming that remote viewing success is
measured by its signal to noise ratio, which ignores the possibility of a strong but
counterfeit signal. Even with subjectivity eliminated, what remains is no guarantee of being

Strength of Vector: Remote viewing has a reputation for being rigid, objective, and even
scientific. Some of its practitioners have worked for the military, others have respectable
academic backgrounds. All this gives it an air of credibility and authority that can augment
any disinformation disseminated through it.

Weakness of Audience: Remote viewing appeals to open minded individuals who value
objectivity and scientific procedure. Although it is more hard-edged than channeling,
when used for disinformation the apparent objectivity is just better window-dressing for
the same deception. That the public military has experimented with remote viewing and
successfully gathered intelligence on targets in nations without psychic defensees, does
not mean remote viewing alien targets is equally reliable. Disinformation passed through
remote viewers disseminates deceptive ideas under the guise of strict objectivity.

Insider / Whistleblower

Summary: Insiders are members of secret societies, military projects, or government
agencies who are privy to non-public information. For various reasons, insiders may leak
some of this information to the public. Often they do it anonymously, perhaps through
third party contacts on the outside, who can vouch for their identity but keep it
confidential while relaying the information. They may also speak openly without hiding
their identity, but then tend to be careful about not revealing more than they are allowed.
Some self-claimed insiders are casually up front and detailed, seemingly holding nothing

Strength of Source: Insiders work within highly controlled, compartmentalized, and
monitored environments as demanded by the secret nature of their work. They are
therefore in proximity to high level sources of disinformation, who have immediate access
to them, particularly sources stationed above them in the hierarchy. If the source is an
advanced military faction, the covert nature of the military network, allows personnel to
be abducted and mind programmed as necessary, to create unwitting disinformation
vectors. Personnel may also be tested, monitored, and recruited into becoming skilled
disinformation operatives, whether they are fully aware of their missions to deceive, or
given a convincing story and some fake but noble sounding reason to leak 'important'
information to the public. Some may even be shown misleading evidence and documents,
and stealthily nudged into becoming whistleblowers, thereby spreading deception with full
conviction that they are somehow undermining their superiors, when in actuality, they are
doing the opposite.

Weakness of Vector: Insiders gain increasing levels of security clearance by
demonstrating a need to know, passing tests of allegiance and usability, signing secrecy
oaths, giving away personal rights, and agreeing ahead of time to the punishments for
breaking these oaths. Secretive networks have numerous methods for ensuring security
stays intact, including monetary incentives, blackmail, threats to livelihood, hypnotic mind
control, and selecting only highly manageable, obedient candidates for recruitment.

Personnel are only told what they need to know to do their jobs, which often includes
false but plausible stories to compel their cooperation. Compartmentalization makes it
difficult for an insider to compare notes with others in order to detect disinformation fed
to him by superiors. Despite having secret knowledge, insiders are still woefully in the
dark concerning information beyond their clearance level. Compartmentalization keeps the
bigger picture out of sight, and without that context, insiders may not always detect
disinformation in what they have already been told.

Strength of Vector: Anyone who is verifiably on the 'inside', is venerated for being in so
privileged and qualified a position, and for being courageous and generous enough to risk
leaking precious information to the public. This bestows upon their words great credence
because what they say amounts to expert witness testimony, words by those who are
positioned to know. Of course, this appearance of authority creates the perfect vehicle
for seeding disinformation. Secrecy oaths and national security laws are also good
excuses for dodging certain inconvenient questions and adding to the atmosphere of

Weakness of Audience: Compartmentalization and secrecy laws prevent the public from
more thoroughly investigating insider claims, by barring them from accessing evidence
under wraps, documents still classified, and witnesses unwilling to risk their lives. Much
of what insiders say must be taken on their credibility. If they can prove their credentials,
that impresses many, but insiders are secured an influential voice if their story is also
conveniently corroborated by leaked documents and intriguing photos that pander to the
audience's assumptions, questions, and desperation for confirmation.

Audiences are guaranteed to be duped if they fail to rule out the possibility of the insider
being a disinformer, regardless of his credentials, especially if his claims are supported by
forged photos and documents supplied by the well-equipped and connected network
sponsoring him. The best that audiences can do is to look for errors and contradictions
in his claims, and more importantly, make a probabilistic assessment of his integrity,
based on the angle behind his claims and whom it would benefit most.

Public Official

Summary: Public officials include elected or appointed members of political and religious
institutions, those with special titles and credentials who are in respected positions of

Strength of Source: Disinformers hold the great advantage of influencing through a highly
visible figurehead without themselves being seen. They can be among his personal
advisors, programmed or recruited associates, who are planted close to him to sway his
beliefs and decisions, secret organizations from which he periodically receives
instructions, or alien factions abducting and programming him into adopting their goals.
These sources can easily blackmail the official, exploit his naivette, offer incentives of
money and power for obedience, and tell or show him whatever 'truth' shocks him into

Weakness of Vector: The official is foremost a public figure, whose loss of reputation
and popular support spells the end of his career. He can therefore be threatened with
character assassination, real assassination, or bribed with promises of personal and
institutional advancement and protection. Being a public official can be so time-
consuming that time for personal indeependent research and thorough contemplation is
limited, which may make him dependent on advisors for condensed briefings and
recommendations. This makes for reliance on potential sources of disinformation, and an
overall lack of discernment concerning matters beyond his expertise.

His prominence as a public figure, may also make him too much of a liability to be given
the real truth, so he may be barred from higher security clearances unless he has an
absolute need to know. Unless he has intelligence, allegiance, and power that surpass his
role as public official, he is expendable.

Strength of Vector: Officials are decision-makers, opinion leaders. If their reputation is
intact, their words hold sway over public opinion. They can influence public opinion to
hijack democracy, advancing private agendas under the protection of majority vote.
Officials can also invoke the power and reverence of the institutions they represent, like a
church official declaring some political agenda as being the will of God.

Weakness of Audience: The audience in this case is the general public, the least discerning
audience of all. Typically speaking, the public has blind respect for authority, is easily
impressed by credentials, and lacks the knowledge and context to properly evaluate what
they are told -- especially if they are told disinformation concerning fringe subjects like

This is simply the fact of statistical averages. The mainstream public needs security,
stability, and certainty, which authorities are obliged to provide, though not without
political motivation. Should public officials reveal the existence of aliens with full
sanctioning by their affiliated institutions, the shock to mass consciousness and ensuing
clamor for answers would allow these officials to unload a well-received torrent of
disinformation concerning alien motivations and identities.


Summary: Academics include credentialed doctors, scientists, professors, theologians,
analysts, and other highly educated specialists whose research and presentations methods
are formal, systematic, and sophisticated. Those involved in researching various facets of
the alien phenomenon may have degrees useful to their facet of study. They typically cite
other academics to boost their own credibility, drawing their conclusions by surveying the
relevant literature and collating authoritative viewpoints into a generalized observation
somewhat enhanced by their own original research.

Strength of Source: Since the intellectual capabilities and strategic value of an academic
can be inferred without difficulty through his credentials, reputation, and publications, a
broad pool of candidates may be monitored to select who is most qualified to be
groomed into a disinformation vector. Academics who refuse to cooperate and become
liabilities, can be eliminated either through murder or smearing of character.

Alien and military factions can also corrupt the relied-upon data pool by inserting decoy
data, for example, through abductees programmed with screen memories that portray a
false picture of alien motivations. In that case, without suspecting the possibility of
deception, an academic will accept the decoy at face value and inject its contents into his
works. Even if he suspects it, his suspicions cannot be voiced without risking his
credibility by appearing paranoid.

Weakness of Vector: The need to preserve reputation and appear reasoned, cautious, and
formal, can lead to an agnostic timidity that keeps the academic from taking those creative
leaps of thinking, necessary to penetrate the depths of a mystery. It also discourages him
from acknowledging sources of information that do not meet the standard of his peers,
despite containing critical pieces of the puzzle. Additionally, it is no secret that universities
are as much indoctrination and filtering devices, as they are educational institutions, and
those who most successfully pass through that filter, have demonstrated programmability
and a willingness to obey the rules and pander to group consensus.

Despite having a sharp intellect, the potential lack of individualism and astute intuition, can
make a renowned academic gullible to the grandest of deceptions, especially those
endorsed by his respected peers and academic superiors.

Strength of Vector: The primary strength of an academic is his level of sophistication, in
the sense of being cultured and refined. However, sophistication does not necessarily
mean discernment, as it could equally mean being a sophisticated rationalizer, and
disinformer, hence, a master sophist. Further, academics are automatically endowed with
credibility, due to their credentials, and often work in positions of influence and
advisement. Credibility and sophistication together lead to effective debunking of truths
and verification of lies. They can also function as role models in the fringe community,
spreading an infectious attitude of myopic agnosticism to those most in need of the

Weakness of Audience: For some audiences, academics are epitomes of objectivity and
respectability who are beyond reproach, especially groups of academics in agreement
with each other. The most skeptical audiences will listen to academics more than other
types of disinformation vectors. They may find the disinformation to be more plausible
than the truth because at least it fits their unrealistic assumptions and comes from an
assumedly incorruptible source. The job of an academic disinformer would be to make
an intricate case for a deceptive agenda while marginalizing contrary truths as not meeting
the standards of plausibility and credibility.

Abductee / Contactee

Summary: Abductees and contactees are people who have had direct contact with alien
beings. Abductees are taken from their familiar surroundings and brought into the
abductor environment where they undergo various proceedures. Contactees have
conscious participation in the interaction and become sons for their alien contacts.

Not all contactees are necessarily abductees, nor are all abductees necessarily contactees,
but the two categories overlap since contactees get abducted and abductees can be
groomed into consciously facilitating an alien message.

Strength of Source: Abductors have direct access to the abductee in an environment they
control. Various alien and military factions can create false memories, scan the mind and
body's etheric vibrational signature to analyze weaknesses and biases, use posthypnotic
mind programming techiniques to install subconscious commands, employ telepathic or
implant-generated persuasion, monitor their subjects from afar, stage false confirmation
through garish coincidences, and construct exquisite lies and rationalizations. They can
also scan the population to select those who are most suitable to their aims, employing
logistical and hyperdimensional advantages to give customized attention.

Weakness of Vector: The greatest weakness of an abductee or contactee is knowing less
about himself than what his contacts or abductors know.

They have back-door entrances to his mind and can perform manipulations that stealthily
influence his thoughts and impulses. Unless he is aware of that possibility and guards
against it, it is rather inevitable. Abductees and contactees may feel alienated from society
due to having uncommon and unbelievable experiences, thus seeing themselves as
different from others. If hitched to ego, this can degenerate into feelings of privilege,
superiority, or specialness that serve as hook points for the abductors to compel

Their identity may become so heavily invested in being the contactee of a particular alien
group that any suggestions of dishonest motivations by their alien contacts, is
subconsciously interpreted as an attack upon their very identity, which naturally, provokes
an irrational defense mechanism.

Some may simply give up, feeling overpowered by superior intelligences with superior
technology, and in a psychotic attempt to salvage the situation, turn into willing and
zealous cooperators per Stockholm syndrome.

Strength of Vector: Real abductees and contactees exude plenty of sincerity and
conviction in recounting their firsthand experiences with aliens. Their candor can be
disarming to undiscerning audiences. Abductees who document their experiences may
have audiovisual, medical, or testimonial evidence that they are indeed being abducted,
and that alone piques people's curiosity about what they learned in the presence of real

Weakness of Audience: Like in the case of channelers, contactees can become the center
of personality cults, playing the role of intermediaries between the audience and their alien
idols, like a prophet or pontiff intermediating between worshippers and the divine. It is the
abductee and contactee's proximity and direct interaction with mysterious aliens that
boosts the credibility of whatever disinformation is vectored through them.

The targeted audience consists of abductees searching for answers, researchers of the
abduction phenomenon looking for inside information on alien motivations, and people
wishing they themselves could be contacted by aliens. Disinformation appeals to their
private longings and blind spots, taking what little they know toward false conclusions
and satisfying their ego along the way.


Summary: The hypnotist is trained to guide a client into achieving altered states of
consciousness deep enough to access the subconscious. The hypnotic trance is one of
suggestibility and dissociation. Abduction researchers commonly accept hypnosis as an
investigative tool to help their subjects recover abduction memories made inaccessible by
having been in an altered state of consciousness during the abduction, or by abductors
installing screen memories and posthypnotic commands to forget. Hypnotized subjects
can also be used for remote viewing, exploring past and future probable lives, and as
passive instruments for channeling other beings.

Strength of Source: Alien and military factions can install screen memories with multiplle
fail-safe layers in abductees, stage misleading abduction scenarios, and jack into a
hypnotized subject's mind to speak through him while he is unconscious.

Weakness of Vector: Hypnotists may be in over their heads when dealing with
disinformation sources coming through their clients. If they are unaware that screen
memories can lurk beneath deeper screen memories, they may only penetrate the decoy
screen and accept the next one as likely truth. Same with staged abductions, where what
is recalled is indeed what was experienced, but the experience itself was staged for the
abductee as a diversion. Furthermore, if the hypnotized person becomes an instrument
through which a disinformer can directly speak, then the hypnotist is in live contact with
someone or something that can play to his weaknesses.

Strength of Vector: The information retrievable through hypnosis is fascinating,
entertaining, and sometimes verifiable. This gives it wide appeal and respect in the fringe
research field. It may also be used by academics as a research supplement to expand
their data pool. Like in the case of channeling, because what is said cannot always be
verified, disinformation can be as creative and fantastic as desired.

Weakness of Audience: Disinformation rides the assumption that what is retrieved through
hypnosis, if not fabricated by the subject or induced by the hypnotist through leading
questions, is very likely the truth. Again, this is the fallacy "if not subjective and false, then
objective and true," which ignores the possibility of objective deception. In ordinary
cases where no deceptive intentions are involved, hypnosis can indeed be reliable, but the
trust and respect hypnosis earns through reliable cases should not be blindly transferred
to potentially disinformative cases.

Direct Messages

Summary: Messages to the public may appear to come directly from aliens without an
intermediary. This includes radio signals from space, hijacked television transmissions,
crop circles, and anonymously disseminated texts written from their point of view.

Strength of Source: Any alien or military group with sufficiently advanced technology can
create crop circles, take over television signals, broadcast radio signals from space, and
use anonymous human proxies to distribute carefully written messages to the world. Their
abilities greatly exceed what the casual hoaxer can pull off, which they use to their
advantage to make the messages seem beyond hoaxability and thus, seem authentic.

Weakness of Audience: If the audience believes the message really comes from aliens,
they will be intrigued and take the message as a sincere declaration of alien intentions. The
message may take an authoritative tone, take the form of responses to messages we
ourselves have sent into space, appeal to ethical memes like concerns over global
warming, overpopulation, or governement corruption, tantalize the intellect with feigned
cyrpticism, or prime the audience for future deceptions by giving key future dates and

The audience must be convinced aliens are sending urgent messages to the world so that
the content of the message influences their opinion about the nature of these aliens and
what must be done. Disinformation sent by way of direct messages aim to distort public
awareness of alien motivations and influence the audience into supporting certain actions
and values that are beneficial to the agenda.


As can be seen, disinformation uses a variety of methods to target a variety of audiences:

- The general public who would prefer stability and security over disquieting truths.
- Spiritual and New Age types who succumb to wishful thinking and emotionalism.
- Intellectuals whose limited reasoning follows from flawed premises.
- Countercultures whose fascination with the bizarre outweighs their interest in truth.
- Factualists who only accept evidence fitting their subjective standards of credibility.
- Political activists who would support false solutions to combat true injustices.
- UFO buffs who hungrily swallow crumbs of disinformation for its sensational nature.
- Abductees whose identities are invested in being liasons between humans and aliens.

Methods include:

- Appealing to blind respect for authority.
- Appealing to false and limiting assumptions.
- Appealing to emotional biases.
- Appealing to a need for safety, security, and certainty.
- Appealing to the ego's desire for identity and specialness.
- Appealing to boredom through tantalizing and entertaining stories.
- Appealing to skepticism to ridicule the truth.
- Appealing to mental lassitude by presenting an unnecessarily simplistic picture.
- Offering a false outlet for good intentions.
- Using logical sleights of hand.
- Forcing a choice between two equally false opposites.
- Providing misleading evidence.
- Staging artificial corroboration through seemingly independent sources.

You can read the rest of the book in the link I gave up top.

Now for an extra treat to your conscious mind, see what else is happening behind-the-
scenes of the alien intrusion in this next excerpt. Now, is this disinformation, or is this real?

From the website:  "Think About It."

The Reptilian Pact

(The "Secret Pact," the "Secret Covenant")
Unknown Author

An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.
Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.
We will create separate fronts, to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.
We will behave as if we are not connected, to keep the illusion alive.
Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves.
This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
We will always stand above the relative field of their experience, for we know the secrets of the absolute.
We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.
We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.
We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.
We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.
They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds.
We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.
The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.
From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.
We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.
We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.
Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.
When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help.
We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.
When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.
We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.
They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they many never connect with their inner self.
We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures, and games, so they may never be one with the oneness of it All.
Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say.
If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use fear as our weapon.
We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides.
We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan.
They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.
Our families will never mix with theirs.
Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way.
We will make them kill each other when it suits us.
We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.
We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.
We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves.
We will foment animosity between them through our factions.
When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.
We will make them rip each other's hearts apart and kill their own children.
We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.
The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers.
They will be busy killing each other.
They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.
We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us.
We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.
We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished.
We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds.
We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this.
The tools will be provided by their labor.
We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.
We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one.
This they must never know!
They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal.
Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal.
We will take over their land, resources, and wealth, to exercise total control over them.
We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have.
We will establish a monetary system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.
When they shall band together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world, for we shall own all the media.
We will use our media to control the flow of information, and their sentiment, in our favor.
When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that.
They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.
We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us.
The recruits will be called "initiates" and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms.
Members of these groups [Editor´s Note: the Illuminati] will think they are one with us never knowing the truth.
They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us.
For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars.
They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment.
This they will never know.
The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until it's too late.
Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.
When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them.
This reality will be their prison.
They will live in self-delusion.
When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin.
Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.
But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW.
If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.
They must never, ever, find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen.
Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
This is the Secret Covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans.
This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came.
This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist.
It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.


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